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erincerys /
Created February 2, 2020 16:13
Backup given sources via restic to AWS S3 at regularity using AWS SNS to notify of result
# Requires:
# - restic (system package)
# - AWS account with SNS topic configured, S3 bucket created, and API keys created
# - awscli (pip) with API keys configured (aws configure)
# - cron implementation (system package)
ResticBinaryPath=`which restic`
AwsCliBinaryPath=`which aws`
erincerys /
Last active February 2, 2020 16:15
Backup given sources via restic to B2 at regularity using SNS to notify of result
# Requires:
# - restic (system package)
# - AWS account with SNS topic configured and API keys created
# - awscli (pip) with API keys configured (aws configure)
# - Backblaze B2 account with API keys
# - cron implementation (system package)
ResticBinaryPath=`which restic`
erincerys /
Last active January 19, 2018 19:37
Script to be remotely invoked by nagios that returns a service's status and can trigger an alarm when down or failed
## Checks a systemd controlled service for status and start failures
# load counter from previous checks
[ -f $COUNT_FILE ] && { COUNT=`cat $COUNT_FILE` ; } || { COUNT=0 ; }
erincerys / .bash_aliases
Last active August 27, 2017 18:39
Bash configuration
# maintenance
alias sysupgrade='yaourt -S -y -u --aur'
# operations
function gpkill () {
if [ $1 ] ; then
TargetPid=`pgrep $1`
echo 'Sending sigterm'
kill -15 $TargetPid
sleep 2
erincerys /
Last active October 11, 2017 21:41
Schedule CPU utilization of your cryptocurrency miner around your personal computer use patterns
# usage: $0 <cpu-threads>
# i use this script to schedule times of day when my computer is not in use can max out cpu on the miner
# example cron entries:
# 00 06 * * * /path/to/ 3
# 00 23 * * * /path/to/ 4
erincerys /
Created August 20, 2017 23:29
CyberPower PowerPanel configuration set to gracefully attempt to dismount drives before signalling shutdown in event of UPS low battery
echo "Warning: The UPS's battery power is not enough, system will be shutdown soon!" | wall
# If you want to receive event notification by e-mail, you must change 'ENABLE_EMAIL' item to 'yes'.
# Note: After change 'ENABLE_EMAIL' item, you must asign 'RECEIPT_NAME', 'RECEIPT_ADDRESS', and
erincerys /
Created August 8, 2017 04:05
Merge irssi log directories, deleting small files
# DESCRIPTION: Parse two directories of logfiles.
# FUNCTION: Append new files with old ones, delete files that are small, and move new files that aren't present to the old directory.
# USAGE: bash /path/to/old_logdir /path/to/new_logdir
# Settings
minlines=15 # Threshhold number of lines to delete a logfile
erincerys /
Last active January 13, 2019 04:23
Backup directories and directory listings to a LUKS container and sync everything to S3
## Description:
# Sync files to and create lists of directory contents in a LUKS container volume and upload it to S3
# Good for periodic backup jobs
# Supports rate limiting, encryption in transit and at rest and file path exclusions
## Usage:
# bash $0
erincerys /
Last active February 19, 2016 04:47
Simple bash script to get the summed run time of all titles on an user list with help of the oMDB API and some open source software
# Dependencies (you must have these already installed on your system)
# - jq, JSON processor written in C
# - bc, arbitrary precision numer processor
# - curl, for transferring data given an URL
if [ -z $1 ] ; then
echo 'Pass an argument of the list ID i.e. ls123456789 found in the URL'
exit 1
erincerys / .s3cfg
Created February 16, 2016 20:52
Script to collect response times and catch errors from an S3-like service - useful to benchmark performance over time
access_key =
secret_key =
check_ssl_certificate = False
cloudfront_host = IP_OR_FQDN:80
host_base =
host_bucket = %(bucket)s.FQDN:80
# host_bucket = IP:80/%(bucket)s
signature_v2 = False
simpledb_host = IP_OR_FQDN:80