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Finder icons Cocoa constants
File: LaunchServices/IconsCore.h
Contains: Icon Utilities and Icon Services Interfaces.
Version: LaunchServices-283~12
Copyright: � 1990-2006 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved
Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
the World Wide Web:
#ifndef __ICONSCORE__
#define __ICONSCORE__
#ifndef __CARBONCORE__
#include <CarbonCore/CarbonCore.h>
#ifndef __OSSERVICES__
#include <OSServices/OSServices.h>
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* The following are icons for which there are both icon suites and SICNs. */
/* Avoid using icon resources if possible. Use IconServices instead. */
enum {
kGenericDocumentIconResource = -4000,
kGenericStationeryIconResource = -3985,
kGenericEditionFileIconResource = -3989,
kGenericApplicationIconResource = -3996,
kGenericDeskAccessoryIconResource = -3991,
kGenericFolderIconResource = -3999,
kPrivateFolderIconResource = -3994,
kFloppyIconResource = -3998,
kTrashIconResource = -3993,
kGenericRAMDiskIconResource = -3988,
kGenericCDROMIconResource = -3987
/* The following are icons for which there are SICNs only. */
/* Avoid using icon resources if possible. Use IconServices instead. */
enum {
kDesktopIconResource = -3992,
kOpenFolderIconResource = -3997,
kGenericHardDiskIconResource = -3995,
kGenericFileServerIconResource = -3972,
kGenericSuitcaseIconResource = -3970,
kGenericMoverObjectIconResource = -3969
/* The following are icons for which there are icon suites only. */
/* Avoid using icon resources if possible. Use IconServices instead. */
enum {
kGenericPreferencesIconResource = -3971,
kGenericQueryDocumentIconResource = -16506,
kGenericExtensionIconResource = -16415,
kSystemFolderIconResource = -3983,
kHelpIconResource = -20271,
kAppleMenuFolderIconResource = -3982
/* Obsolete. Use named constants defined above. */
enum {
genericDocumentIconResource = kGenericDocumentIconResource,
genericStationeryIconResource = kGenericStationeryIconResource,
genericEditionFileIconResource = kGenericEditionFileIconResource,
genericApplicationIconResource = kGenericApplicationIconResource,
genericDeskAccessoryIconResource = kGenericDeskAccessoryIconResource,
genericFolderIconResource = kGenericFolderIconResource,
privateFolderIconResource = kPrivateFolderIconResource,
floppyIconResource = kFloppyIconResource,
trashIconResource = kTrashIconResource,
genericRAMDiskIconResource = kGenericRAMDiskIconResource,
genericCDROMIconResource = kGenericCDROMIconResource,
desktopIconResource = kDesktopIconResource,
openFolderIconResource = kOpenFolderIconResource,
genericHardDiskIconResource = kGenericHardDiskIconResource,
genericFileServerIconResource = kGenericFileServerIconResource,
genericSuitcaseIconResource = kGenericSuitcaseIconResource,
genericMoverObjectIconResource = kGenericMoverObjectIconResource,
genericPreferencesIconResource = kGenericPreferencesIconResource,
genericQueryDocumentIconResource = kGenericQueryDocumentIconResource,
genericExtensionIconResource = kGenericExtensionIconResource,
systemFolderIconResource = kSystemFolderIconResource,
appleMenuFolderIconResource = kAppleMenuFolderIconResource
/* Avoid using icon resources if possible. Use IconServices instead. */
enum {
kStartupFolderIconResource = -3981,
kOwnedFolderIconResource = -3980,
kDropFolderIconResource = -3979,
kSharedFolderIconResource = -3978,
kMountedFolderIconResource = -3977,
kControlPanelFolderIconResource = -3976,
kPrintMonitorFolderIconResource = -3975,
kPreferencesFolderIconResource = -3974,
kExtensionsFolderIconResource = -3973,
kFontsFolderIconResource = -3968,
kFullTrashIconResource = -3984
/* Obsolete. Use named constants defined above. */
enum {
startupFolderIconResource = kStartupFolderIconResource,
ownedFolderIconResource = kOwnedFolderIconResource,
dropFolderIconResource = kDropFolderIconResource,
sharedFolderIconResource = kSharedFolderIconResource,
mountedFolderIconResource = kMountedFolderIconResource,
controlPanelFolderIconResource = kControlPanelFolderIconResource,
printMonitorFolderIconResource = kPrintMonitorFolderIconResource,
preferencesFolderIconResource = kPreferencesFolderIconResource,
extensionsFolderIconResource = kExtensionsFolderIconResource,
fontsFolderIconResource = kFontsFolderIconResource,
fullTrashIconResource = kFullTrashIconResource
/* IconRefs are 32-bit values identifying cached icon data. IconRef 0 is invalid.*/
typedef struct OpaqueIconRef* IconRef;
IconServices is an efficient mechanism to share icon data amongst multiple
clients. It avoids duplication of data; it provides efficient caching,
releasing memory when the icon data is no longer needed; it can provide
the appropriate icon for any filesystem object; it can provide commonly
used icons (caution, note, help...); it is Appearance-savvy: the icons
are switched when appropriate.
