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Created April 2, 2018 16:10
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%% Version 3 update: channels and wavelengths are re-ordered such that they
% are in the order Homer2 software expects.
% User choice to remove marker at end of stimulus as this is not needed in
% Homer. Thanks to Ian Wiggins for your assistance with Version 3 edits.
% Rebecca S Dewey 29th July 2014
%% Revision update: stimulus markers are now read into the "aux" variable
% Rebecca S Dewey 10th December 2012
disp('This script converts raw data output from the Hitachi ETG4000 into the')
disp('format required by Homer2. Please use with caution - if you have any ')
disp('problems / find any errors, PLEASE contact me!!')
disp('Rebecca S Dewey 29/10/2012')
% Selects and reads in the data file.
[filen, pathn] = uigetfile('*.csv','Select the raw probe data file');
path_file_n = [pathn filen];
if filen(1) == 0 | pathn(1) == 0
fid = fopen(path_file_n);
disp('Loading data...');
while 1
tline = fgetl(fid);
if isempty(strfind(tline, 'Mode')) == 0
rindex = find(tline == ',');
tline(rindex) = ' ';
text_array = tline(rindex(1)+1:end);
if isempty(strfind(tline, 'Wave[nm]')) == 0
windex = find(tline == ',');
tline(windex) = ' ';
text_lambda = tline(windex(1)+1:end);
wavelengths = str2num(text_lambda);
if isempty(strfind(tline, 'Sampling Period[s]')) == 0
nindex = find(tline == ',');
tline(nindex) = ' ';
txt_fs = tline(nindex(1)+1:end);
fs = 1./mean(str2num(txt_fs));
if isempty(strfind(tline, 'Data')) == 0
tline = fgetl(fid);
nch = length(strfind(tline, 'CH'));
nindex = find(tline == ',');
col_mark = strfind(tline, 'Mark');
col_mark = col_mark(1);
col_mark = find(nindex == col_mark - 1) + 1;
col_prescan = strfind(tline, 'PreScan');
col_prescan = col_prescan(1);
col_prescan = find(nindex == col_prescan - 1)+1;
while 1
tline = fgetl(fid);
if ischar(tline) == 0, break, end,
nindex = find(tline == ',');
tline_data = tline(nindex(1)+1:nindex(nch+1)-1);
nindex_d = find(tline_data == ',');
tline_data(nindex_d) = ' ';
tline_data = str2num(tline_data);
count = str2num(tline(1:nindex(1)-1));
nirs_data.rawData(count, :) = tline_data;
vector_onset(count) = str2num(tline(nindex(col_mark-1)+1:nindex(col_mark)-1));
baseline(count) = str2num(tline(nindex(col_prescan-1)+1:nindex(col_prescan)-1));
disp('Data loaded... Getting more information...');
% Asks if you want to remove the marker at the end of the stimulus (i.e. if you
% have a block design and your stimuli are marked at both beginning and end (as
% is required by the ETG4000) rather than just at the beginning (as is required
% by HomER2. To hard-code this, replace the next line with offset = 'y' or 'n'.
offset = input('Do you want to remove the marker at the end of each stimulus? y/n: ','s');
% Constructs the arrays that are required in the .nirs file
t = transpose((0:count-1)*(1/fs));
d = nirs_data.rawData;
SD.Lambda = transpose(wavelengths);
SD.MeasList = [];
% Input source / detector configuration using 3D digitiser file
% This will read the optode configuration "Mode" from the .csv file and follow
% the respective arrangement in creating the MeasList array.
modeinstruct = ['Please choose ', text_array, ' position file'];
[posfilename,pospath] = uigetfile('*.pos',modeinstruct);
channel_pos = importdata(strcat(pospath,posfilename));
channel_pos_tmp = char(channel_pos);
array_options = ['3x3', '3x5', '4x4'];
if strcmp(text_array, '3x3')|strcmp(text_array, '3x5')|strcmp(text_array, '4x4')
disp('1. Two 3x3 optode arrays');
disp('2. One 3x5 optode array');
disp('3. One 4x4 optode array');
shape = input('Please enter number of optode array shape: ');
case 1
text_array = '3x3';
case 2
text_array = '3x5';
case 3
text_array = '4x4';
% Calculation of MeasList for two 3x3 optode arrays
if strcmp('3x3', text_array)
names = {'[LeftEar]','[RightEar]','[Nasion]','[Back]','[Top]',...
