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Created March 22, 2021 14:58
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419 Newsletter

String difference

You are given two strings, a and b. We consider each letter to be unique, meaning duplicates are significant. Write a function that returns the count of letters in b which do not occur in a.


(strdiff "abc" "") ;=> {} ;; no characters in b don't occur in a
(strdiff "abc" "abc") ;=> {} ;; ditto
(strdiff "" "abc") ;=> {\a 1 \b 1 \c 1}
(strdiff "axx" "abcc") ;=> {\b 1 \c 2}
(strdiff "xxxx" "xxxxxx") ;=> {\a 2} ;; two x's in b that don't occur in a

Thanks to this site for the challenge idea where it is considered Hard in Python. The problem has been modified from the original.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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sztamas commented Mar 22, 2021

(defn strdiff [a b]
  (->> (merge-with - (frequencies b) (select-keys (frequencies a) (set b)))
       (filter (comp pos? second))
       (into {})))

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steffan-westcott commented Mar 22, 2021

(defn strdiff [a b]
  (->> (reduce-kv (fn [m ch freq] (update m ch (fnil - 0) freq)) (frequencies b) (frequencies a))
    (filter (comp pos? val))
    (into {})))

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(require '[clojure.string :as s])

(defn strdiff
  [s1 s2]
  (frequencies (reduce #(s/replace-first %1 %2 "") s2 s1)))

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(defn strdiff [xs ys]
  (let [fx (frequencies xs)
        fy (frequencies ys)
        kx (into #{} (keys fx))
        ky (into #{} (keys fy))
        k-common (into [] (clojure.set/intersection kx ky))]
    (->> (merge-with - fy (select-keys fx k-common))
         (filter (fn [[_ v]] (> v 0)))
         (into {}))))

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(defn strdiff
  "Returns the count of letters in b which do not occur in a."
  [a b]
  (dissoc (frequencies (map-indexed (fn [i ch] (if (= (get a i) ch) nil ch))

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jaihindhreddy commented Mar 23, 2021

(defn strdiff [a b]
  (->> (select-keys (frequencies a) (set b))
       (merge-with - (frequencies b))
       (remove (comp zero? val))
       (into {})))

fixed version, thanks to @sztamas!

(defn strdiff [a b]
  (->> (select-keys (frequencies a) (set b))
       (merge-with - (frequencies b))
       (filter (comp pos? val))
       (into {})))

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sztamas commented Mar 23, 2021

@jaihindhreddy might worth mentioning that you have to remove negatives as well (not just zeros) or characters that have more occurrences in a than b will end up in the final map. Ex.

  (strdiff "xxx" "x") ;; => {\x -2}

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dkmarley commented Mar 23, 2021

(defn strdiff [a b]
  (->> (distinct b)
       (select-keys (frequencies a))
       (merge-with - (frequencies b))
       (reduce-kv (fn [m k v] (if (pos? v) (assoc m k v) m)) {})))

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miner commented Mar 23, 2021

(defn strdiff [a b]
  (reduce (fn [m c]
            (if-let [n (get m c)]
              (if (= n 1)
                (dissoc m c)
                (assoc m c (dec n)))
          (frequencies b)
          (seq a)))

;; slightly faster with transients
(defn tstrdiff [a b]
   (reduce (fn [m c]
             (if-let [n (get m c)]
               (if (= n 1)
                 (dissoc! m c)
                 (assoc! m c (dec n)))
           (transient (frequencies b))
           (seq a))))

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galuque commented Mar 23, 2021

Definitely feel like I'm cheating 😛

(require '[ :as data])

(defn strdiff [s1 s2]
  (let [[_ only-in-s2 _] (data/diff (vec s1)
                                    (vec s2))]
    (->> only-in-s2
         (filter some?)

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(defn strdiff [a b]
  (let [a-freq (frequencies a)
        b-freq (frequencies b)]
    (reduce-kv (fn [r b-key b-val]
                 (if (not (contains? a-freq b-key))
                   (assoc r b-key b-val)
                   (let [a-val (get a-freq b-key)
                         diff (- b-val a-val)]
                     (if (> diff 0)
                       (assoc r b-key diff)

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vmpj commented Mar 26, 2021

(defn strdiff [a b]
  (let [fa (frequencies a) 
        fb (frequencies b)]
    (->> (reduce-kv #(update %1 %2 (fnil - 0) %3) fb fa)
         (filter #(> (second %) 0)) 
         (into {}))))

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prairie-guy commented Apr 2, 2021

(use '[clojure.set :only (difference intersection)])

(defn strdiff [a b]                                                                                                                                   
  (let [fa (frequencies a)                                                                                                                            
        fb (frequencies b)                                                                                                                            
        ka (set (keys fa))                                                                                                                            
        kb (set (keys fb))]                                                                                                                           
    (apply array-map 
      (append(for [i (intersection ka kb)                                                                                                             
                   :let [n (- (fb i) (fa i))]                                                                                                         
                   :when (> n  0)]                                                                                                                    
               [i n])                                                                                                                                 
             (for [d (difference kb ka)] [d (fb d)]))))))

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Basic question: How do I get highlighted code? First time posting . . .

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@prairie-guy To get syntax highlighting, wrap your code between ```clojure and ``` on their own lines. See the Github docs on syntax highlighting for more examples.

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prairie-guy commented Apr 2, 2021


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sim-f commented Apr 5, 2021

(defn update-freq-map [m k v]
  (if (get m k)
    (update m k #(- % v))

(defn dissoc-less-one [m]
  (let [less-one-key (->> m
                          (filter (fn [[_ v]] (< v 1)))
                          (map first))]
     (fn [m k] (dissoc m k))

(defn strdiff [a b]
  (let [freq-a (frequencies a)
        freq-b (frequencies b)]
    (->> (reduce-kv

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s3dse commented Apr 9, 2021

(defn strdiff [a b]
  (loop [freq-b (frequencies b)
         acc {}]
      (or (= a b) (empty? freq-b)) acc
      (empty? a) freq-b
      (let [[k vb] (first freq-b)
            va ((frequencies a) k 0)
            diff (- vb va)]
        (if (pos-int? diff)
          (recur (rest freq-b) (assoc acc k diff))
          (recur (rest freq-b) acc))))))

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