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Last active September 27, 2024 23:48
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@action(reads=["query"], writes=["tool_parameters", "tool"])
def select_tool(state: State) -> State:
messages = [
"role": "system",
"content": (
"You are a helpful assistant. Use the supplied tools to assist the user",
", if they apply in any way. Remember to use the tools!",
" They can do stuff you can't.",
"If you can't use only the tools provided to answer the question",
" but know the answer, please provide the answer",
"If you cannot use the tools provided to answer the question",
", use the fallback tool and provide a reason. ",
"Again, if you can't use one tool provided to answer the question",
", use the fallback tool and provide a reason. ",
"You must select exactly one tool no matter what, filling in every",
"parameters with your best guess. Do not skip out on parameters!"
{"role": "user", "content": state["query"]},
response =
# Extract the tool name and parameters from OpenAI's response
if response.choices[0].message.tool_calls is None:
return state.update(
"response": ("No tool was selected, instead response was"
f": {response.choices[0].message}.")
fn = response.choices[0].message.tool_calls[0].function
return state.update(, tool_parameters=json.loads(fn.arguments))
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