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Created October 1, 2021 15:53
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Test performance of pure vs impure snipets
import scala.collection.mutable
// Scala 3
abstract class PerfTest[T] {
def setup(n: Int): T
def runTest(o: T, n: Int): Int
class PureAppendTest extends PerfTest[Vector[Int]] {
def setup(b: Int) = Vector[Int]()
def runTest(lst: Vector[Int], n: Int): Int = {
var res = lst
for (i <- 0 until n) {
res = res :+ i
return res.sum
class ImpureAppendTest extends PerfTest[mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]] {
def setup(n: Int) = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
def runTest(lst: mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int], n: Int): Int = {
val res = lst
for (i <- 0 until n) {
res += i
return res.sum
class PureUpdateListTest extends PerfTest[Vector[Int]] {
def setup(n: Int) = Vector.fill(n)(0)
def runTest(lst: Vector[Int], n: Int): Int = {
var res = lst
for (i <- 0 until n) {
res = res.updated(i, res(i) + 11)
return res.sum
class ImpureUpdateListTest extends PerfTest[mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]] {
def setup(n: Int) = mutable.ArrayBuffer.fill(n)(0)
def runTest(lst: mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int], n: Int): Int = {
val res = lst
for (i <- 0 until n) {
res(i) += 11
return res.sum
case class Validator(val balance: Int)
case class BeaconState(
val balances: Vector[Int],
val validators: Vector[Validator]
case class MValidator(var balance: Int)
case class MBeaconState(
val balances: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int],
val validators: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[MValidator]
class PureUpdateBalancesTest extends PerfTest[BeaconState] {
def setup(n: Int) = BeaconState(
Vector.tabulate(n)(_ => Validator(0)))
def runTest(initial: BeaconState, n: Int): Int = {
var state = initial
for (i <- 0 until n) {
state = state.copy(balances = state.balances.updated(i, state.balances(i) + 23))
return state.balances.sum
class ImureUpdateBalancesTest extends PerfTest[MBeaconState] {
def setup(n: Int) = MBeaconState(
mutable.ArrayBuffer.tabulate(n)(_ => MValidator(0)))
def runTest(state: MBeaconState, n: Int): Int = {
for (i <- 0 until n) {
state.balances(i) += 23
return state.balances.sum
class PureUpdateValidatorBalancesTest extends PerfTest[BeaconState] {
def setup(n: Int) = BeaconState(
Vector.tabulate(n)(_ => Validator(0)))
def runTest(initial: BeaconState, n: Int): Int = {
var state = initial
for (i <- 0 until n) {
state = state.copy(
validators = state.validators.updated(
i, state.validators(i).copy(balance = state.validators(i).balance + 32)))
return => v.balance).sum
class ImureUpdateValidatorBalancesTest extends PerfTest[MBeaconState] {
def setup(n: Int) = MBeaconState(
mutable.ArrayBuffer.tabulate(n)(_ => MValidator(0)))
def runTest(state: MBeaconState, n: Int): Int = {
for (i <- 0 until n) {
state.validators(i).balance += 32
return => v.balance).sum
@main def test: Unit = {
val n = 4096
val c = 5000
val params = List(n, 2*n, 4*n, 8*n)
val tests: List[(String,(PerfTest[_],PerfTest[_]))] = List(
("list append", (PureAppendTest(), ImpureAppendTest())),
("list update", (PureUpdateListTest(), ImpureUpdateListTest())),
("update balance", (PureUpdateBalancesTest(), ImureUpdateBalancesTest())),
("update validator balance", (PureUpdateValidatorBalancesTest(), ImureUpdateValidatorBalancesTest()))
for(t <- tests) {
val (testName, (pure, impure)) = t
warmUp(10*c, n, pure)
warmUp(10*c, n, impure)
for(p <- params) {
println(s"n = $p")
val (pureResults, pureTime) = performTest(c, p, pure)
val (impureResults, impureTime) = performTest(c, p, impure)
if (impureResults != pureResults)
throw RuntimeException()
println(s"pure = $pureTime ns")
println(s"impure = $impureTime ns")
println(s"ratio = ${Math.round(pureTime*10.0/impureTime)/10.0}")
def warmUp[T](c: Int, n: Int, test: PerfTest[T]): Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until c) {
val d = test.setup(n)
test.runTest(d, n)
def performTest[T](c: Int, n: Int, test: PerfTest[T]): (Seq[Int], Long) = {
var time: Long = 0
val results = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
for(i <- 0 until c) {
val d = test.setup(n)
val s = System.nanoTime()
results += test.runTest(d, n)
val s2 = System.nanoTime()
time += (s2 - s)
return (results.toSeq, Math.round((time * 1.0) / c))
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