optodes = 18;
x = zeros(optodes,1);
y = zeros(optodes,1);
z = zeros(optodes,1);
for i=1:optodes
ind = find(strcmp(channel_pos,names{i+5}));
x(i) = str2num(channel_pos_tmp(ind+1,3:end));
y(i) = str2num(channel_pos_tmp(ind+2,3:end));
z(i) = str2num(channel_pos_tmp(ind+3,3:end));
SD.nSrcs = 10;
SD.nDets = 8;
SD.SrcPos = [x(1), y(1), z(1); x(3), y(3), z(3); x(5), y(5), z(5); x(7), y(7), z(7);...
x(9), y(9), z(9); x(10), y(10), z(10); x(12), y(12), z(12); x(14), y(14), z(14);...
x(16), y(16), z(16); x(18), y(18), z(18)];
SD.DetPos = [x(2), y(2), z(2); x(4), y(4), z(4); x(6), y(6), z(6); x(8), y(8), z(8);...
x(11), y(11), z(11); x(13), y(13), z(13); x(15), y(15), z(15); x(17), y(17), z(17)];
SD.MeasList(1,:) = [1 1 1 1];
SD.MeasList(2,:) = [1 1 1 2];
SD.MeasList(3,:) = [2 1 1 1];
SD.MeasList(4,:) = [2 1 1 2];
SD.MeasList(5,:) = [1 2 1 1];
SD.MeasList(6,:) = [1 2 1 2];
SD.MeasList(7,:) = [3 1 1 1];
SD.MeasList(8,:) = [3 1 1 2];
SD.MeasList(9,:) = [2 3 1 1];
SD.MeasList(10,:) = [2 3 1 2];
SD.MeasList(11,:) = [3 2 1 1];
SD.MeasList(12,:) = [3 2 1 2];
SD.MeasList(13,:) = [3 3 1 1];
SD.MeasList(14,:) = [3 3 1 2];
SD.MeasList(15,:) = [4 2 1 1];
SD.MeasList(16,:) = [4 2 1 2];
SD.MeasList(17,:) = [3 4 1 1];
SD.MeasList(18,:) = [3 4 1 2];
SD.MeasList(19,:) = [5 3 1 1];
SD.MeasList(20,:) = [5 3 1 2];
SD.MeasList(21,:) = [4 4 1 1];
SD.MeasList(22,:) = [4 4 1 2];
SD.MeasList(23,:) = [5 4 1 1];
SD.MeasList(24,:) = [5 4 1 2];
SD.MeasList(25,:) = [6 5 1 1];
SD.MeasList(26,:) = [6 5 1 2];
SD.MeasList(27,:) = [7 5 1 1];
SD.MeasList(28,:) = [7 5 1 2];
SD.MeasList(29,:) = [6 6 1 1];
SD.MeasList(30,:) = [6 6 1 2];
SD.MeasList(31,:) = [8 5 1 1];
SD.MeasList(32,:) = [8 5 1 2];
SD.MeasList(33,:) = [7 7 1 1];
SD.MeasList(34,:) = [7 7 1 2];
SD.MeasList(35,:) = [8 6 1 1];
SD.MeasList(36,:) = [8 6 1 2];
SD.MeasList(37,:) = [8 7 1 1];
SD.MeasList(38,:) = [8 7 1 2];
SD.MeasList(39,:) = [9 6 1 1];
SD.MeasList(40,:) = [9 6 1 2];
SD.MeasList(41,:) = [8 8 1 1];
SD.MeasList(42,:) = [8 8 1 2];
SD.MeasList(43,:) = [10 7 1 1];
SD.MeasList(44,:) = [10 7 1 2];
SD.MeasList(45,:) = [9 8 1 1];
SD.MeasList(46,:) = [9 8 1 2];
SD.MeasList(47,:) = [10 8 1 1];
SD.MeasList(48,:) = [10 8 1 2];
% Calculation of MeasList for one 3x5 optode array
elseif strcmp('3x5', text_array)
names = {'[LeftEar]','[RightEar]','[Nasion]','[Back]','[Top]',...
