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Last active April 8, 2022 04:58
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Source code for the Tutorial on Solver-Aided Programming
#lang rosette
(define-symbolic* x integer?)
(assert (>= x 1)) ; adds (>= x 1) to the assertion stack
(asserts) ; see the assertion stack
(assert (>= 2 1)) ; passes
(assert (< 2 1)) ; fails
#lang rosette
(define (factorial n g)
(assert (>= g 0))
[(= n 0) 1]
[else (* n (factorial (- n 1) (- g 1)))]))
(define-symbolic k integer?)
(solve (assert (> (factorial k 3) 10))) ; unsat, bound too small
(solve (assert (> (factorial k 4) 10))) ; sat, k = 4
#lang rosette
(prefix-in $ (only-in rosette bveq bvslt bvsgt bvsle bvsge bvult bvugt bvule bvuge))
(only-in racket [eval racket/eval]))
(define-namespace-anchor bvlang)
(define ns (namespace-anchor->namespace bvlang))
(define (eval form) (racket/eval form ns))
; ----- BV raw syntax -----;
; The def macro turns a BV program into a procedure that invokes the
; BV interpreter on the provided inputs.
(define-syntax-rule (def id ([idx r] ...) (out op in ...) ...)
(define (id r ...)
(interpret `((out op ,in ...) ...) `(,r ...))))
(define-syntax (relax-reg stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ in) (with-syntax ([iden (syntax/loc #'in identity)])
(syntax/loc #'in (iden in)))]))
; The def/debug macro is the same as def, except that it marks the
; defined procedure as a candidate for debugging.
(define-syntax-rule (def/dbg id ([idx r] ...) (out op in ...) ...)
(define/debug (id r ...)
(interpret `((out op ,(relax-reg in) ...) ...) `(,r ...))))
; ----- BV semantics -----;
; BV comparison operators return 1/0 instead of #t/#f.
; The language is similar to the one defined in this paper:
(define int32? (bitvector 32))
(define (int32 c) (bv c int32?))
(define register? integer?)
(define-syntax-rule (bool->bv b) (if b (int32 1) (int32 0)))
(define (bvredor x) (bveq (bveq x (int32 0)) (int32 0)))
(define (bvredand x) (bveq x (int32 -1)))
(define-syntax-rule (define-comparators [id op] ...)
(define (id x y) (bool->bv (op x y))) ...))
[bveq $bveq]
[bvslt $bvslt] [bvult $bvult]
[bvsle $bvsle] [bvule $bvule]
[bvsgt $bvsgt] [bvugt $bvugt]
[bvsge $bvsge] [bvuge $bvuge])
; Global registers.
(define memory
(let ([m (vector)])
(case-lambda [() m]
[(size) (set! m (make-vector size #f))])))
; Returns the contents of the register idx.
(define (load idx)
(vector-ref (memory) idx))
; Stores val in the register idx.
(define (store idx val)
(vector-set! (memory) idx val))
; Returns the contents of the last register.
(define (last)
(sub1 (vector-length (memory))))
; Creates the registers for the given program and input.
(define (make-registers prog inputs)
(memory (+ (length prog) (length inputs)))
(for ([(in idx) (in-indexed inputs)])
(store idx in)))
; The BV interpreter.
(define (interpret prog inputs)
(make-registers prog inputs)
(for ([stmt prog])
(match stmt
[(list out opcode in ...)
(define op (eval opcode))
(define args (map load in))
(store out (apply op args))]))
(load (last)))
; The BV verifier.
(define (ver impl spec)
(define-symbolic* in int32? [(procedure-arity spec)])
(evaluate in (verify (assert (equal? (apply impl in) (apply spec in))))))
; The BV debugger.
(define (dbg impl spec in)
(render (debug [register?] (assert (equal? (apply impl in) (apply spec in))))))
; The BV synthesizer. Note that this particular implementation handles synthesis
; holes *only* in input registers; that is, instruction opcodes cannot be symbolic
; due to the use of Racket's "eval" to map opcodes to instruction procedures.
(define (syn impl spec)
(define-symbolic* in int32? [(procedure-arity spec)])
(synthesize #:forall in
#:guarantee (assert (equal? (apply impl in) (apply spec in))))))
; The BV angelic execution tool.
(define (sol impl spec)
(define-symbolic* in int32? [(procedure-arity spec)])
(evaluate in (solve (assert (equal? (apply impl in) (apply spec in))))))
; ----- BV demo -----;
(define (max x y)
(if (equal? (bvsge x y) (int32 1)) x y))
(def/dbg bvmax
([0 r0] [1 r1])
(2 bvsge 0 1)
(3 bvneg 2)
(4 bvxor 0 2)
(5 bvand 3 4)
(6 bvxor 1 5))
(def bvmax??
([0 r0] [1 r1])
(2 bvsge 0 1)
(3 bvneg (??))