IconServices refer to cached icon data using IconRef, a 32-bit opaque
value. IconRefs are reference counted. When there are no more "owners"
of an IconRef, the memory used by the icon bitmap is disposed of.
Two files of same type and creator with no custom icon will have the same IconRef.
Files with custom icons will have their own IconRef.
Use the special creator kSystemIconsCreator to get "standard" icons
that are not associated with a file, such as the help icon.
Note that all lowercase creators are reserved by Apple.
enum {
kSystemIconsCreator = 'macs'
Type of the predefined/generic icons. For example, the call:
err = GetIconRef(kOnSystemDisk, kSystemIconsCreator, kHelpIcon, &iconRef);
will retun in iconRef the IconRef for the standard help icon.
/* Generic Finder icons */
enum {
kClipboardIcon = 'CLIP',
kClippingUnknownTypeIcon = 'clpu',
kClippingPictureTypeIcon = 'clpp',
kClippingTextTypeIcon = 'clpt',
kClippingSoundTypeIcon = 'clps',
kDesktopIcon = 'desk',
kFinderIcon = 'FNDR',
kComputerIcon = 'root',
kFontSuitcaseIcon = 'FFIL',
kFullTrashIcon = 'ftrh',
kGenericApplicationIcon = 'APPL',
kGenericCDROMIcon = 'cddr',
kGenericControlPanelIcon = 'APPC',
kGenericControlStripModuleIcon = 'sdev',
kGenericComponentIcon = 'thng',
kGenericDeskAccessoryIcon = 'APPD',
kGenericDocumentIcon = 'docu',
kGenericEditionFileIcon = 'edtf',
kGenericExtensionIcon = 'INIT',
kGenericFileServerIcon = 'srvr',
kGenericFontIcon = 'ffil',
kGenericFontScalerIcon = 'sclr',
kGenericFloppyIcon = 'flpy',
kGenericHardDiskIcon = 'hdsk',
kGenericIDiskIcon = 'idsk',
kGenericRemovableMediaIcon = 'rmov',
kGenericMoverObjectIcon = 'movr',
kGenericPCCardIcon = 'pcmc',
kGenericPreferencesIcon = 'pref',
kGenericQueryDocumentIcon = 'qery',
kGenericRAMDiskIcon = 'ramd',
kGenericSharedLibaryIcon = 'shlb',
kGenericStationeryIcon = 'sdoc',
kGenericSuitcaseIcon = 'suit',
kGenericURLIcon = 'gurl',
kGenericWORMIcon = 'worm',
kInternationalResourcesIcon = 'ifil',
kKeyboardLayoutIcon = 'kfil',
kSoundFileIcon = 'sfil',
kSystemSuitcaseIcon = 'zsys',
kTrashIcon = 'trsh',
kTrueTypeFontIcon = 'tfil',
kTrueTypeFlatFontIcon = 'sfnt',
kTrueTypeMultiFlatFontIcon = 'ttcf',
kUserIDiskIcon = 'udsk',
kUnknownFSObjectIcon = 'unfs',
kInternationResourcesIcon = kInternationalResourcesIcon /* old name*/
/* Internet locations */
enum {
kInternetLocationHTTPIcon = 'ilht',
kInternetLocationFTPIcon = 'ilft',
kInternetLocationAppleShareIcon = 'ilaf',
kInternetLocationAppleTalkZoneIcon = 'ilat',
kInternetLocationFileIcon = 'ilfi',
kInternetLocationMailIcon = 'ilma',
kInternetLocationNewsIcon = 'ilnw',
kInternetLocationNSLNeighborhoodIcon = 'ilns',
kInternetLocationGenericIcon = 'ilge'
