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Created November 3, 2020 15:17
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Most frequent element

Write a function that takes a collection and returns the most frequent element. But here's the thing: you can't use the built-in function clojure.core/frequencies. And if there are ties, just pick one.


(most-frequent [2 2 3 4 4 2 1 1 3 2]) ;=> 2
(most-frequent []) ;=> nil
(most-frequent [1 1 4 4 5]) ;=> 4


  • return nil for an empty collection
  • in the case of a tie, return one of the winners

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Very Hard level in JavaScript.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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(defn most-frequent [coll]
  (first (last (sort-by count (partition-by identity (sort coll))))))

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miner commented Nov 3, 2020

(defn most-frequent [coll]
  (when-let [gs (seq (vals (group-by identity coll)))]
    (peek (apply max-key count gs))))

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stuartstein777 commented Nov 3, 2020

(defn most-frequent [xs]
  (if (empty? xs)
     (group-by identity xs)
     (sort-by #(count (second %)))

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vpetruchok commented Nov 3, 2020

(defn most-frequent [coll]
  (if (empty? coll)
    (let [freqs (reduce (fn [m k] (update m k (fnil inc 0))) {} coll)
          max-entry (apply max-key second freqs)]
      (key max-entry))))

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nxvipin commented Nov 3, 2020

(defn most-frequent [coll]
  (some->> (seq coll)                               ;; Short circuit immediately if the collection is empty
           (reduce #(update %1 %2 (fnil inc 0)) {}) ;; Make a map of element -> frequency
           (apply max-key val)                      ;; Find the map entry with the greatest frequency
           first))                                  ;; Return the element

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(defn most-frequent [xs]
  (->> xs
       (group-by identity)
       (sort-by #(count (second %)))

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(defn most-frequent [xs]
  (->> (sort xs)
       (partition-by identity)
       (sort-by count)

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PEZ commented Nov 3, 2020

(defn most-frequent [coll]
  (some->> coll
           (group-by identity)
           (sort-by count #(> %1 %2))

  (most-frequent [2 2 3 4 4 2 1 1 3 2]) ;=> 2
  (most-frequent []) ;=> nil
  (most-frequent [1 1 4 4 5]) ;=> 1
  (most-frequent [1 "a" "a" :foo :foo :foo 1 1 "a" #{1} "a"]) ;=> "a"

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jumarko commented Nov 4, 2020


(defn most-frequent [coll]
  (when-not (empty? coll)
    (let [by-number (group-by identity coll)
          [num _occurences] (apply max-key (comp count val) by-number)]

(deftest test-most-frequent
  (testing "empty collection"
    (is (nil? (most-frequent []))))
  (testing "non-empty collection"
    (is (= 2 (most-frequent [2 2 3 4 4 2 1 1 3 2])))
    (is (= 4 (most-frequent [1 1 4 4 5])))))

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germ13 commented Nov 4, 2020

(defn most-frequent [elements]
  (if (= [] elements) nil
    (loop [el elements
           rsum (apply merge (map #(hash-map (keyword (str %)) 0) (set elements)))]
      (if (empty? el)
        (symbol (key (apply max-key val rsum)))

        (recur (rest el)
               (update-in rsum
                          [(keyword (str (first el)))]

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Note: Some of the answers won't work with mixed types when sorted, because of class cast exception.

For example:

[nil "hello" true nil]

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PEZ commented Nov 4, 2020

@michelemendel I noticed that we both went for group-by instead. 😄

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@PEZ Yes, I started with group-by, tried partition which needed sorting, and when this failed with examples from the edabit site I went back to the group-by.

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KingCode commented Nov 4, 2020

Works for mixed types as well:

(defn most-frequent [xs]
  (->> xs
       (partition-by identity)
       (group-by first) vals
       (map flatten)
       (sort-by (comp - count))

More efficient if we combine the first four components into a single pass-through:

(defn most-frequent [xs]
  (->> xs
       (sequence (comp (partition-by identity)
                       (group-by first)
                       (map second)
                       (map flatten)))
       (sort-by (comp - count))

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(defn most-frequent [xs]
  (->> xs (group-by identity) vals (sort-by (comp - count)) ffirst))

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KingCode commented Nov 4, 2020

@steffan-westcott Nice! Just the essentials :)

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souenzzo commented Nov 4, 2020

Using transducers, just for fun!

(letfn [(xf-most-frequent ([rf]
                           (let [index (volatile! {})]
                               ([] (rf))
                                (let [mf (first (last (sort-by val @index)))]
                                  (-> result
                                      (rf mf)
                               ([result el]
                                (vswap! index update el (fnil inc 0))
        (most-frequent ([coll]
                        (-> xf-most-frequent
                            (sequence coll)
  {:a (most-frequent [2 2 3 4 4 2 1 1 3 2])
   :b (most-frequent [])
   :c (most-frequent [1 1 4 4 5])})
=> {:a 2, :b nil, :c 4}

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steffan-westcott commented Nov 4, 2020

A small tweak to my first effort to avoid the sort:

(defn most-frequent [xs]
  (some->> xs (group-by identity) vals (apply max-key count) first))

I'm sure our answers are anagrams of each other 😀

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proush42 commented Nov 5, 2020

(defn most-frequent [coll]
  (let [freqs (reduce (fn [m x]
                        (assoc m x (inc (get m x 0))))
    (->> (sort-by second > freqs)

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PEZ commented Nov 5, 2020

I struggled a bit with how to unit-test this so I skipped that in my first submission. Here's a take on that that I'd like feedback on:

(defn most-frequent 
  {:test (fn []
           (are [accepted coll]
                (some #(= % (most-frequent coll)) accepted)
             [2]    [2 2 3 4 4 2 1 1 3 2]
             [nil]  []
             [1 4]  [1 1 4 4 5]
             [true] [nil "hello" true nil true true]))}
  (some->> coll
           (group-by identity)
           (sort-by count #(> %1 %2))

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alex-gerdom commented Nov 9, 2020

(defn most-frequent-stream
  "Lazy sequence of which element has occurred most often up through point in collection"
  ([xs] (most-freq-stream xs {}))
  ([xs counts] (most-freq-stream xs counts nil))
  ([xs counts mf]
    (when (seq xs)
      (let [x (first xs)               ;; Will referencing head here be issue?
            xc (inc (or (counts x) 0)) ;; x count
            mc (or (counts mf) 0)      ;; max frequent val count
            nmf (if (< xc mc) mf x)]   ;; new most frequent val
        (cons nmf
              (most-freq-stream (rest xs) (assoc counts x xc) nmf)))))))

(defn most-frequent
  "Return most frequent element in coll. In event of a tie, return the first to hit that frequency"
  {:test #(do
            (assert (= (most-frequent [2 2 3 4 4 2 1 1 3 2]) 2)) ;=> 2
            (assert (nil? (most-frequent []))) ;=> nil
            (assert (= (most-frequent [1 1 4 4 5]) 4)))}
  (last (most-freq-stream xs)))

(test #'most-frequent)

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