interface CameraOptions {
  // Whether to allow the user to crop or make small edits (platform specific)
  allowEditing ?: boolean;
  // Whether to automatically rotate the image "up" to correct for orientation in portrait mode Default: true
  correctOrientation ?: boolean;
  // iOS only: The default camera direction. By default the rear camera. Default: CameraDirection.Rear
  direction ?: ;
  // The height of the saved image
  height ?: number;
  // iOS only: The presentation style of the Camera. Defaults to fullscreen.
  presentationStyle ?: any;
  // The quality of image to return as JPEG, from 0-100
  quality ?: number;
  // How the data should be returned. Currently, only 'Base64', 'DataUrl' or 'Uri' is supported
  resultType : ;
  // Whether to save the photo to the gallery/photostream
  saveToGallery ?: boolean;
  // The source to get the photo from. By default this prompts the user to select either the photo album or take a photo. Default: CameraSource.Prompt
  source ?: ;
  // The width of the saved image
  width ?: number;