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Created March 30, 2021 13:21
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420 Newsletter

Unique elements

There's a function in Clojure called distinct that removes duplicates from a sequence. Your task is to write a function called uniques that removes elements that appear twice.


(uniques []) ;=> ()
(uniques [1 2 3]) ;=> (1 2 3)
(uniques [1 1 2 3]) ;=> (2 3)
(uniques [1 2 3 1 2 3]) ;=> ()
(uniques [1 2 3 2]) ;=> (1 3)

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Medium in Python. The problem has been modified from the original.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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miner commented Mar 30, 2021

Originally, I thought order didn't matter. On second thought, maybe you're right. The original specification mentioned distinct and that maintains order. Back to the drawing board.

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mchampine commented Mar 30, 2021


You may want to think about preserving the order of the sequence.

Even more ambiguity!

  1. This challenge doesn't specify whether or not order is preserved. (and my function passes all the example tests).
  2. A literal interpretation of "remove elements that appear twice" would leave untouched all elements appearing 1 or 3+ times in the result! I.e.:
(defn rem-el-occ-twice [s] (remove #(= 2 ((frequencies s) %)) s))

(rem-el-occ-twice [1 2 2 3 3 3])
;; => (1 3 3 3)

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zackteo commented Mar 30, 2021

Could probably make this more concise if I spend more time but this is what I got

(defn uniques [s]
  (->> s
       (partition-by identity)
       (keep #(if (= (count %) 1) %))

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(defn uniques [xs]
  (let [frq (frequencies xs)]
    (filter #(= 2 (get frq %)) xs)))

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(defn uniques
  (->> (frequencies coll) 
       (filter #(not= (val %) 2)) 
       (map first)))

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sztamas commented Mar 31, 2021

(defn uniques [coll]
  (let [freqs   (frequencies coll)
        unique? (comp zero? dec freqs)]
    (filter unique? coll)))

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(defn uniques [c]
  (->> c
       (filter (fn [[k v]] (< v 2)))
       (map (fn [[k v]] k))))

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sim-f commented Apr 5, 2021

(defn has-two [freq-map e]
  (if (not= (get freq-map e)

(defn uniques [input]
  (let [freq-map (frequencies input)]
    (filter #(has-two freq-map %) input)))

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vmpj commented Apr 5, 2021

(defn uniques [s]
(->> s
  (filter #(= 1 (second %)))
  (map first)))

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fahadbuddy commented Apr 6, 2021

(defn uniques [xs]
  (let [freqs (frequencies xs)]
    (filter (comp #{1} freqs) xs)))

I am trying to understand this solution. What does this mean?

#{1} freqs

a hashset is being applied to a map? Could someone please help elaborate?

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This is simple, fast, preserves the order, and wins code-golf (I guess), but doesn't work in ClojureScript 😉

(defn uniques [xs]
    (seq (java.util.LinkedHashSet. xs)))

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burnall commented Apr 6, 2021

@fahadbuddy #{1} is a set.
(your-set key) means getting a value from the set, i.e. key or nil if it is not in the set.


(map #{1} [1 2 3]) ; => (1 nil nil)

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@farhadbuddy Note the use of “comp”. The set #{1} gets applied not to freqs but rather to the result of applying freqs to an element of xs.

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