/* Folders */
enum {
kGenericFolderIcon = 'fldr',
kDropFolderIcon = 'dbox',
kMountedFolderIcon = 'mntd',
kOpenFolderIcon = 'ofld',
kOwnedFolderIcon = 'ownd',
kPrivateFolderIcon = 'prvf',
kSharedFolderIcon = 'shfl'
/* Sharing Privileges icons */
enum {
kSharingPrivsNotApplicableIcon = 'shna',
kSharingPrivsReadOnlyIcon = 'shro',
kSharingPrivsReadWriteIcon = 'shrw',
kSharingPrivsUnknownIcon = 'shuk',
kSharingPrivsWritableIcon = 'writ'
/* Users and Groups icons */
enum {
kUserFolderIcon = 'ufld',
kWorkgroupFolderIcon = 'wfld',
kGuestUserIcon = 'gusr',
kUserIcon = 'user',
kOwnerIcon = 'susr',
kGroupIcon = 'grup'
/* Special folders */
enum {
kAppearanceFolderIcon = 'appr',
kAppleExtrasFolderIcon = 0x616578C4/*'aex�'*/,
kAppleMenuFolderIcon = 'amnu',
kApplicationsFolderIcon = 'apps',
kApplicationSupportFolderIcon = 'asup',
kAssistantsFolderIcon = 0x617374C4/*'ast�'*/,
kColorSyncFolderIcon = 'prof',
kContextualMenuItemsFolderIcon = 'cmnu',
kControlPanelDisabledFolderIcon = 'ctrD',
kControlPanelFolderIcon = 'ctrl',
kControlStripModulesFolderIcon = 0x736476C4/*'sdv�'*/,
kDocumentsFolderIcon = 'docs',
kExtensionsDisabledFolderIcon = 'extD',
kExtensionsFolderIcon = 'extn',
kFavoritesFolderIcon = 'favs',
kFontsFolderIcon = 'font',
kHelpFolderIcon = (long)0xC4686C70/*'�hlp' */,
kInternetFolderIcon = 0x696E74C4/*'int�'*/,
kInternetPlugInFolderIcon = (long)0xC46E6574/*'�net' */,
kInternetSearchSitesFolderIcon = 'issf',
kLocalesFolderIcon = (long)0xC46C6F63/*'�loc' */,
kMacOSReadMeFolderIcon = 0x6D6F72C4/*'mor�'*/,
kPublicFolderIcon = 'pubf',
kPreferencesFolderIcon = 0x707266C4/*'prf�'*/,
kPrinterDescriptionFolderIcon = 'ppdf',
kPrinterDriverFolderIcon = (long)0xC4707264/*'�prd' */,
kPrintMonitorFolderIcon = 'prnt',
kRecentApplicationsFolderIcon = 'rapp',
kRecentDocumentsFolderIcon = 'rdoc',
kRecentServersFolderIcon = 'rsrv',
kScriptingAdditionsFolderIcon = (long)0xC4736372/*'�scr' */,
kSharedLibrariesFolderIcon = (long)0xC46C6962/*'�lib' */,
kScriptsFolderIcon = 0x736372C4/*'scr�'*/,
kShutdownItemsDisabledFolderIcon = 'shdD',
kShutdownItemsFolderIcon = 'shdf',
kSpeakableItemsFolder = 'spki',
kStartupItemsDisabledFolderIcon = 'strD',
kStartupItemsFolderIcon = 'strt',
kSystemExtensionDisabledFolderIcon = 'macD',
kSystemFolderIcon = 'macs',
kTextEncodingsFolderIcon = (long)0xC4746578/*'�tex' */,
kUsersFolderIcon = 0x757372C4/*'usr�'*/,
kUtilitiesFolderIcon = 0x757469C4/*'uti�'*/,
kVoicesFolderIcon = 'fvoc'
/* Badges */
enum {
kAppleScriptBadgeIcon = 'scrp',
kLockedBadgeIcon = 'lbdg',
kMountedBadgeIcon = 'mbdg',
kSharedBadgeIcon = 'sbdg',
kAliasBadgeIcon = 'abdg',
kAlertCautionBadgeIcon = 'cbdg'
/* Alert icons */
