Save eladnava/0824d08da8f99419ef2c7b7fb6d4cc78 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
exec > /tmp/${PROJECT_NAME}_archive.log 2>&1 | |
if [ "true" == ${ALREADYINVOKED:-false} ] | |
then | |
echo "RECURSION: Detected, stopping" | |
else | |
export ALREADYINVOKED="true" | |
# make sure the output directory exists | |
echo "Building for iPhoneSimulator" | |
xcodebuild -workspace "${WORKSPACE_PATH}" -scheme "${TARGET_NAME}" -configuration ${CONFIGURATION} -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6' ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO ARCHS='i386 x86_64' BUILD_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}" BUILD_ROOT="${BUILD_ROOT}" ENABLE_BITCODE=YES OTHER_CFLAGS="-fembed-bitcode" BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode clean build | |
# Step 1. Copy the framework structure (from iphoneos build) to the universal folder | |
echo "Copying to output folder" | |
# Step 2. Copy Swift modules from iphonesimulator build (if it exists) to the copied framework directory | |
SIMULATOR_SWIFT_MODULES_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}/${CONFIGURATION}-iphonesimulator/${TARGET_NAME}.framework/Modules/${TARGET_NAME}.swiftmodule/." | |
if [ -d "${SIMULATOR_SWIFT_MODULES_DIR}" ]; then | |
fi | |
# Step 3. Create universal binary file using lipo and place the combined executable in the copied framework directory | |
echo "Combining executables" | |
# Step 4. Create universal binaries for embedded frameworks | |
#for SUB_FRAMEWORK in $( ls "${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/${TARGET_NAME}.framework/Frameworks" ); do | |
#done | |
# Step 5. Convenience step to copy the framework to the project's directory | |
echo "Copying to project dir" | |
open "${PROJECT_DIR}" | |
fi |
@nick3389 👍 thanks!
Hi all of you ,
Please can you help me .
Regarding third party framework add in podspec file .
@eladnava @fer662 @BalaKarunakaran
It seems that in XCode 10, the folder under Release-universal path does not contain the {YOUR_FRAMEWORK}.framework file but its contents. I solved it by replacing this line under
echo "Copying to output folder"
with this one:
Please, confirm that it works for you too.
It's work for xcode 10
@eladnava @fer662 @BalaKarunakaran
It seems that in XCode 10, the folder under Release-universal path does not contain the {YOUR_FRAMEWORK}.framework file but its contents. I solved it by replacing this line under
echo "Copying to output folder"
with this one:
Please, confirm that it works for you too.
I actually had to change a different line for this to work on Xcode 10 (Version 10.0 (10A255)). I added a missing target name. But kept the original line you mentioned changing. I just changed:
and it worked correctly.
If still not working check AlexM answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/52873099/4311935
Just want to notice that script will not work as is if you have different target and product names (e.g., target MyLib_iOS and product MyLib.framework). This can be fixed by using $PRODUCT_NAME
instead of $TARGET_NAME
(except of -scheme
@eladnava thanks so much for creating this! This and your article at https://eladnava.com/publish-a-universal-binary-ios-framework-in-swift-using-cocoapods/ was amazing.
Here is the change I made to get it to working:
- products_path and install_path needed a file slash otherwise it doesn’t reference the correct file.
- Including the full_product_name causes ONLY the framework contents to be copied.
Also, as you’ll probably have to modify this Xcode script to fit your particular framework, here's three debugging tips:
The file at
is a lifesaver for trouble-shooting efforts. Every archive, you should be referencing this file. -
I highly suggest adding this echo statement to the file as this path is were 99% of your problems will occur:
echo "Framework location: ${ARCHIVE_PRODUCTS_PATH}/${INSTALL_PATH}/“
If the error log tries a cp command and "file can't be found" then it is most likely a path error.
For Xcode 11 change 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6' to 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8'
I had some issues in copy files. I resolved with this code:
exec > /tmp/${PROJECT_NAME}_archive.log 2>&1
if [ "true" == ${ALREADYINVOKED:-false} ]
echo "RECURSION: Detected, stopping"
export ALREADYINVOKED="true"
echo "Building for iPhoneSimulator"
xcodebuild -workspace "${WORKSPACE_PATH}" -scheme "${TARGET_NAME}" -configuration ${CONFIGURATION} -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6' ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO ARCHS='i386 x86_64' BUILD_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}" BUILD_ROOT="${BUILD_ROOT}" ENABLE_BITCODE=YES OTHER_CFLAGS="-fembed-bitcode" BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode clean build
# make sure the output directory exists
# Step 1. Copy the framework structure (from iphoneos build) to the universal folder
echo "Copying to output folder"
# Step 2. Copy Swift modules from iphonesimulator build (if it exists) to the copied framework directory
if [ -d "${SIMULATOR_SWIFT_MODULES_DIR}" ]; then
# Step 3. Create universal binary file using lipo and place the combined executable in the copied framework directory
echo "Combining executables"
# Step 4. Create universal binaries for embedded frameworks
#for SUB_FRAMEWORK in $( ls "${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/${TARGET_NAME}.framework/Frameworks" ); do
# Step 5. Convenience step to copy the framework to the project's directory
echo "Copying to project dir"
open "${PROJECT_DIR}"
@caiovncius environment variables are not working since XCode 11.4. I just try to echo "${TARGET_NAME}" but the result is blank. Any thought about this? It only works if I embed it as a post archive script.
in xCode12 , the result is blank
in xCode12 , the result is blank - SAME HERE : )) what the hell : ))
Hello i am currently learning about framework, and faced the issue with blank result.
I am using Xcode 12
Comment out the first line if your results are blank. It redirects the output to a file.
This used to work in Xcode 8.3.3
It is not working in Xcode 9.4.1. The generated framework does not have the i386 & x86_64 files. Any update needed in script?