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Created October 1, 2019 07:11
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Find magic numbers for a factorio decimal -> 7 segment display decoder
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Random.Lazy
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
import Text.Printf
primes :: [Integer]
primes = let
ps x = test primes where
lim = floor $ sqrt (fromIntegral x)
test (n:ns)
| n > lim = (traceShowId x) : ps (x+2)
| 0 == x `rem` n = ps (x+2)
| otherwise = test ns
in 2:3:ps 5
segments:: [(Integer, ([Integer], [Integer]))]
segments = [
(0, ([2,3,5,6,7,8,9,0], [1,4])), -- A
(1, ([1,2,3,4,7,8,9,0], [5,6])), -- B
(2, ([1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0], [2])), -- C
(3, ([2,3,5,6,8,0], [1,4,7,9])), -- D
(4, ([2,6,8,0], [1,3,4,5,7,9])), -- E
(5, ([4,5,6,8,9,0], [1,2,3,7])), -- F
(6, ([2,3,4,5,6,8,9], [1,7,0])) -- G
segments' :: [([Integer], [Integer])]
segments' = snd <$> segments
data TOp = Lt | Gt deriving (Show)
data FQuad = Quad Integer Integer Integer TOp Integer deriving (Show)
showTripleFor :: ([Integer], [Integer]) -> FQuad -> String
showTripleFor (as, bs) tr@(Quad a b c o d) = s o where
as' = applyQuad tr <$> as
bs' = applyQuad tr <$> bs
s Lt = printf "x = i +2; (%d*x^3 + %d*x + %d) %% %d : %d < %d" a b c d (maximum as') (minimum bs')
s Gt = printf "x = i +2; (%d*x^3 + %d*x + %d) %% %d : %d > %d" a b c d (minimum as') (maximum bs')
factorioRing :: Integer -> Integer
factorioRing i = ((i + 2147483648) `mod` 4294967296) - 2147483648
applyQuad :: FQuad -> Integer -> Integer
applyQuad (Quad a b c _ d) i = let
i' = i+2
a' = factorioRing (i'*i'*i'*a)
b' = factorioRing (b * i')
in factorioRing (a' + b' + c) `mod` d
testTriple :: ([Integer], [Integer]) -> FQuad -> Bool
testTriple (as, bs) tr@(Quad _ _ _ x _) = t x where
as' = applyQuad tr <$> as
bs' = applyQuad tr <$> bs
t Lt = maximum as' < minimum bs'
t Gt = minimum as' > maximum bs'
seekTriples :: [FQuad]
seekTriples = let
aLim :: Integer -> [Integer]
aLim b = takeWhile (< b) [1..]
potentials :: Integer -> [FQuad]
potentials b = Quad <$> aLim b <*> aLim b <*> [0] <*> [Lt, Gt] <*> [b]
filtered :: Integer -> ([Integer], [Integer]) -> Maybe FQuad
filtered b ls = find (testTriple ls) $ potentials b
possibilitySpace :: [Maybe [FQuad]]
possibilitySpace = (\f -> sequence (f <$> segments')) . filtered <$> primes
in fromJust $ join $ find isJust possibilitySpace
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr $ unlines $ zipWith showTripleFor segments' seekTriples
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