enum {
kAlertNoteIcon = 'note',
kAlertCautionIcon = 'caut',
kAlertStopIcon = 'stop'
/* Networking icons */
enum {
kAppleTalkIcon = 'atlk',
kAppleTalkZoneIcon = 'atzn',
kAFPServerIcon = 'afps',
kFTPServerIcon = 'ftps',
kHTTPServerIcon = 'htps',
kGenericNetworkIcon = 'gnet',
kIPFileServerIcon = 'isrv'
/* Toolbar icons */
enum {
kToolbarCustomizeIcon = 'tcus',
kToolbarDeleteIcon = 'tdel',
kToolbarFavoritesIcon = 'tfav',
kToolbarHomeIcon = 'thom'
/* Other icons */
enum {
kAppleLogoIcon = 'capl',
kAppleMenuIcon = 'sapl',
kBackwardArrowIcon = 'baro',
kFavoriteItemsIcon = 'favr',
kForwardArrowIcon = 'faro',
kGridIcon = 'grid',
kHelpIcon = 'help',
kKeepArrangedIcon = 'arng',
kLockedIcon = 'lock',
kNoFilesIcon = 'nfil',
kNoFolderIcon = 'nfld',
kNoWriteIcon = 'nwrt',
kProtectedApplicationFolderIcon = 'papp',
kProtectedSystemFolderIcon = 'psys',
kRecentItemsIcon = 'rcnt',
kShortcutIcon = 'shrt',
kSortAscendingIcon = 'asnd',
kSortDescendingIcon = 'dsnd',
kUnlockedIcon = 'ulck',
kConnectToIcon = 'cnct',
kGenericWindowIcon = 'gwin',
kQuestionMarkIcon = 'ques',
kDeleteAliasIcon = 'dali',
kEjectMediaIcon = 'ejec',
kBurningIcon = 'burn',
kRightContainerArrowIcon = 'rcar'
/* IconServicesUsageFlags */
typedef UInt32 IconServicesUsageFlags;
enum {
kIconServicesNormalUsageFlag = 0x00000000,
kIconServicesNoBadgeFlag = 0x00000001, /* available on Panther and later */
kIconServicesUpdateIfNeededFlag = 0x00000002 /* available on Panther and later */
kIconServicesCatalogInfoMask - Minimal bitmask for use with
GetIconRefFromFileInfo(). Use this mask with FSGetCatalogInfo
before calling GetIconRefFromFileInfo(). Please note kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo flag is
valid only on MacOS X and must be cleared from CatalogInfoMask before
passing to GetIconRefFromFileInfo while running under MacOS 9 (or error will be returned)
enum {
kIconServicesCatalogInfoMask = (kFSCatInfoNodeID | kFSCatInfoParentDirID | kFSCatInfoVolume | kFSCatInfoNodeFlags | kFSCatInfoFinderInfo | kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo | kFSCatInfoUserAccess | kFSCatInfoPermissions | kFSCatInfoContentMod)
Reference counting
This routine returns the reference count for the IconRef, or number of owners.
A valid IconRef always has at least one owner.
* GetIconRefOwners()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
IconRef theIconRef,
This routine increments the reference count for the IconRef
* AcquireIconRef()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
AcquireIconRef(IconRef theIconRef) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER;
This routine decrements the reference count for the IconRef.
