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Last active November 27, 2024 21:38
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Minimal meal prep times for two stoves
// Using number of minutes for prep time
2 // one single long dish
mealPrep([30, 30, 30, 20])
2 // multiple shorter dishes
I don't understand, this should take 60 minutes.
mealPrep([30, 25, 45, 30, 60, 15])
3 // many dishes with varying times
I don't understand. It should only take 105 minutes.
function mealPrep(prepTimes) {
var total = prepTimes.reduce((a,b)=>a+b, 0);
var halfTime = total/2;
function recur(total, remaining) {
if(total<halfTime) return;
if(remaining.length === 0) return total;
var rest = remaining.slice(1)
var include = recur(total, rest);
var exclude = recur(total-remaining[0], rest);
return exclude;
return include;
if(include < exclude)
return include;
return exclude;
return Math.ceil(recur(total, prepTimes)/60);
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