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Created April 11, 2018 23:21
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/// An unordered collection of unique elements that
/// may appear more than once in the collection.
/// Each distinct value inserted into an `CountedSet`
/// has an associated counter. `CountedSet` keeps
/// track of the number of times each value is inserted.
/// That value must be removed the same number
/// of times.
/// Like `Set`, each `CountedSet` contains one entry for
/// each value, even when a value has been added multiple
/// times. The `count` method for both `Set` and `CountedSet`
/// returns the total number of values stored in each set.
/// A `CountedSet` does _not_ return the total number of times
/// each value is represented in the set.
/// New counted sets can be constructed from arrays.
/// Assign an array literal to a variable or constant
/// of the `CountedSet` type.
/// let quiver: CountedSet<Arrow> = [Arrow.iron, .elven, .elven]
/// if let count = quiver[.iron] {
/// print("There are \(count) iron arrows in your quiver")
/// }
/// Set Operations
/// ==============
/// Counted sets provide a suite of mathematical set operations.
/// For example, you can
/// efficiently test for membership of an element or check
/// intersection with another counted set:
/// - Use the `contains(_:)` method to test whether a set contains a specific
/// element.
/// - Use the "equal to" operator (`==`) to test whether two sets contain the
/// same elements.
/// - Use the `isSubset(of:)` method to test whether a set contains all the
/// elements of another set.
/// - Use the `isSuperset(of:)` method to test whether all elements of a set
/// are contained in another set.
/// - Use the `isDisjoint(with:)` method to test whether a set has any elements
/// in common with another set.
/// You can also combine, exclude, or subtract the elements of two counted sets:
/// - Use the `union(_:)` method to create a new set with the elements of a set
/// and another set or sequence.
/// - Use the `intersection(_:)` method to create a new set with only the
/// elements common to a set and another set or sequence.
/// - Use the `subtracting(_:)` method to create a new set with the elements of
/// a set that are not also in another set or sequence.
/// You can modify a counted set in place by using these methods' mutating
/// counterparts: `formUnion(_:)`, `formIntersection(_:)`,
/// and `subtract(_:)`.
public struct CountedSet<Element: Hashable> {
/// Inserts the given element to the set, with
/// a count of 1 if the element is not yet present
/// or adding 1 to the count if it is.
public mutating func insert(_ member: Element) -> Int {
_counts[member, default: 0] += 1
return _counts[member]!
/// Removes one instance of the given element from
/// the set. If the count goes to zero, the element is
/// removed from the set. If the element is not present,
/// the request is ignored.
public mutating func remove(_ member: Element) -> Int {
let memberCount = _counts[member, default: 0]
guard memberCount > 0 else { return 0 }
guard memberCount > 1 else { _counts.removeValue(forKey: member); return 0 }
let newCount = _counts[member]! - 1
_counts[member] = newCount
return newCount
/// Access an element count, returning 0 for any
/// element that does not appear in the counted set
public subscript(_ member: Element) -> Int {
return _counts[member, default: 0]
/// Return the number of unique elements in the counted set
public var count: Int { return _counts.keys.count }
/// A Boolean value that indicates whether the counted set is empty.
public var isEmpty: Bool {
return count == 0
/// Return an element of the set
public var anyElement: Element? {
return _counts.keys.first
internal var _counts: [Element: Int]
extension CountedSet: Equatable {
public static func ==<T>(lhs: CountedSet<T>, rhs: CountedSet<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs._counts == rhs._counts
extension CountedSet: Sequence {
/// Returns an iterator over the members and counts
/// of the counted set.
public func makeIterator() -> DictionaryIterator<Element, Int> {
return _counts.makeIterator()
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether
/// the counted set contains a member
public func contains(_ member: Element) -> Bool {
return self[member] != 0
/// Check for both subset and equality relationship between
/// a set and some sequence (which may itself be a `Set`).
/// (isSubset: lhs ⊂ rhs, isEqual: lhs ⊂ rhs and |lhs| = |rhs|)
internal func _compareSets<Element>(_ lhs: CountedSet<Element>, _ rhs: CountedSet<Element>)
-> (isSubset: Bool, isEqual: Bool) {
for member in lhs {
// Would be better if it used key/count and not key/value
// but that would require a custom iterator
if rhs[member.key] != member.value {
return (false, false)
return (true, lhs.count == rhs.count)
/// Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether this set is a subset of
/// the given set.
