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Last active December 21, 2015 13:49
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Save ellotheth/6315832 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Linux makefiles for Coursera's 'Algorithms I' class, derived from
# Stick this one at the top of your Algorithms class directory; it
# will be sourced from all the individual code directories.
.PHONY: build run checkstyle findbugs deliver clean cleanall
# My java binaries, classpath and class binary path are all already
# sourced in my ~/.bashrc, so I don't need to specify them here:
# JAVAC = "$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javac"
# JAVA = "$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/java"
# JAR = "$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/jar"
# CP = .:$(ALGO)/stdlib.jar:$(ALGO)/algs4.jar
# ALGOBIN = $(ALGO)/bin
JAVAC = javac
JAVA = java
JAR = jar
# Change this to your algo class directory:
ALGO = $(HOME)/coursera/algo_i
# Optional
PROG ?= $(word 1,$(CLASSES))
CLASSFILES = $(patsubst %,%.class,$(CLASSES))
TESTCLASSES = $(patsubst %,Test%,$(CLASSES))
TESTFILES = $(patsubst %,%.class,$(TESTCLASSES))
JAVAFILES = $(patsubst %,,$(CLASSES))
# $(JAVAC) -cp $(CP) $<
$(JAVAC) $<
build: $(CLASSFILES)
run: build
checkstyle: $(JAVAFILES)
checkstyle $^
findbugs: $(CLASSFILES)
findbugs $^
test: build $(TESTFILES)
$(JAVA) org.junit.runner.JUnitCore $(TESTCLASSES)
# By default, 'deliver' runs your unit tests. If you're not unit
# testing, you can replace 'test' with 'build':
# deliver: build checkstyle findbugs
deliver: test checkstyle findbugs
$(JAR) cfMv $(PROG).zip $(JAVAFILES)
rm -f *.class
cleanall: clean
rm -f *.zip
# Make one of these per source directory, assumed to be a child of
# the directory.
# List the classes to be compiled here
CLASSES = HelloAlgo
# Anything you want to throw on the command line for `make run`
CMDLINE = 1024 100
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