optodes = 15;
x = zeros(optodes,1);
y = zeros(optodes,1);
z = zeros(optodes,1);
for i=1:optodes
ind = find(strcmp(channel_pos,names{i+5}));
x(i) = str2num(channel_pos_tmp(ind+1,3:end));
y(i) = str2num(channel_pos_tmp(ind+2,3:end));
z(i) = str2num(channel_pos_tmp(ind+3,3:end));
SD.nSrcs = 8;
SD.nDets = 7;
SD.SrcPos = [x(1), y(1), z(1); x(3), y(3), z(3); x(5), y(5), z(5); x(7), y(7), z(7);...
x(9), y(9), z(9); x(11), y(11), z(11); x(13), y(13), z(13); x(15), y(15), z(15)];
SD.DetPos = [x(2), y(2), z(2); x(4), y(4), z(4); x(6), y(6), z(6); x(8), y(8), z(8);...
x(10), y(10), z(10); x(12), y(12), z(12); x(14), y(14), z(14)];
SD.MeasList(1,:) = [1 1 1 1];
SD.MeasList(2,:) = [1 1 1 2];
SD.MeasList(3,:) = [2 1 1 1];
SD.MeasList(4,:) = [2 1 1 2];
SD.MeasList(5,:) = [2 2 1 1];
SD.MeasList(6,:) = [2 2 1 2];
SD.MeasList(7,:) = [3 2 1 1];
SD.MeasList(8,:) = [3 2 1 2];
SD.MeasList(9,:) = [1 3 1 1];
SD.MeasList(10,:) = [1 3 1 2];
SD.MeasList(11,:) = [4 1 1 1];
SD.MeasList(12,:) = [4 1 1 2];
SD.MeasList(13,:) = [2 4 1 1];
SD.MeasList(14,:) = [2 4 1 2];
SD.MeasList(15,:) = [5 2 1 1];
SD.MeasList(16,:) = [5 2 1 2];
SD.MeasList(17,:) = [3 5 1 1];
SD.MeasList(18,:) = [3 5 1 2];
SD.MeasList(19,:) = [4 3 1 1];
SD.MeasList(20,:) = [4 3 1 2];
SD.MeasList(21,:) = [4 4 1 1];
SD.MeasList(22,:) = [4 4 1 2];
SD.MeasList(23,:) = [5 4 1 1];
SD.MeasList(24,:) = [5 4 1 2];
SD.MeasList(25,:) = [5 5 1 1];
SD.MeasList(26,:) = [5 5 1 2];
SD.MeasList(27,:) = [6 3 1 1];
SD.MeasList(28,:) = [6 3 1 2];
SD.MeasList(29,:) = [4 6 1 1];
SD.MeasList(30,:) = [4 6 1 2];
SD.MeasList(31,:) = [7 4 1 1];
SD.MeasList(32,:) = [7 4 1 2];
SD.MeasList(33,:) = [5 7 1 1];
SD.MeasList(34,:) = [5 7 1 2];
SD.MeasList(35,:) = [8 5 1 1];
SD.MeasList(36,:) = [8 5 1 2];
SD.MeasList(37,:) = [6 6 1 1];
SD.MeasList(38,:) = [6 6 1 2];
SD.MeasList(39,:) = [7 6 1 1];
SD.MeasList(40,:) = [7 6 1 2];
SD.MeasList(41,:) = [7 7 1 1];
SD.MeasList(42,:) = [7 7 1 2];
SD.MeasList(43,:) = [8 7 1 1];
SD.MeasList(44,:) = [8 7 1 2];
% Calculation of MeasList for one 4x4 array
elseif strcmp('4x4', text_array)
names = {'[LeftEar]','[RightEar]','[Nasion]','[Back]','[Top]',...
optodes = 16;
x = zeros(optodes,1);
y = zeros(optodes,1);
z = zeros(optodes,1);
for i=1:optodes
ind = find(strcmp(channel_pos,names{i+5}));
x(i) = str2num(channel_pos_tmp(ind+1,3:end));
y(i) = str2num(channel_pos_tmp(ind+2,3:end));
z(i) = str2num(channel_pos_tmp(ind+3,3:end));
SD.nSrcs = 8;
SD.nDets = 8;
SD.SrcPos = [x(1), y(1), z(1); x(3), y(3), z(3); x(6), y(6), z(6); x(8), y(8), z(8);...
x(9), y(9), z(9); x(11), y(11), z(11); x(14), y(14), z(14); x(16), y(16), z(16)];
SD.DetPos = [x(2), y(2), z(2); x(4), y(4), z(4); x(5), y(5), z(5); x(7), y(7), z(7);...
