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Last active July 3, 2019 08:14
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type TJSObject = { [key: string]: any };
type TJSValue = TJSObject | any;
type TArrayFilter<T> = (x: T) => boolean;
const TO_STRING = {}.toString;
const isObjectBasicCheck = <T extends object>(value: any): value is T => value !== null && typeof value === 'object';
const isObject = <T extends object>(value: any): value is T =>
isObjectBasicCheck(value) && === '[object Object]';
function prop<T extends TJSValue>(object: T, key: string) {
return object[key];
* array filter function to get the intersection
* @param {T[]} values
* @param {string} byObjectProperty
* @return {TFilter<T>}
function filterIntersection<T extends TJSValue>(values: T[], byObjectProperty?: string): TArrayFilter<T> {
if (byObjectProperty) {
return (x: T) => values.some(y => x[byObjectProperty] === y[byObjectProperty]);
return (x: T) => values.includes(x);
* array filter function to get the difference
* @param {T[]} values
* @param {string} byObjectProperty
* @return {TArrayFilter<T>}
function filterDifference<T extends TJSValue>(values: T[], byObjectProperty?: string): TArrayFilter<T> {
if (byObjectProperty) {
return (x: T) => !values.some(y => x[byObjectProperty] === y[byObjectProperty]);
return (x: T) => !values.includes(x);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* array find function
* @param {T} value
* @param {string} byObjectProperty
* @return {TArrayFilter<T>}
function filterFindValue<T extends TJSValue>(value: T, byObjectProperty?: string): TArrayFilter<T> {
if (byObjectProperty) {
return (x: T) => x[byObjectProperty] === (isObject(value) ? value[byObjectProperty] : value);
return (x: T) => x === value;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
* from a given array get the unique elements from it
* @param {T[]} values
* @param {string} byObjectProperty - optional parameter in case of array of objects
* @return {T[]} values without repetition
function unique<T>(values: T[], byObjectProperty?: string): T[] {
return values.reduce(
(unique, item) => {
return filterIntersection(unique, byObjectProperty)(item) ? unique : [...unique, item];
[] as T[]
* get only the values present on both parameters arrays
* @param {T[]} arr1
* @param {T[]} arr2
* @param {string} byObjectProperty - optional parameter in case of array of objects
* @return {T[]} values present on both arrays
function intersection<T>(arr1: T[], arr2: T[], byObjectProperty?: string): T[] {
return arr1.filter(filterIntersection(arr2, byObjectProperty));
* check if the first parameter contains the values from the second parameter
* @param {T[]} sourceArray
* @param {T[]} matchArray
* @param {string} byObjectProperty - optional parameter in case of array of objects
* @return {boolean} flag
function contains<T>(sourceArray: T[], matchArray: T[], byObjectProperty?: string): boolean {
const arr2Lenght = matchArray.length;
const arr3 = intersection<T>(sourceArray, matchArray, byObjectProperty);
return arr2Lenght === arr3.length;
* get the different values present on the first parameter
* @param {T[]} sourceArray
* @param {T[]} matchArray
* @param {string} byObjectProperty - optional parameter in case of array of objects
* @return {T[]}
function difference<T>(sourceArray: T[], matchArray: T[], byObjectProperty?: string): T[] {
return sourceArray.filter(filterDifference(matchArray, byObjectProperty));
* get the different values present on both parameters arrays
* @param {T[]} arr1
* @param {T[]} arr2
* @param {string} byObjectProperty - optional parameter in case of array of objects
* @return {T[]}
function symmetricDifference<T>(arr1: T[], arr2: T[], byObjectProperty?: string): T[] {
return arr1
.filter(filterDifference(arr2, byObjectProperty))
.concat(arr2.filter(filterDifference(arr1, byObjectProperty)));
* find a value inside of the given values array
* @param {T[]} values
* @param {T} value
* @param {string} byObjectProperty - optional parameter in case of array of objects
* @return {T | undefined} value founded or undefined
function find<T extends TJSValue>(values: T[], value: T, byObjectProperty?: string): T | undefined {
return values.find(filterFindValue(value, byObjectProperty));
* Merge two arrays of given type where will return a new array with the values updates
* and the new non repeted elements added to it
* @param {T[]} sourceArray
* @param {T[]} withArray
* @param {string} byObjectProperty - optional parameter in case of array of objects
function merge<T>(sourceArray: T[], withArray: T[], byObjectProperty?: string): T[] {
if (!byObjectProperty) {
return symmetricDifference(sourceArray, withArray);
return [ => {
const element = find(withArray, item, byObjectProperty);
if (element) {
return element;
return item;
...difference(withArray, sourceArray, byObjectProperty),
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
export {
unique as arrayUnique,
intersection as arrayIntersection,
difference as arrayDifference,
contains as arrayContains,
symmetricDifference as arraySymmetricDifference,
find as arrayFind,
merge as arrayMerge,
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
export default {
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