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Created June 18, 2018 17:05
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/// Produces a nil-padded zip sequence for source sequences of
/// potentially unequal lengths. The created sequence produces
/// a series of 2-arity tuples of optional elements, with the
/// shorter source sequence using `nil`-padding until the longer
/// sequence is consumed.
public struct NilPaddedZipSequence<Sequence1: Sequence, Sequence2: Sequence>
: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
/// Advances to the next tuple and returns it, or `nil` if no both
/// sequences have been exhausted. If only one sequence has been
/// exhausted, it contributes `nil` to the tuple.
/// Once `nil` has been returned, all subsequent calls return `nil`.
public mutating func next() ->
(Sequence1.Iterator.Element?, Sequence2.Iterator.Element?)? {
let (element1, element2) = (_iter1?.next(), _iter2?.next())
switch (element1, element2) {
case (nil, nil): return nil
case (_ , nil): _iter2 = nil
case (nil, _): _iter1 = nil
default: break
return (element1, element2)
public init(_ sequence1: Sequence1, _ sequence2: Sequence2) {
(_iter1, _iter2) = (sequence1.makeIterator(), sequence2.makeIterator())
private var (_iter1, _iter2): (Sequence1.Iterator?, Sequence2.Iterator?)
/// Zips two sequences of (potentially) different lengths.
/// This zipping operation produces a sequence of 2-arity tuples
/// with optional elements. When sequence lengths do not match, the shorter
/// sequence is padded with `nil` to match the length of the longer sequence.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// nilPaddedZip("abcd", 1..2)
/// // (Optional("a"), Optional(1)), (Optional("b"), Optional(2)),
/// // (Optional("c"), nil), (Optional("d"), nil)
/// ```
/// Passing a sequence with optional elements incorporates those elements
/// into the sequence:
/// ```
/// let optInts: [Int?] = [1, 5, nil, 3]
/// nilPaddedZip(optInts, 1...2))
/// // (Optional(Optional(1)), Optional(1)), (Optional(Optional(5)),
/// // Optional(2)), (Optional(nil), nil), (Optional(Optional(3)), nil)
/// ```
/// - Parameter sequence1: The first sequence.
/// - Parameter sequence2: The second sequence.
/// - Returns: a sequence of `(E1?,E2?)` tuples, corresponding to
/// the elements of each sequence. When exausted, the shorter sequence
/// pads its elements with nil.
public func nilPaddedZip<Sequence1, Sequence2>(
_ sequence1: Sequence1,
_ sequence2: Sequence2)
-> NilPaddedZipSequence<Sequence1, Sequence2>
where Sequence1: Sequence, Sequence2: Sequence {
return NilPaddedZipSequence(sequence1, sequence2)
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