import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { IonContent, IonHeader, IonPage, IonTitle, IonToolbar, IonButton, IonFooter, IonList, IonCard, IonCardContent, IonItem, IonLabel, IonListHeader, IonText, IonButtons, IonMenuButton } from '@ionic/react'; export default function PushNotificationsContainer() { const nullEntry: any[] = [] const [notifications, setnotifications] = useState(nullEntry); return ( <IonPage id='main'> <IonHeader> <IonToolbar color="primary"> <IonTitle slot="start"> Push Notifications</IonTitle> </IonToolbar> <IonToolbar color="light"> <IonTitle slot="start">By Enappd Team</IonTitle> </IonToolbar> </IonHeader> <IonContent className="ion-padding"> <div> <IonList> <IonCard> <IonCardContent> 1. Register for Push by clicking the footer button.<br></br> 2. Once registered, you can send push from the Firebase console. <br></br> <a href="" target="_blank">Check documentation</a><br></br> 3. Once your app receives notifications, you'll see the data here in the list </IonCardContent> </IonCard> </IonList> </div> <IonListHeader mode="ios" lines="full"> <IonLabel>Notifications</IonLabel> </IonListHeader> {notifications.length !== 0 && <IonList> { any) => <IonItem key={}> <IonLabel> <IonText> <h3 className="notif-title">{notif.title}</h3> </IonText> <p>{notif.body}</p> </IonLabel> </IonItem> )} </IonList>} </IonContent> <IonFooter> <IonToolbar> <IonButton color="success" expand="full" >Register for Push</IonButton> </IonToolbar> </IonFooter> </IonPage > ) }