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Last active April 5, 2022 09:17
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PowerShell profile
# Load dev projects paths as variables
# Rust
$Env:PATH += ":$($Env:HOME)/.cargo/bin"
# Java 1.8
# Java 11
Import-Module '/Users/philippe.elsass/dev/lib/ps-nvm/nvm.psd1'
Import-Module PowerShellHumanizer
# Utils
function getKey() {
"Download private key..."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://$($LGIP):9991/webos_rsa" -OutFile /Users/philippe.elsass/.ssh/webos_rsa
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/webos_rsa
"Verify private key..."
ssh-keygen -y -P "0BF5EE" -f /Users/philippe.elsass/.ssh/webos_rsa
"Setup device..."
ares-setup-device -m tv -i "username=prisoner" -i "privatekey=webos_rsa" -i "passphrase=0BF5EE" -i "host=$LGIP" -i "port=9922"
function dotEnv() {
if (test-path ".env") {
return ConvertFrom-StringData (Get-Content .env -raw)
return @{}
function rokuDeploy {
if (!(test-path "rokudeploy.json")) {
set-content "rokudeploy.json" '{"host":"","password":"doabarrelroll"}'
npx roku-deploy
function rokuDeeplink ($contentID) {
Invoke-RestMethod "http://$($ROKU_HOST):8060/input?contentID=$contentID&mediaType=movie" -method "POST" -Verbose
function rokuVoice ($id, $cmd) {
Invoke-RestMethod "http://$($ROKU_HOST):8060/input/dev?id=$id&type=transport&command=$cmd" -method "POST" -Verbose
function nuget {
mono /usr/local/bin/nuget.exe @Args
function unsafeChrome {
open -b -n --args --user-data-dir=/tmp/unsafe -ignore-certificate-errors
function StashTo($Branch) {
Invoke-StopOnError @(
"git stash",
"git checkout $Branch",
"git pull",
"git stash pop"
function npmdeps {
$p = Get-Content ./package.json | ConvertFrom-Json
$deps = $p.dependencies.PSObject.Properties | % { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name; Version = $_.Value; Dev = $false } }
$devDeps = $p.devDependencies.PSObject.Properties | % { [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name; Version = $_.Value; Dev = $true } }
$deps + $devDeps
function Invoke-StopOnError($Cmds) {
foreach($Cmd in $Cmds) {
Invoke-Expression $Cmd
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { return }
function set-elsassph {
git config ""
# nvm
Set-NodeVersion 12
# Fix conflict with `ni`
Remove-Alias -Name ni -Force
# Starship shell
$Env:STARSHIP_CONFIG = "$HOME/.starship/pwsh-config.toml"
Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)
# Define a variable for every project
if (Test-Path ~/.allProjects.json) {
$list = Get-Content ~/.allProjects.json | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach($it in $list) {
Set-Variable -Name $it.Name -Value $it.Value -Scope Global
$global:Projects = $list
# Project folders as variables
$skip = @("node_modules", "src", "doc", "test", "www", "bin")
$TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
function Get-Projects($Path) {
if (Test-Path "$($Path.FullName)/.git") {
$varName = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($Path.Name) -replace "[-. ,;]",""
return @(@{ Name="$($varName)Folder"; Value=$Path.FullName })
$res = @()
ForEach ($dir in Get-ChildItem $Path -Attributes Directory+!Hidden) {
if (!($skip -contains $dir.Name)) {
$res += Get-Projects($dir)
if (!$RootPath) {
$RootPath = "~/dev"
$t = Measure-Command {
$list = Get-Projects $(Get-Item $RootPath)
$list | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content ~/.allProjects.json
"Done $($t.TotalMilliseconds)ms, $($list.Length) projects found"
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