x(10), y(10), z(10); x(12), y(12), z(12); x(13), y(13), z(13); x(15), y(15), z(15)];
SD.MeasList(1,:) = [1 1 1 1];
SD.MeasList(2,:) = [1 1 1 2];
SD.MeasList(3,:) = [2 1 1 1];
SD.MeasList(4,:) = [2 1 1 2];
SD.MeasList(5,:) = [2 2 1 1];
SD.MeasList(6,:) = [2 2 1 2];
SD.MeasList(7,:) = [1 3 1 1];
SD.MeasList(8,:) = [1 3 1 2];
SD.MeasList(9,:) = [3 1 1 1];
SD.MeasList(10,:) = [3 1 1 2];
SD.MeasList(11,:) = [2 4 1 1];
SD.MeasList(12,:) = [2 4 1 2];
SD.MeasList(13,:) = [4 2 1 1];
SD.MeasList(14,:) = [4 2 1 2];
SD.MeasList(15,:) = [3 3 1 1];
SD.MeasList(16,:) = [3 3 1 2];
SD.MeasList(17,:) = [3 4 1 1];
SD.MeasList(18,:) = [3 4 1 2];
SD.MeasList(19,:) = [4 4 1 1];
SD.MeasList(20,:) = [4 4 1 2];
SD.MeasList(21,:) = [5 3 1 1];
SD.MeasList(22,:) = [5 3 1 2];
SD.MeasList(23,:) = [3 5 1 1];
SD.MeasList(24,:) = [3 5 1 2];
SD.MeasList(25,:) = [6 4 1 1];
SD.MeasList(26,:) = [6 4 1 2];
SD.MeasList(27,:) = [4 6 1 1];
SD.MeasList(28,:) = [4 6 1 2];
SD.MeasList(29,:) = [5 5 1 1];
SD.MeasList(30,:) = [5 5 1 2];
SD.MeasList(31,:) = [6 5 1 1];
SD.MeasList(32,:) = [6 5 1 2];
SD.MeasList(33,:) = [6 6 1 1];
SD.MeasList(34,:) = [6 6 1 2];
SD.MeasList(35,:) = [5 7 1 1];
SD.MeasList(36,:) = [5 7 1 2];
SD.MeasList(37,:) = [7 5 1 1];
SD.MeasList(38,:) = [7 5 1 2];
SD.MeasList(39,:) = [6 8 1 1];
SD.MeasList(40,:) = [6 8 1 2];
SD.MeasList(41,:) = [8 6 1 1];
SD.MeasList(42,:) = [8 6 1 2];
SD.MeasList(43,:) = [7 7 1 1];
SD.MeasList(44,:) = [7 7 1 2];
SD.MeasList(45,:) = [7 8 1 1];
SD.MeasList(46,:) = [7 8 1 2];
SD.MeasList(47,:) = [8 8 1 1];
SD.MeasList(48,:) = [8 8 1 2];
% Sort SD.MeasList by lambda
[SD.MeasList, I] = sortrows(SD.MeasList,4); % Version 3
% Re-arrange the measurement signals in the data matrix accordingly
d = d(:,I); % Version 3
% Reading vector of stimulus markers and arranging this into the format
% required by Homer2 and storing in the variable "aux"
markertimes = [find(vector_onset>0) find(vector_onset<0)];
markers = vector_onset(markertimes);
unique_markers = unique(markers);
aux = zeros(count, length(unique_markers));
for stimuli=1:length(unique_markers)
if offset == 'y' || offset == 'Y' % Version 3
stim_on_off = find(vector_onset==(unique_markers(stimuli))); % Version 3
stim_markers = stim_on_off(1:2:length(stim_on_off)-1); % Version 3
aux(stim_markers,stimuli) = 1; % Version 3
else % Version 3
stim_markers = find(vector_onset==(unique_markers(stimuli)));
aux(stim_markers,stimuli) = 1;
end % Version 3
ml = SD.MeasList;
% As the stimulus markers are stored in "aux", the stimulus matrix "s" still
% needs to be created. This is set to zeroes for now.
s = zeros(size(t));
% Finished rearranging information...
disp('I have all the information I need... Saving...');
save(strcat(pathn,filen(1:length(filen)-3),'nirs'),'t', 'd', 'SD', 's', 'ml', 'aux');
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