When the reference count reaches 0, all memory allocated for the icon
is disposed. Any subsequent use of the IconRef is invalid.
* ReleaseIconRef()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
ReleaseIconRef(IconRef theIconRef) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER;
Getting an IconRef
This routine returns an icon ref for the specified file, folder or volume.
The label information is provided separately, since two files with the same icon
but a different label would share the same iconRef. The label can be used in
PlotIconRef() for example.
Use this routine if you have no information about the file system object. If
you have already done a GetCatInfo on the file and want to save some I/O,
call GetIconRefFromFolder() if you know it's a folder with no custom icon or
call GetIconRef() if it's a file with no custom icon.
This routine increments the reference count of the returned IconRef. Call
ReleaseIconRef() when you're done with it.
This call is deprecated. Please use GetIconRefFromFileInfo() instead.
#if !__LP64__
* GetIconRefFromFile() *** DEPRECATED ***
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
const FSSpec * theFile,
IconRef * theIconRef,
This routine returns an icon ref for an icon in the desktop database or
for a registered icon.
The system registers a set of icon such as the help icon with the creator
code kSystemIconsCreator. See above for a list of the registered system types.
The vRefNum is used as a hint on where to look for the icon first. Use
kOnSystemDisk if you don't know what to pass.
This routine increments the reference count of the returned IconRef. Call
ReleaseIconRef() when you're done with it.
#endif /* !__LP64__ */
* GetIconRef()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
SInt16 vRefNum,
OSType creator,
OSType iconType,
This routine returns an icon ref for a folder with no custom icon.
Use the more generic, but slightly slower, GetIconRefFromFile() if
you don't already have the necessary info about the file.
Attributes should be CInfoPBRec.dirInfo.ioFlAttrib for this folder.
Access privileges should be CInfoPBRec.dirInfo.ioACUser for this folder.
This routine increments the reference count of the IconRef. Call ReleaseIconRef()
when you're done with it.
* GetIconRefFromFolder()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
SInt16 vRefNum,
SInt32 parentFolderID,
SInt32 folderID,
SInt8 attributes,
SInt8 accessPrivileges,
/* GetIconRefFromFileInfo*/
* GetIconRefFromFileInfo()
* Summary:
* This routine returns an IconRef for a file with minimal file I/O.
* Discussion:
* To minimize file operations, FSGetCatalogInfo should be called
* prior to calling this routine. The FSCatalogInfo should
* correspond to kIconServicesCatalogInfoMask The name should be
* fetched and passed in. If either the name or the correct catalog
* info is not passed in, this routine will do file operations for
* this information instead.
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Parameters:
* inRef:
* An FSRef for the target file
* inFileNameLength:
* The length of the name of the target file
* inFileName:
* The name of the target file
* inWhichInfo:
* The mask of file info already acquired.
* inCatalogInfo:
* The catalog info already acquired.
* inUsageFlags:
* The usage flags for this call (use
* kIconServicesNormalUsageFlag).
* outIconRef:
* The output IconRef for the routine.
* outLabel:
* The output label for the icon/file.
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: not available
extern OSStatus
const FSRef * inRef,
UniCharCount inFileNameLength,
const UniChar * inFileName, /* can be NULL */
FSCatalogInfoBitmap inWhichInfo,
const FSCatalogInfo * inCatalogInfo, /* can be NULL */
IconServicesUsageFlags inUsageFlags,
IconRef * outIconRef,
SInt16 * outLabel) /* can be NULL */ AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_1_AND_LATER;
/* GetIconRefFromTypeInfo*/
* GetIconRefFromTypeInfo()
* Summary:
* Create an IconRef for a type information.
* Discussion:
* Creates IconRef based on provided type info. Any of the input
* parameters can be zero (meaning it is unknown). Returns generic
* document icon in case if all parameters are zeroes. Calling the
* routine with non zero inCreator and inType and zero inExtension
* and inMIMEType is equivalent to GetIconRef(kOnSystemDisk,
* inCreator, inType).
* Mac OS X threading:
* Not thread safe
* Parameters:
* inCreator:
* The creator.
* inType:
* The type.
* inExtension:
* The extension.
