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Created June 13, 2014 19:36
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Haskell script to automate creating (and re-creating) vagrant base boxes with veewee.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Shelly
import System.Environment (getArgs)
publicHtml :: FilePath
publicHtml = "publicHtml"
vBoxGuestAdditions :: FilePath
vBoxGuestAdditions = "VBoxGuestAdditions_4.2.4"
usage :: IO ()
usage = putStrLn "usage: buildBaseBox NAME"
buildBaseBox :: LT.Text -> IO ()
buildBaseBox name = shelly $ verbosely $ do
let name' = fromText name
box = name' <.> "box"
iso = "iso" :: FilePath
server = ""
gitAnnexCopyFrom_ "time-machine" [ box
, (iso </>) . fromText $ name `mappend` "*"
, iso </> vBoxGuestAdditions
whenM (test_f box)
(gitRm_ box)
-- For some reason the next command failed, although it reported that it
-- finished successfully.
veeweeVBoxBuild_ name
vagrantBox_ "remove" [name]
vagrantBasebox_ "export" name
vagrantBox_ "add" [name, toTextIgnore box]
upload server box
verifyUpload server box
gitAnnexAdd_ box
gitCommit_ $ "Updated " `mappend` name
gitAnnexMoveTo_ "time-machine" [ box
, (iso </>) . fromText $ name `mappend` "*"
, iso </> vBoxGuestAdditions
gitAnnexCopyFrom_ :: LT.Text -> [FilePath] -> Sh ()
gitAnnexCopyFrom_ src files =
run_ "git" $
["annex", "copy", "--from", src] ++ [ toTextIgnore fn | fn <- files ]
gitAnnexAdd_ :: FilePath -> Sh ()
gitAnnexAdd_ pathName =
run_ "git" ["annex", "add", toTextIgnore pathName]
gitAnnexSync_ :: Sh ()
gitAnnexSync_ = run_ "git" ["annex", "sync"]
gitAnnexMoveTo_ :: LT.Text -> [FilePath] -> Sh ()
gitAnnexMoveTo_ dest files =
run_ "git" $
["annex", "move", "--to", dest] ++ [ toTextIgnore fn | fn <- files ]
gitRm_ :: FilePath -> Sh ()
gitRm_ pathName = run_ "git" ["rm", toTextIgnore pathName]
gitCommit_ :: LT.Text -> Sh ()
gitCommit_ msg = run_ "git" ["commit", "-m", msg]
veeweeVBoxBuild_ :: LT.Text -> Sh ()
veeweeVBoxBuild_ name = run_ "veewee" ["vbox", "build", name]
vagrantBox_ :: LT.Text -> [LT.Text] -> Sh ()
vagrantBox_ commandStr args = run_ "vagrant" $ ["box", commandStr] ++ args
vagrantBasebox_ :: LT.Text -> LT.Text -> Sh ()
vagrantBasebox_ commandStr box = run_ "vagrant" ["basebox", commandStr, box]
upload :: LT.Text -> FilePath -> Sh ()
upload server box = do
scp_ box $ server `mappend` ":public_html/"
sshPairs_ server
[("chmod", ["a+r", toTextIgnore $ publicHtml </> box])]
verifyUpload :: LT.Text -> FilePath -> Sh ()
verifyUpload server box = do
sshPairs_ server
[("ls", ["-l", toTextIgnore $ publicHtml </> box])]
curl ["-I"] url -|- check200
where url = "" `mappend` toTextIgnore box
curl :: [LT.Text] -> LT.Text -> Sh LT.Text
curl options url = run "curl" $ options ++ [url]
check200 :: Sh ()
check200 = run_ "grep" ["200 OK"]
scp_ :: FilePath -> LT.Text -> Sh ()
scp_ src dest = run_ "scp" [toTextIgnore src, dest]
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
["-h"] -> usage
["--help"] -> usage
["help"] -> usage
[name] -> buildBaseBox $ LT.pack name
_ -> usage
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