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Created May 27, 2019 22:44
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# define functions
uClassifyURL = function(key, classifierName, text) {
text = gsub(" ", "+", text)
url = sprintf("", classifierName, key, text)
categoryMatch = function(url) {
raw = httr::GET(url)
content = rawToChar(raw$content)
categories = fromJSON(content) %>% stack() %>% mutate(ind = as.character(ind)) %>%
arrange(desc(values)) %>% pull(ind)
# demo use
text = "a deodorizer for both breath and hands"
url = uClassifyURL('39POGBwKCbXf', 'business-topics', text)
url = uClassifyURL('39POGBwKCbXf', 'topics', text)
categories = categoryMatch(url)
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