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Primarily working on Pausly

Matias Meno enyo

Primarily working on Pausly
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EventListener Polyfill

Is IE8 your new IE6? Level the playing field with polyfills.

This script polyfills addEventListener, removeEventListener, and dispatchEvent. It is less than half a kilobyte minified and gzipped.


addEventListener registers a single event listener on a single target.

//addEventListener polyfill 1.0 / Eirik Backer / MIT Licence
(function(win, doc){
if(win.addEventListener)return; //No need to polyfill
function docHijack(p){var old = doc[p];doc[p] = function(v){return addListen(old(v))}}
function addEvent(on, fn, self){
return (self = this).attachEvent('on' + on, function(e){
var e = e || win.event;
e.preventDefault = e.preventDefault || function(){e.returnValue = false}
e.stopPropagation = e.stopPropagation || function(){e.cancelBubble = true}

tmux cheatsheet

As configured in my dotfiles.

start new:


start new with session name: