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Eli Naeher enaeher

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enaeher / tiered_archives.rb
Created September 5, 2011 21:49
Tiered Archives plugin
# A quick and dirty plugin for Jekyll by Eli Naeher
# This plugin creates a site.years template variable which allow you to group archive links by year and month.
# The structure of site.years is:
# site.years = 2001=>[[post1, post2...], [...]], 2002=>[...]
# Usage should look something like this:
# {% for year in site.years %}
# <h2>Year {{ | date: "%Y" }}</h2>
;; * Lisp as an interactive environment
;; The Lisp dream has always been about the control that is possible with
;; a unified system, modifiable interactively at runtime.
;; When it's "Lisp all the way down," as the Lisp Machine designers
;; envisioned, a debugger becomes more than a programmer's tool; instead,
;; in combination with the inspector, it's a basic mode of interaction
;; with (and exploration of) the system. Perhaps it is for this reason
;; that Lisps have always had excellent facilities for debugging and