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Last active January 29, 2020 14:24
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API Explorer with subdomain and NGINX Dolibarr
/* Copyright (C) 2015 Jean-François Ferry <>
* Copyright (C) 2016 Laurent Destailleur <>
* Copyright (C) 2017 Regis Houssin <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* \defgroup api Module DolibarrApi
* \brief API loader
* Search files htdocs/<module>/class/api_<module>.class.php
* \file htdocs/api/index.php
if (! defined('NOCSRFCHECK')) define('NOCSRFCHECK', '1'); // Do not check anti CSRF attack test
if (! defined('NOTOKENRENEWAL')) define('NOTOKENRENEWAL', '1'); // Do not check anti POST attack test
if (! defined('NOREQUIREMENU')) define('NOREQUIREMENU', '1'); // If there is no need to load and show top and left menu
if (! defined('NOREQUIREHTML')) define('NOREQUIREHTML', '1'); // If we don't need to load the html.form.class.php
if (! defined('NOREQUIREAJAX')) define('NOREQUIREAJAX', '1'); // Do not load ajax.lib.php library
if (! defined("NOLOGIN")) define("NOLOGIN", '1'); // If this page is public (can be called outside logged session)
// Force entity if a value is provided into HTTP header. Otherwise, will use the entity of user of token used.
$url = isset( $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URI"] ) ? $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URI"] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . preg_replace( '/(\?.+)/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
if (! $res && file_exists("../")) $res=include '../';
if (! $res) die("Include of main fails");
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/includes/restler/framework/Luracast/Restler/AutoLoader.php';
call_user_func(function () {
$loader = Luracast\Restler\AutoLoader::instance();
return $loader;
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/api/class/api.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/api/class/api_access.class.php';
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';
// Enable and test if module Api is enabled
if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_MODULE_API))
dol_syslog("Call Dolibarr API interfaces with module REST disabled");
print $langs->trans("WarningModuleNotActive", 'Api').'.<br><br>';
print $langs->trans("ToActivateModule");
// Test if explorer is not disabled
if (preg_match('/api\/index\.php\/explorer/', $url) && ! empty($conf->global->API_EXPLORER_DISABLED))
dol_syslog("Call Dolibarr API interfaces with module REST disabled");
print $langs->trans("WarningAPIExplorerDisabled").'.<br><br>';
// This 2 lines are usefull only if we want to exclude some Urls from the explorer
//use Luracast\Restler\Explorer;
//Explorer::$excludedPaths = array('/categories');
// Analyze URLs
// index.php/explorer do a redirect to index.php/explorer/
// index.php/explorer/ called by swagger to build explorer page
// index.php/explorer/.../....png|.css|.js called by swagger for resources to build explorer page
// index.php/explorer/resources.json called by swagger to get list of all services
// index.php/explorer/resources.json/xxx called by swagger to get detail of services xxx
// index.php/xxx called by any REST client to run API
preg_match('/index\.php\/([^\/]+)(.*)$/', $url, $reg);
// .../index.php/categories?sortfield=t.rowid&sortorder=ASC
// When in production mode, a file api/temp/routes.php is created with the API available of current call.
// But, if we set $refreshcache to false, so it may have only one API in the routes.php file if we make a call for one API without
// using the explorer. And when we make another call for another API, the API is not into the api/temp/routes.php and a 404 is returned.
// So we force refresh to each call.
$refreshcache=(empty($conf->global->API_PRODUCTION_DO_NOT_ALWAYS_REFRESH_CACHE) ? true : false);
if (! empty($reg[1]) && $reg[1] == 'explorer' && ($reg[2] == '/swagger.json' || $reg[2] == '/swagger.json/root' || $reg[2] == '/resources.json' || $reg[2] == '/resources.json/root'))
$api = new DolibarrApi($db, '', $refreshcache);
// Enable the Restler API Explorer.
// See for more info.