(4 bvxor 0 (??))
(5 bvand 3 4)
(6 bvxor (??) 5))
; Interaction script
(ver bvmax max)
(max (bv #x7ffefbdf 32) (bv #x40000001 32)) ; spec
(bvmax (bv #x7ffefbdf 32) (bv #x40000001 32)) ; buggy impl
(dbg bvmax max (list (bv #x7ffefbdf 32) (bv #x40000001 32)))
(syn bvmax?? max)
; Synthesized bvmax1
(def bvmax1
((0 r0) (1 r1))
(2 bvge 0 1)
(3 bvneg 2)
(4 bvxor 0 1)
(5 bvand 3 4)
(6 bvxor 1 5))
#lang rosette
(require rosette/query/debug rosette/lib/render)
(define (poly x)
(+ (* x x x x) (* 6 x x x) (* 11 x x) (* 6 x)))
(define/debug (fact x)
(* x (+ x 1) (+ x 2) (+ x 2)))
(define (same p f x)
(assert (= (p x) (f x))))
(render ; visualize the result
(debug [integer?]
(same poly fact -6)))
#lang rosette
(define (search x xs)
[(null? xs) #f]
[(equal? x (car xs)) #t]
[else (search x (cdr xs))]))
(define-symbolic xs integer? [5])
(define-symbolic xl i integer?)
(define ys (take xs xl))
(when (<= 0 i (- xl 1)) ; <- replace with #t to get a counterexample
(assert (search (list-ref ys i) ys))))
#lang rosette
; default bitwidth is #f
(displayln "----- current-bitwidth #f -----")
(define-symbolic x integer?)
(solve (assert (= x 64)))
(verify (assert (not (= x 64))))
; change the bitwidth to 5
(displayln "----- current-bitwidth 5 -----")
(current-bitwidth 5)
(solve (assert (= x 64)))
(verify (assert (not (= x 64))))
#lang rosette
(define (poly x)
(+ (* x x x x) (* 6 x x x) (* 11 x x) (* 6 x)))
(define (fact x)
(define-symbolic* c1 c2 c3 integer?) ; <- try define-symbolic instead
(* (+ x c1) (+ x 1) (+ x c2) (+ x c3)))
(define (same p f x)
(assert (= (p x) (f x))))
(solve (same poly fact -6))
(same poly fact -6)
(same poly fact 12)))
#lang rosette
(define-symbolic x integer?)
(+ 1 x 2 3) ; (+ 6 x)
(define (same-x)
(define-symbolic x integer?)
(same-x) ; x
(same-x) ; x
(eq? (same-x) (same-x)) ; #t
(define (new-x)
(define-symbolic* x integer?)
(new-x) ; x$0
(new-x) ; x$1
(eq? (new-x) (new-x)) ; (= x$2 x$3)
(define-symbolic* xs integer? [4])
xs ; (list xs$0 xs$1 xs$2 xs$3)
(define-symbolic* len integer?)
(take xs len) ; all integer lists of length <= 4
#lang rosette
(require rosette/lib/synthax)
(define (poly x)
(+ (* x x x x) (* 6 x x x) (* 11 x x) (* 6 x)))
(define (fact x)
(* (+ x (??)) (+ x 1) (+ x (??)) (+ x (??))))
(define (same p f x)
(assert (= (p x) (f x))))
(define-symbolic i integer?)
#:forall i
#:guarantee (same poly fact i)))
#lang rosette
(define (poly x)
(+ (* x x x x) (* 6 x x x) (* 11 x x) (* 6 x)))
(define (fact x)
(define-symbolic c1 c2 c3 integer?)
(* (+ x c1) (+ x 1) (+ x c2) (+ x c3)))
(define (same p f x)
(assert (= (p x) (f x))))
(define-symbolic i integer?)
#:forall i
#:guarantee (same poly fact i))
#lang rosette
(define (factorial n)
(cond [(= n 0) 1]
[else (* n (factorial (- n 1)))]))
(factorial 3)
(factorial 4)
(define-symbolic k integer?)
(solve (assert (> (factorial k) 10)))
#lang rosette
(define v (vector 1 2))
(define-symbolic k integer?)
(vector-ref v k) ; (ite* (⊢ (= 0 k) 1) (⊢ (= 1 k) 2)))
(define h (make-hash '((0 . 1)(1 . 2))))
(with-handlers ([exn? displayln])
(hash-ref h k)) ; exception because hashes aren't lifted
(hash-set! h k 3)
(hash-ref h k) ; ok according to Racket semantics
#lang rosette
(define (poly x)
(+ (* x x x x) (* 6 x x x) (* 11 x x) (* 6 x)))
(define (fact x)
(* x (+ x 1) (+ x 2) (+ x 2)))
(define (same p f x)
(assert (= (p x) (f x))))
(same poly fact 0) ; pass
(same poly fact -1) ; pass
(same poly fact -2) ; pass
(define-symbolic i integer?)
(define cex (verify (same poly fact i)))
cex ; (model [i -6])
(evaluate i cex) ; -6
(poly -6) ; 360
(fact -6) ; 480
(asserts) ; '()
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(define-symbolic* xs integer? [4]) following code snippet throws an error, I believe it should be (define-symbolic* xs integer? #:length 4)

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emina commented Apr 8, 2022

This tutorial is out of date: it was designed to work with Rosette 3.

Rosette 4 uses slightly different syntax and is not backward compatible with Rosette 3.

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Oh! Thanks for the clarification, I loved reading your Symbolic Virtual Machine paper.

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