* inMIMEType:
* The MIME type.
* inUsageFlags:
* The usage flags for this call (use
* kIconServicesNormalUsageFlag).
* outIconRef:
* The output IconRef for the routine.
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: not available
extern OSErr
OSType inCreator,
OSType inType,
CFStringRef inExtension,
CFStringRef inMIMEType,
IconServicesUsageFlags inUsageFlags,
/* GetIconRefFromIconFamilyPtr*/
* GetIconRefFromIconFamilyPtr()
* Summary:
* Create an IconRef for the IconFamilyPtr.
* Discussion:
* This routine creates IconRef for the IconFamilyPtr.
* Mac OS X threading:
* Not thread safe
* Parameters:
* inIconFamilyPtr:
* The icon data
* inSize:
* The icon data size
* outIconRef:
* The output IconRef for the routine.
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: not available
extern OSStatus
const IconFamilyResource * inIconFamilyPtr,
Size inSize,
/* GetIconRefFromComponent*/
* GetIconRefFromComponent()
* Summary:
* Create an IconRef for the component.
* Discussion:
* Creates IconRef based on componentIconFamily field of component's
* 'thng' resource.. This routine increments the reference count of
* the IconRef. Call ReleaseIconRef() when you're done with it.
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.5
* Parameters:
* inComponent:
* A component identifier.
* outIconRef:
* The output IconRef for the routine.
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.5 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.5 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: not available
extern OSStatus
Component inComponent,
Adding and modifying IconRef
This routine adds a new entry to the IconRef registry. Other clients will be
able to access it using the (creator, iconType) pair specified here.
Lower-case creators are reserved for the system.
Consider using RegisterIconRefFromResource() if possible, since the data
registered using RegisterIconRefFromFamily() cannot be purged.
The iconFamily data is copied and the caller is reponsible for disposing of it.
This routine increments the reference count of the IconRef. Call ReleaseIconRef()
when you're done with it.
* RegisterIconRefFromIconFamily()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
OSType creator,
OSType iconType,
IconFamilyHandle iconFamily,
Registers an IconRef from a resouce file.
Lower-case creators are reserved for the system.
The icon data to be fetched is either classic icon data or an icon family.
The 'icns' icon family is searched for before the classic icon data.
This routine increments the reference count of the IconRef. Call ReleaseIconRef()
when you're done with it.
#if !__LP64__
* RegisterIconRefFromResource() *** DEPRECATED ***
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
OSType creator,
OSType iconType,
const FSSpec * resourceFile,
SInt16 resourceID,
/* RegisterIconRefFromFSRef*/
#endif /* !__LP64__ */
* RegisterIconRefFromFSRef()
* Discussion:
* This routine registers an IconRef from a ".icns" file and
* associates it with a creator/type pair.
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Parameters:
* creator:
* The creator code for the icns file.
* iconType:
* The type code for the icns file
* iconFile:
* The FSRef of the icns file.
* theIconRef:
* The output IconRef for the routine.
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: not available
extern OSStatus
OSType creator,
OSType iconType,
const FSRef * iconFile,
Removes the specified icon from the icon cache (if there are no users of it).
If some clients are using this iconRef, then the IconRef will be removed when the
last user calls ReleaseIconRef.
* UnregisterIconRef()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
OSType creator,
Call this routine to force an update of the data for iconRef.
For example after changing an icon in the desktop database or changing the custom
icon of a file. Note that after _adding_ a custom icon to file or folder, you
need to call GetIconRefFromFile() to get a new IconRef specific to this file.
This routine does nothing if the IconRef is a registered icon.
* UpdateIconRef()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
UpdateIconRef(IconRef theIconRef) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER;
This routines replaces the bitmaps of the specified IconRef with the ones
in the specified resource file.
#if !__LP64__
* OverrideIconRefFromResource() *** DEPRECATED ***
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
IconRef theIconRef,
const FSSpec * resourceFile,
This routines replaces the bitmaps of the specified IconRef with the ones
from the new IconRef.