$api->r->setSupportedFormats('JsonFormat', 'XmlFormat', 'UploadFormat'); // 'YamlFormat'
$api->r->addAuthenticationClass('DolibarrApiAccess', '');
// Define accepted mime types
UploadFormat::$allowedMimeTypes = array('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'text/plain', 'application/octet-stream');
// Call Explorer file for all APIs definitions (this part is slow)
if (! empty($reg[1]) && $reg[1] == 'explorer' && ($reg[2] == '/swagger.json' || $reg[2] == '/swagger.json/root' || $reg[2] == '/resources.json' || $reg[2] == '/resources.json/root'))
// Scan all API files to load them
$listofapis = array();
$modulesdir = dolGetModulesDirs();
foreach ($modulesdir as $dir)
// Search available module
dol_syslog("Scan directory ".$dir." for module descriptor files, then search for API files");
if (is_resource($handle))
while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false)
if (is_readable($dir.$file) && preg_match("/^mod(.*)\.class\.php$/i", $file, $regmod))
$module = strtolower($regmod[1]);
$moduledirforclass = getModuleDirForApiClass($module);
$modulenameforenabled = $module;
if ($module == 'propale') { $modulenameforenabled='propal'; }
if ($module == 'supplierproposal') { $modulenameforenabled='supplier_proposal'; }
if ($module == 'ficheinter') { $modulenameforenabled='ficheinter'; }
dol_syslog("Found module file ".$file." - module=".$module." - modulenameforenabled=".$modulenameforenabled." - moduledirforclass=".$moduledirforclass);
// Defined if module is enabled
if (empty($conf->$modulenameforenabled->enabled)) $enabled=false;
if ($enabled)
// If exists, load the API class for enable module
// Search files named api_<object>.class.php into /htdocs/<module>/class directory
// @todo : use getElementProperties() function ?
$dir_part = dol_buildpath('/'.$moduledirforclass.'/class/');
if (is_resource($handle_part))
while (($file_searched = readdir($handle_part))!==false)
if ($file_searched == 'api_access.class.php') continue;
if (is_readable($dir_part.$file_searched) && preg_match("/^api_(.*)\.class\.php$/i", $file_searched, $regapi))
$classname = ucwords($regapi[1]);
$classname = str_replace('_', '', $classname);
require_once $dir_part.$file_searched;
if (class_exists($classname.'Api'))
//dol_syslog("Found API by index.php: classname=".$classname."Api for module ".$dir." into ".$dir_part.$file_searched);
$listofapis[strtolower($classname.'Api')] = $classname.'Api';
elseif (class_exists($classname))
//dol_syslog("Found API by index.php: classname=".$classname." for module ".$dir." into ".$dir_part.$file_searched);
$listofapis[strtolower($classname)] = $classname;
dol_syslog("We found an api_xxx file (".$file_searched.") but class ".$classname." does not exists after loading file", LOG_WARNING);
// Sort the classes before adding them to Restler.
// The Restler API Explorer shows the classes in the order they are added and it's a mess if they are not sorted.
foreach ($listofapis as $apiname => $classname)
$api->r->addAPIClass($classname, $apiname);
// Call one APIs or one definition of an API
if (! empty($reg[1]) && ($reg[1] != 'explorer' || ($reg[2] != '/swagger.json' && $reg[2] != '/resources.json' && preg_match('/^\/(swagger|resources)\.json\/(.+)$/', $reg[2], $regbis) && $regbis[2] != 'root')))
$module = $reg[1];
if ($module == 'explorer') // If we call page to explore details of a service
$module = $regbis[2];
$moduledirforclass = getModuleDirForApiClass($module);
// Load a dedicated API file
dol_syslog("Load a dedicated API file module=".$module." moduledirforclass=".$moduledirforclass);
$tmpmodule = $module;
if ($tmpmodule != 'api')
$tmpmodule = preg_replace('/api$/i', '', $tmpmodule);
$classfile = str_replace('_', '', $tmpmodule);
if ($module == 'supplierproposals')
$classfile = 'supplier_proposals';
if ($module == 'supplierorders')
$classfile = 'supplier_orders';
if ($module == 'supplierinvoices')
$classfile = 'supplier_invoices';
if ($module == 'ficheinter')
$classfile = 'interventions';
if ($module == 'interventions')
$classfile = 'interventions';
$dir_part_file = dol_buildpath('/' . $moduledirforclass . '/class/api_' . $classfile . '.class.php', 0, 2);
$classname = ucwords($module);
dol_syslog('Search api file /' . $moduledirforclass . '/class/api_' . $classfile . '.class.php => dir_part_file=' . $dir_part_file . ' classname=' . $classname);
$res = false;
if ($dir_part_file)
$res = include_once $dir_part_file;
if (! $res) {
dol_syslog('Failed to make include_once '.$dir_part_file, LOG_WARNING);
print 'API not found (failed to include API file)';
header('HTTP/1.1 501 API not found (failed to include API file)');
if (class_exists($classname))
// TODO If not found, redirect to explorer
// Call API (we suppose we found it).
// The handle will use the file api/temp/routes.php to get data to run the API. If the file exists and the entry for API is not found, it will return 404.
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