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Last active September 27, 2015 02:33
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Save erincerys/dacd9111b77c071a1849 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Backup some directories on an EC2 instance to S3 as a tarball, prune old archives and publish result to an SNS topic
# INVOCATION: bash $0
# LOG LOCATION: $storagedir/$prefix-DATESTAMP.log
# - Install this in your crontab on an appropriate schedule. Filenames are to minute resolution.
# - Depending on the method in which AWS CLI was installed, it may not be in $PATH when cron executes. This will be evident in your local user mail and the script log
backupdirs=("$HOME/anope-2.0.2/run/conf" "$HOME/anope-2.0.2/run/data" "$HOME/inspircd-2.0.20/run/conf")
prefix='ircserver' # filename prefix for backup archives
awspath="$(which aws)"
awsregion='us-west-1' # for the sns publish, this has to be set right in the aws cli (~/.aws/config)
s3options="--sse --debug --region $awsregion" # add some params for the s3 cp operation here - debug for verbose log output
snstopic='arn:aws:sns:REGION:ACCOUNTNUMBER:TOPICNAME' # publish the result of this job to which SNS topic?
min_long_run_time=10 # minimum seconds before a warning code will be sent even if backup was successful
max_long_run_time=30 # next trigger for a bigger warning (seconds)
prune_s3=1 # to delete backups older than $remote_backup_retention or not (boolean)
remote_backup_retention=30 # number of archives to keep in s3 at any given time
local_backup_retention=7 # number of archives to keep on local disk at any given time
# Create the local backup directory
if [ ! -d ${storagedir} ] ; then mkdir ${storagedir} ; fi
cd ${storagedir}
# Get some metadata and create some variables
curdate=$(date -u '+%Y%m%d%H%M')
# Logfile generated
date > $logfile
# Assume it will all go well
# Start timer
total_start_time=$(date +%s)
# Generate md5sum based on metadata of files in backup targets
echo "[+] Generating md5..." >> $logfile
backupmd5=$(ls -la ${backupdirs[@]} | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
# Compare archive to previous -- do not upload this one if hash comparison shows that they are identical
lastarchive=$(ls -1 ${prefix}-*.tgz | tac | head -n2 | awk 'NR == 2 { print }' | sed 's/\.tgz$//')
if [[ ! -e "${storagedir}/${lastarchive}.md5" ]] || [[ "$(cat ${storagedir}/${lastarchive}.md5)" != "${backupmd5}" ]] ; then
echo "[!] Processing attachment backups..." >> $logfile
echo "[+] Archiving..." >> $logfile
tar cfz ${archivename} ${backupdirs[@]}
echo $backupmd5 > "${prefix}-${curdate}.md5"
echo "[+] Uploading to S3..." >> $logfile
result=$(${awspath} s3 cp ${s3options} ./${archivename} s3://${s3path} 2>&1)
# trap errors
if [ $(echo "$result" | grep -Pc "(does not match MD5 checksum|exit status is '1')") -eq 1 ] ; then
failcode=$(($failcode + 1))
echo "$result" >> $logfile
# Delete archives in S3 if there are more than the allotted number to be retained
# This isn't necessary if you use a bucket policy to remove files of a certain age
if [ $prune_s3 -eq 1 ] ; then
curremotebackups=(`${awspath} s3 ls s3://${s3path} | grep ${prefix}- | sort | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d '/' -f 5`)
if [ ${#curremotebackups[@]} -ge $remote_backup_retention ] ; then
echo "[+] Deleting oldest backup archive in S3..." >> $logfile
numoldbackups=$((${#curremotebackups[@]} - $remote_backup_retention))
if [ $numoldbackups -lt 0 ] ; then numoldbackups=0 ; fi
oldremotebackups=(`echo ${curremotebackups[@]} | cut -d' ' -f -${numoldbackups}`)
for oldfile in ${oldremotebackups[@]} ; do
${awspath} s3 rm --region $awsregion s3://${s3path}${oldfile}
# Delete local backups in ${storagedir} if there are more than the allotted number to be retained
curlocalbackups=(`ls -tr | grep -Po "${prefix}-(\d{12})" | uniq`)
if [ ${#curlocalbackups[@]} -ge $local_backup_retention ] ; then
numoldbackups=$((${#curlocalbackups[@]} - $local_backup_retention))
if [ $numoldbackups -lt 0 ] ; then numoldbackups=0 ; fi
oldlocalbackups=($(echo ${curlocalbackups[@]} | cut -d' ' -f -${numoldbackups}))
echo "[+] Deleting oldest backup archive(s) locally..." >> $logfile
for oldfile in ${oldlocalbackups[@]} ; do
rm ${oldfile}*
echo "[!] Won't backup attachments as nothing has changed..." >> $logfile
total_finish_time=$(date +%s)
total_execution_time=$(($total_finish_time - $total_start_time))
# If script takes longer than a specified period, warn, and if even longer, error out!
if [[ $total_execution_time -ge $min_long_run_time && $total_execution_time -lt $max_long_run_time ]] ; then
failcode=$(($failcode + 2))
elif [ $total_execution_time -ge $max_long_run_time ] ; then
failcode=$(($failcode + 4))
# Construct the message we will post to an SNS topic on the result of this backup job
postmsg="Backup job on $instanceid completed with"
# Determine job completion status and construct error message if necessary
if [[ $(($failcode & 1)) -eq 1 ]] ; then
postmsg="$postmsg error (S3 upload failed)!"
postmsg="$postmsg success!"
# Finally add how long the job took to compelte
postmsg="${postmsg} Job ran "
if [[ $(($failcode & 2)) -eq 2 ]] ; then
postmsg="$postmsg a bit slow"
elif [[ $(($failcode & 4)) -eq 4 ]] ; then
postmsg"$postmsg quite slow"
postmsg="$postmsg in ${total_execution_time}s."
echo "[+] $postmsg" >> $logfile
## Publish our message to an SNS topic
# echo $postmsg
echo "[!] Sending message to SNS topic!" >> $logfile
${awspath} sns publish --topic-arn $snstopic --subject "Server backup job notification ($resultcode)" --message "$postmsg" 2>&1 >> $logfile
echo "[!] Done!" >> $logfile
if [ $failcode -eq 1 ] ; then
exit 1
exit 0
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKETNAME",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"s3:prefix": [
"s3:delimiter": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:ListBucket",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKETNAME",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"s3:prefix": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKETNAME/SUBDIR/*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "sns:Publish",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sns:REGION:ACCOUNTNUM:TOPICNAM"
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