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Last active December 12, 2015 12:49
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Save eqhmcow/4774549 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
script to kill apache 1.3 / 2.x prefork httpd processes serving preconnect connections, in an attempt to prevent chrome from causing a DoS against the httpd
#!/bin/env perl
# - kill idle httpd connections
# $Id$
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes 'time';
# chrome likes to preconnect to servers, which causes issues since there are
# a limited number of httpd slots available, and chrome preconnections can
# exhaust them all. this script kills httpds serving preconnect connections,
# preventing chrome from causing a DoS against the httpd.
# see also
# This script is version 1 . For a better (but more complicated) version 2, see
my $status_url = 'http://localhost/server-status';
my $expected_total = 10; # total number of available httpd slots
my $waiting_threshold = 8; # start killing when we have <= this many slots available to receive a request
my $let_idle = 2; # kill connections after they idle for this many seconds
my $kill_idle = 1; # kill up to this many idle connections before requesting new server status
my $rekill_after = 16; # kill stuck processes after this many seconds
# main loop
while (1) {
my ($p, $k) = check_connections();
if ($k) {
# sometimes when we kill a process, it hangs instead of exiting. kill -9
# any such processes
sleep 1;
# pids that were killed
my @killed;
# slots that we're tracking
my %slots;
# last apache server status data
my @status;
sub check_connections {
@status = qx!/usr/bin/elinks -dump 1 $status_url |
/bin/grep -P '^\\s*\\d+-\\d+\\s' |
/bin/grep -P '/\\d+\\s+[_SRWKDLG.] \\d'
# key:
# "_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request,
# "W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup,
# "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing, "." Open slot with no current
# process
my $time = time();
# parse and classify httpd process slots
my %p;
my @m = (
{ m => '_', v => 'waiting' },
{ m => 'R', v => 'reading' },
{ m => 'W', v => 'sending' },
{ m => '.', v => 'open' },
# Couldn't parse 4-0 0 0/0/10634 S 0.00 4 0 0.0 0.00 26.44 (unavailable) GET /server-status HTTP/1.1
foreach my $line (@status) {
my ($slot, $pid, $mode, $ss, $rest) = ($line =~
(\d+) # slot
-\d+ # generation
\s+(\d+|-) # pid
\s+\d+/\d+/\d+ # accesses per connection / child / slot
\s+([_SRWKDLG.]) # mode
\s+\d+\.\d+ # CPU usage
\s+(\d+) # SS - seconds since beginning of most recent request (or not, see below)
\s+\d+ # Milliseconds required to process most recent request
\s+\d+\.\d+ # Kilobytes transferred this connection
\s+\d+\.\d+ # Megabytes transferred this child
\s+\d+\.\d+ # Total megabytes transferred this slot
(.*)$ # host, vhost, request
# NOTE: SS value is not actually usable since it doesn't reset when
# apache accepts a connection; so we have to keep track of it ourselves
# try again if the pid is 0
return (undef, 0) if $pid eq '0';
die "Couldn't parse $line" unless $pid;
# normalize spaces
$rest =~ s/\s+/ /g;
# keep track of when a slot starts processing a new request by
# tracking changes
if ($pid ne $slots{$slot}{'pid'} or
$mode ne $slots{$slot}{'mode'} or
$rest ne $slots{$slot}{'rest'}
) {
$slots{$slot}{'time'} = $time;
my $slot_time = $slots{$slot}{'time'} || $time;
$slots{$slot} = {
'pid' => $pid,
'mode' => $mode,
'rest' => $rest,
'time' => $slot_time,
my $found = 0;
foreach my $m (@m) {
if ($mode eq $m->{m}) {
$p{$m->{v}}{'pids'} ||= [];
push @{$p{$m->{v}}{'pids'}}, [ $slot, $pid, $rest, $slot_time ];
$found = 1;
$p{'other'}++ unless $found;
# print "pid [$pid] mode [$mode] rest [$rest]\n";
$p{'total'} += 0; # make numeric
# if we didn't parse any lines, the server is probably down; try again
unless ($p{'total'}) {
print scalar localtime(), ": couldn't parse any lines, assuming httpd is restarting; trying again\n";
return (undef, 0);
# print "Couldn't find all the slots, is apache still initializing?\n@status"
# unless $p{'total'} == $expected_total;
$p{'waiting'}{'count'} ||= 0;
$p{'open'}{'count'} ||= 0;
# update the open count based on the max slot config; when apache has just started this may differ
if ($p{'total'} < $expected_total) {
$p{'open'}{'count'} += $expected_total - $p{'total'};
# print a quick status update
print $p{'waiting'}{'count'} + $p{'open'}{'count'}, ".";
# if there are <= threshold waiting slots, and no open slots, then kill
# any idle reading slots
if ($p{'waiting'}{'count'} <= $waiting_threshold and not $p{'open'}{'count'}) {
return (\%p, 1);
return (\%p, 0);
sub kill_connections {
my $p = shift;
print "\n", scalar localtime(), ": looking to kill idle read connections\n@status\n";
system(q!sudo netstat -np | grep 'ESTABLISHED' | egrep ':(80|443) '!);
# check for idle reading connections
# idle connections look like:
# 0-0 30044 0/20/10453 R 1.00 7 0 0.0 1.27 25.39 ? ? ..reading..
$p->{'reading'}{'pids'} ||= [];
my $i = 0 ;
my $time = time();
foreach my $slot (@{$p->{'reading'}{'pids'}}) {
my $s = $slot->[0];
my $pid = $slot->[1];
my $rest = $slot->[2];
my $slot_time = $slot->[3];
# find a slot that's accepting a request
next unless $rest =~ m/\s+\?\s+\?\s+\Q..reading..\E/;
# make sure it's been idle
my $idle = $time - $slot_time;
next unless $idle > $let_idle;
# skip if we already killed it
next if grep $pid == $_->[0], @killed;
# kill
print scalar localtime(), ": killing pid: [$pid] idle for: [$idle] info: $rest\n";
system("sudo kill $pid");
push @killed, [ $pid, $time ];
last if $i >= $kill_idle;
sub rekill_stuck {
my $time = time();
foreach my $k (splice @killed) {
my $pid = $k->[0];
my $t = $k->[1];
# use /proc to check pid
next unless -r "/proc/$pid";
print "\n", scalar localtime(), ": killed process still active: $pid\n";
push @killed, $k;
next unless $time - $t > $rekill_after;
print "\n", scalar localtime(), ": kill -9 pid: $pid\n";
system("sudo kill -9 $pid");
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msouth commented Mar 5, 2013

Seems like this ought to be some kind of


setting in httpd.conf, perhaps with IfModule eqhmcow around it.

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