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Last active January 23, 2024 21:30
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# Write time-series for FEFLOW
# userunit = m^3/d, l/min, m, ^0C
writeTS <- function(fPath, x,
option = c("linear", "cyclic"),
type = c("Polylined", "Constant"),
timeunit = "d",
username = "NAME",
TSID0 = 1,
t0 = 0){
type <- match.arg(type, c("Polylined", "Constant"))
option <- match.arg(option, c("linear", "cyclic"))
unitclass <- match.arg(unitclass, c("PUMP_RATE", "TEMPERATURE", "LENGTH", "VELOCITY", "PUMP_HEAT_RATE"))
# first clean the file if it exists
dsn <- file(fPath, open = "wb")
# switch in appending mode
dsn <- file(fPath, open = "ab")
n <- length(x)
}else if(is.zoo(x)){
n <- ncol(x)
}else if(is.matrix(x)){
n <- ncol(x) - 1
if(length(username) != n) username <- paste(username, 1:n)
if(length(TSID0) != n) TSID0 <- TSID0[1] + (1:n) - 1
for(i in 1:n){
writeChar(paste0("# ", TSID0[i], "\r\n"), con = dsn, eos = NULL)
writeChar(paste0("! ", username[i], "\r\n"), con = dsn, eos = NULL)
writeChar(paste0("! [type=",
"]\r\n"), con = dsn, eos = NULL)
ttt <- (as.numeric(time(x[[i]])) - as.numeric(t0))/3600/24
XX <- paste0(as.character(ttt), " ", as.character(x[[i]]), "\r\n")
}else if(is.matrix(x[[i]])){
XX <- paste(as.character(x[[i]][,1] - as.numeric(t0)), as.character(x[[i]][,2]), "\r\n")
}else if(is.zoo(x)){
ttt <- (as.numeric(time(x)) - as.numeric(t0))/3600/24
XX <- paste(as.character(ttt), as.character(x[,i]), "\r\n")
}else if(is.matrix(x)){
XX <- paste(as.character(x[,1] - as.numeric(t0)), as.character(x[,i+1]), "\r\n")
writeChar(XX, con = dsn, eos = NULL)
writeChar("END\r\n", con = dsn, eos = NULL)
writeChar("END\r\n", con = dsn, eos = NULL)
#' Write mesh nodes at an ideal distance from a well
#' @param xy [\code{numeric(2)}] Well coordinates
#' @param r [\code{numeric(1)}] Well radius
#' @param n [\code{integer}] Number of points
#' @param fPath [\code{character(1)}] File names for exporting the points
# example
# xy <- c(651645, 225560)
# r <- 0.108
# n <- 6
# xy_nodes <- wellMeshNodes(xy = c(651645, 225560), r = 0.108, n = 6)
# plot(xy_nodes, col = "blue", asp = 1)
# points(t(xy), col = "red", pch = 20)
# writeWellMeshNodes("test.pnt", xy = c(651645, 225560), r = 0.108, n = 6)
wellMeshNodes <- function(xy = c(0,0), r = 1 , n = 6){
dist_factor <- exp(2*pi / (n * tan(pi/n)))
node_dist <- dist_factor * r
theta <- ((1:n) - 1 ) * 2 * pi / n
xy_nodes <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 2)
xy_nodes[, 1] <- xy[1] + node_dist * cos(theta)
xy_nodes[, 2] <- xy[2] + node_dist * sin(theta)
# @param x sf feature with attribute DN (Durchmesser in meters!!)
# Brunnen Durchmesser (m) angeben falls nicht vorhanden
# wells$DN <- 0.125 # m
# # oder
# wells$DN <- c(0.125, 0.2, 0.2, 1)
# sfWellMeshNodes <- function(x, n = 6){
# xy <- sf::st_coordinates(x)
# wnodes <- apply(xy, 1, wellMeshNodes, r = x$DN[1]/2, n = n)
# wells_nodes <- cbind(as.vector(wnodes[1:n, ]), as.vector(wnodes[(1:n) + n, ]))
# well_nodes <- sf::st_as_sf(,
# coords = 1:2,
# crs = sf::st_crs(x))
# return(well_nodes)
sfWellMeshNodes <- function(x, n = 6){
xy <- sf::st_coordinates(x)
wells_nodes <- matrix(NA, nrow = n * nrow(xy), ncol = 2)
for(i in 1:nrow(xy)){
wells_nodes[1:n + (i - 1)*n,] <- wellMeshNodes(xy[i, 1:2], r = x$DN[i]/2, n = n)
well_nodes <- sf::st_as_sf(,
coords = 1:2,
crs = sf::st_crs(x))
writeWellMeshNodes <- function(fPath, xy = c(0,0), r = 1 , n = 6){
xy_nodes <- wellMeshNodes(xy = xy, r = r, n = n)
cat(paste(1:n, xy_nodes[, 1], xy_nodes[, 2],
paste("\"nodes", 1:n, "\""),
collapse = "\n", sep = "\t"),
file = fPath, append = FALSE ,sep="\n")
cat("END", file = fPath, append = TRUE, sep="\n" )
# get the extremum values (either min or max)
getExt <- function(x){
createXTS <- function(x, d0){
xts::xts(x$T, d0 + x$t*60*60*24)
# @param X -> read with 'read.table()'
# @param d0 -> first day of simulation (generally 1st of January)
# d0 <- lubridate::ymd_hms("2020-10-01 00:00:00")
# reformat the time-series exported from FEFLOW
feflowHistToXts <- function(X, d0){
colnames(X) <- c("ID", "t", "T", "ID2")
u <- rle(X$ID)
u$values <- seq_along(u$values)
ID2 <- inverse.rle(u)
X <- split(X, ID2)
XS <- lapply(X, createXTS, d0 = d0)
XS2 <- na.approx(, XS))
TP_ID2 <- sapply(X, function(x) x$ID2[1])
colnames(XS2) <- TP_ID2
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