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Created January 20, 2014 06:25
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### "Smart brute force" algorithm. Works in most mortal situations.
### Works by looping through a matrix that is m by k and putting numbers in
### Is aware of the top and left cell, and works by sampling based on the probabilities of
### numbers that are left in the set of valid possible numbers, e.g. those not excluded by the neighborhood rules (von Neumann)
### Parameters:
### k -- The number of rows
### m -- The number of columns
### n -- 1:N vector of desired outcomes (plants in the blog post), e.g. if N = 3, your n parameter would be n <- 1:3
### maxiter -- The maximum number of iterations you want to use in the algorithm (default is 100.
brute_force_fill <- function(m,k,n,maxiter = 100){
### Some error handling if k*m isn't a multiple of n
if((k*m) %% length(n) > 0){
stop("Whoa slow down there, m*k needs to be a multiple on n")
keeploopin <- FALSE
count <- 1
while(!keeploopin && count < maxiter){
out <- fill_grid(m,k,n)
keeploopin <- is.matrix(out)
count <- 1 + count
} else {cat("Uh oh, looks like we need more brute force! Consider upping maxiter")}
fill_grid <- function(m,k,n){
out <- matrix(NA,nrow = m, ncol = k)
full_set <- rep(n,((m*k)/length(n)))
topcell <- NA
leftcell <- NA
for(i in 1:m){
for(j in 1:k){
### Define the set of possible outcomes
### Written out this way for clarity over code conciseness.
topcell <- out[i,(j-1)]
leftcell <- out[(i-1),j]
## Create set of numbers to exclude
ex_set <- c(topcell,leftcell)
pos_set <- full_set[!( full_set %in% ex_set)]
## error checking
if(length(pos_set) == 0 || any( || any({
} else {
### Handle annoying R sample behavior
val <- sample(pos_set,1)
if(length(pos_set == 1)){val <- sample(rep(pos_set,2),1)}
full_set <- full_set[-which(full_set == val)[1]]
### Make sure we didn't hit an NA when popping off our fake stack
out[i,j] <- val
### Test scenario from the blog post
m <- 12
k <- 12
n <- 1:3
results <- brute_force_fill(m,k,n)
### Check to make sure that there are an equal number of each n
### Check that no values are 0 in any diffs by rows or columns
### If this value is greater than 0 the algorithm failed :(
sum(apply(results,2,diff)==0) + sum(apply(results,1,diff)==0)
### Plot it!
### Level plots make it pretty
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