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Context and namesapce aware kubectl aliaes
#@IgnoreInspection BashAddShebang
# Setup:
# 1. source this script in your ~/.bashrc
# source "~/"
# Usage:
# - use kctx to set context
# - use kns to set namespace
# - kjmp to jump to a set list of cluster and namespace pair from a local text file
# - now use kctl instead of kubectl and all the commands will have correct namespace and context passed
# - try other shorthand aliases for frequently used commands
# NOTE: used and tested with bash and zsh
# see more tips:
# === Bash functions
# get bash shell on pod
function k8s_get_bash() {
kctl exec -it $1 bash
# get current context for a session
function get_k8s_context() {
# if kubectl context is not set, set it to current-context"
if [[ -z "${K8S_CONTEXT}" ]]; then
current_ctx="$(kubectl config current-context)"
export K8S_CONTEXT=${current_ctx}
echo ${K8S_CONTEXT}
# get current namespace for a session
function get_k8s_namespace() {
# if kubectl namespace is not set, set it to default
if [[ -z "${K8S_NAMESPACE}" ]]; then
export K8S_NAMESPACE="default"
# handle kns command
function k8s_namespace() {
# show current namespace if now is passed
if [[ "$1" = "--now" ]] || [[ "$1" = "-n" ]]; then
echo "$(get_k8s_namespace)"
return 0
# if no arg is passed Allow user to select namespace from all namespaces
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "Current namespace: $(get_k8s_namespace)"
echo "Usage: kns - Switch namespace"
echo " kns [ -n | --now ] - Print current namespace"
echo ""
echo "Available namespaces in context: $(get_k8s_context)"
all_ns=$(kctl get ns -o custom-columns='' --no-headers=true)
echo "Select number to switch namespace..."
select ns in $all_ns; do
# wait for input and break when we get it
export K8S_NAMESPACE=$ns
echo "$(get_k8s_namespace)"
# handle kctx command
function k8s_context() {
# show current context if now is passed
if [[ "$1" = "--now" ]] || [[ "$1" = "-n" ]]; then
echo "$(get_k8s_context)"
return 0
# if no arg is passed Allow user to select context from available contexts
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "Current context: $(get_k8s_context)"
echo "Usage: kctx - Switch context"
echo " kctx [ -n | --now ] - Print current context"
echo ""
echo "Available contexts, select number to switch context..."
all_ctx=$(kubectl config get-contexts -o name --no-headers=true)
select ctx in $all_ctx; do
# wait for input and break when we get it
# set selected context
export K8S_CONTEXT=$ctx
echo "$(get_k8s_context)"
# kctl is bash function because we need to evaluate it on each execution
# to get correct value of context and namespace
function kctl() {
# "$@" to pass all args to kubectl, see:
kubectl --context=$(get_k8s_context) --namespace=$(get_k8s_namespace) "$@"
# HACK: enable kubectl auto complete for kctl command.
# See:
if [ $BASH ]
source <( kubectl completion bash | sed 's/kubectl/kctl/g' )
elif [ $ZSH_NAME ]
source <( kubectl completion zsh | sed 's/kubectl/kctl/g' )
setopt sh_word_split
# func is used to quicky set the most commanly used cluster and namespace pairs
# useful when you have tons of clusters and each clster have many namespaces.
# it avids the need to call kctx, and kns and make the selection
# kjmp_namespace_clusters.txt file is just a text file where each line is "<cluster><space><namespace> as per your kubeconfig.
kjmp() {
# Read the file containing namespace and cluster pairs
local file="/home/suraj/kjmp_namespace_clusters.txt"
# Check if the file exists
if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
echo "File $file not found."
return 1
# Read the file and store pairs in an array
local pairs=()
while IFS= read -r line; do
done < "$file"
# Display the available pairs to the user
echo "Available namespace-cluster pairs:"
for ((i=0; i<${#pairs[@]}; i++)); do
# we add empty lines to align cluster names with index so it's easy select
# e.g. you have `cluster-1`, `cluster-3` in file, then just leave a empty line
# and now you always have cluster-3 at index 3 and can select by typing 3
# skip empty lines
if [[ -n "${pairs[i]}" ]]; then
echo "[$i] ${pairs[i]}"
echo "----------------------------------"
echo "Current session:" $(get_k8s_context) $(get_k8s_namespace)
echo "----------------------------------"
# Ask the user to select a pair
read -p "Select a pair (enter the number): " selection
# Check if the selection is valid
if ! [[ "$selection" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "Invalid selection. Please enter a valid number."
return 1
if ((selection < 0)) || ((selection >= ${#pairs[@]})); then
echo "Invalid selection. Please choose a valid number."
return 1
# Extract the selected pair
local selected_pair="${pairs[selection]}"
# Split the pair into context and namespace
IFS=" " read -r K8S_CONTEXT K8S_NAMESPACE <<< "$selected_pair"
# Export the environment variables in the current session
export K8S_CONTEXT
# Print the selected environment variables
echo "----------------------------------"
echo "Setting K8S_CONTEXT: $K8S_CONTEXT"
echo "----------------------------------"
# === Aliases
# aliases for kctl config functions
alias kns="k8s_namespace"
alias kctx="k8s_context"
# alias for kubectl
alias kl='kctl logs'
alias kp='kctl get pods --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp'
alias kpr='kctl get pod --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp --field-selector status.phase=Running'
# kpe will list pods that are not running or completed aka failed/errored pods
alias kpe='kctl get pod --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp --field-selector status.phase=Failed'
alias kdp='kctl delete po'
alias pod='kctl get pods | grep -i'
alias ktop='kctl top pod'
alias kssh='k8s_get_bash'
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