/// Set *A* is a subset of another set *B* if every member of *A* is also a
/// member of *B*.
/// - Parameter other: Another set.
/// - Returns: `true` if the set is a subset of `other`; otherwise, `false`.
public func isSubset(of other: CountedSet<Element>) -> Bool {
let (isSubset, isEqual) = _compareSets(self, other)
return isSubset || isEqual
/// Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is a superset of
/// the given sequence.
/// Set *A* is a superset of another set *B* if every member of *B* is also a
/// member of *A*.
/// - Parameter possibleSubset: another counted set
/// - Returns: `true` if the set is a superset of `possibleSubset`;
/// otherwise, `false`.
public func isSuperset(of other: CountedSet<Element>) -> Bool {
return other.isSubset(of: self)
/// Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether this set has no members in
/// common with the given set.
/// - Parameter other: Another counted set.
/// - Returns: `true` if the set has no elements in common with `other`;
/// otherwise, `false`.
public func isDisjoint(with other: CountedSet<Element>) -> Bool {
for (key, _) in self {
if other[key] > 0 { return false }
return true
/// Inserts the elements of the given sequence into the set.
/// If the set already contains one or more elements that are also in
/// `other`, the existing members are kept. If `other` contains multiple
/// instances of equivalent elements, only the first instance is kept.
/// var attendees: Set = ["Alicia", "Bethany", "Diana"]
/// let visitors = ["Diana", "Marcia", "Nathaniel"]
/// attendees.formUnion(visitors)
/// print(attendees)
/// // Prints "["Diana", "Nathaniel", "Bethany", "Alicia", "Marcia"]"
/// - Parameter other: A sequence of elements. `other` must be finite.
public mutating func formUnion(_ other: CountedSet<Element>) {
for (item, count) in other {
_counts[item] = count + self[item]
/// Returns a new set with the elements of both this set and the given
/// sequence.
/// - Parameter other: Another counted set.
/// - Returns: A new set with the unique elements of this set and `other`.
public func union(_ other: CountedSet<Element>) -> CountedSet<Element> {
var newSet = self
return newSet
/// Removes the elements of the set that aren't also in another set.
/// - Parameter other: another counted set.
public mutating func formIntersection(_ other: CountedSet<Element>) {
for (key, _) in self {
if other[key] == 0 {
_counts.removeValue(forKey: key)
/// Returns a new set with the elements that are common to both this set and
/// the other set.
/// - Parameter other: Another counted set.
/// - Returns: A new counted set.
public func intersection(_ other: CountedSet<Element>) -> CountedSet<Element> {
var newSet = self
return newSet
/// Removes the elements of the set that are found in another set.
/// - Parameter other: another counted set.
public mutating func subtract(_ other: CountedSet<Element>) {
for (key, _) in other {
_counts.removeValue(forKey: key)
/// Returns a new set with the elements that do not appear in
/// another set.
/// - Parameter other: Another counted set.
/// - Returns: A new counted set.
public func subtracting(_ other: CountedSet<Element>) -> CountedSet<Element> {
var newSet = self
return newSet
extension CountedSet: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
// `ExpressibleByArrayLiteral` conformance
/// Creates a counted set containing the elements of the given array literal.
/// Do not call this initializer directly. It is used by the compiler when
/// you use an array literal. Instead, create a new counted set using an array
/// literal as its value by enclosing a comma-separated list of values in
/// square brackets. You can use an array literal anywhere a set is expected
/// by the type context.
public init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...) {
_counts = [:]
for element in elements {
_counts[element] = _counts[element, default: 0] + 1
enum Arrow { case iron, wooden, elven, dwarvish, magic, silver }
var aCountedSet = CountedSet<Arrow>()
aCountedSet[.iron] // 0
var myCountedSet: CountedSet<Arrow> = [.iron, .magic, .iron, .silver, .iron, .iron]
myCountedSet[.iron] // 4
for (key, count) in myCountedSet {
print("\(key): \(count)")
// silver: 1
// iron: 4
// magic: 1
myCountedSet.remove(.iron) // 3
myCountedSet.remove(.dwarvish) // 0
myCountedSet.remove(.magic) // 0
// magic should not appear here
for (key, count) in myCountedSet {
print("\(key): \(count)")
// silver: 1
// iron: 3
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