#endif /* !__LP64__ */
* OverrideIconRef()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Not thread safe
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
IconRef oldIconRef,
This routine remove an override if one was applied to the icon and
reverts back to the original bitmap data.
* RemoveIconRefOverride()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
RemoveIconRefOverride(IconRef theIconRef) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER;
Creating composite IconRef
Superimposes an IconRef on top of another one
* CompositeIconRef()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
IconRef backgroundIconRef,
IconRef foregroundIconRef,
IconRef * compositeIconRef) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER;
Indicates if a given icon ref is a composite of two other icon refs (and which ones)
If it isn't a composite, backgroundIconRef and foreGroundIconRef will be 0.
* IsIconRefComposite()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
IconRef compositeIconRef,
IconRef * backgroundIconRef,
IconRef * foregroundIconRef) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER;
Using IconRef
Return true if the iconRef passed in is a valid icon ref
* IsValidIconRef()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern Boolean
IsValidIconRef(IconRef theIconRef) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER;
/* IsDataAvailableInIconRef*/
* IsDataAvailableInIconRef()
* Summary:
* Check if IconRef has specific data.
* Discussion:
* This routine returns true if inIconKind icon data is availabe or
* can be created.
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.4
* Parameters:
* inIconKind:
* The icon data kind
* inIconRef:
* The IconRef to test.
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: not available
extern Boolean
OSType inIconKind,
Flushing IconRef data
Making this call will dispose of all the data for the specified icons if
the data can be reacquired, for example if the data is provided from a resource.
'****' is a wildcard for all types or all creators.
#if !__LP64__
* FlushIconRefs() *** DEPRECATED ***
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.3
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
OSType creator,
This routine disposes of the data for the icons related to the indicated volume
if this data can be reacquired, for example if the data is provided from a
* FlushIconRefsByVolume() *** DEPRECATED ***
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version 10.2
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.3
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
Controling custom icons
Enable or disable custom icons on the specified volume.
#endif /* !__LP64__ */
* SetCustomIconsEnabled()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Not thread safe
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
SInt16 vRefNum,
Boolean enableCustomIcons) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER;
Return true if custom icons are enabled on the specified volume, false otherwise.
* GetCustomIconsEnabled()
* Mac OS X threading:
* Not thread safe
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 8.5 and later
extern OSErr
SInt16 vRefNum,
Boolean * customIconsEnabled) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER;
Icon files (.icns files)
This routine adds a new entry to the IconRef registry. Other clients will be
able to access it using the (creator, iconType) pair specified here.
Lower-case creators are reserved for the system.
If the creator is kSystemIconsCreator and the iconType is 0, a new IconRef
is always returned. Otherwise, if the creator and type have already been
registered, the previously registered IconRef is returned.
This routine increments the reference count of the IconRef. Call ReleaseIconRef()
when you're done with it.
#if !__LP64__
* RegisterIconRefFromIconFile() *** DEPRECATED ***
* Mac OS X threading:
* Thread safe since version Jagua
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 9.0 and later
extern OSErr
OSType creator,
OSType iconType,
const FSSpec * iconFile,
Read the specified icon file into the icon family handle.
The caller is responsible for disposing the iconFamily
* ReadIconFile() *** DEPRECATED ***
* Mac OS X threading:
* Not thread safe
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 9.0 and later
extern OSErr
const FSSpec * iconFile,
Write the iconFamily handle to the specified file
* WriteIconFile() *** DEPRECATED ***
* Mac OS X threading:
* Not thread safe
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: in IconServicesLib 9.0 and later
extern OSErr
IconFamilyHandle iconFamily,
/* ReadIconFromFSRef*/
#endif /* !__LP64__ */
* ReadIconFromFSRef()
* Discussion:
* This routine reads an icon (icns) file into memory.
* Mac OS X threading:
* Not thread safe
* Parameters:
* ref:
* The FSRef for the icon file.
* iconFamily:
* The handle for the icon family.
* Availability:
* Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
* CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later
* Non-Carbon CFM: not available
extern OSStatus
const FSRef * ref,
IconFamilyHandle * iconFamily) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_1_AND_LATER;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __ICONSCORE__ */
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