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Created March 16, 2012 20:49
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Utilites for handling and converting Application Paths
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
namespace Paradigma.Common
public enum PathType
public class PathHelper
public static string AppPath
return HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/";
public static string AppName
return GetImmediateFolderName(AppPath);
public static PathType GetPathType(string path)
if (IsPhysicalPath(path))
return PathType.Physical;
else if (IsAbsolutePath(path))
return PathType.Absolute;
else if (IsVirtualPath(path))
return PathType.Virtual;
else if (IsApplicationPath(path))
return PathType.AppRelative;
return PathType.None;
public static bool IsVirtualPath(string path)
return (path != "" && path[0] == '/');
public static bool IsPhysicalPath(string path)
return (path.IndexOf(@":\") >= 0 || path.IndexOf(@"\\") == 0);
public static bool IsAbsolutePath(string path)
return path.IndexOf("://") >= 0;
public static bool IsApplicationPath(string path)
if (IsPhysicalPath(path)) return false;
if (IsAbsolutePath(path)) return false;
if (IsVirtualPath(path)) return false;
if (path.Length < 1) return true;
if (path[0] == '/') return false;
return true;
public static string ToType(string path, PathType type)
switch (type)
case PathType.Absolute:
if (IsAbsolutePath(path)) return path;
if (IsVirtualPath(path)) return VirtualToAbsolute(path);
if (IsApplicationPath(path)) return ApplicationToAbsolute(path);
return PhysicalToAbsolute(path);
case PathType.Physical:
if (IsPhysicalPath(path)) return path;
if (IsVirtualPath(path)) return VirtualToPhysical(path);
if (IsApplicationPath(path)) return ApplicationToPhysical(path);
return AbsoluteToPhysical(path);
case PathType.Virtual:
if (IsVirtualPath(path)) return path;
if (IsPhysicalPath(path)) return PhysicalToVirtual(path);
if (IsApplicationPath(path)) return ApplicationToVirtual(path);
return AbsoluteToVirtual(path);
case PathType.AppRelative:
if (IsApplicationPath(path)) return path;
if (IsPhysicalPath(path)) return PhysicalToApplication(path);
if (IsVirtualPath(path)) return VirtualToApplication(path);
return AbsoluteToApplication(path);
return path;
public static string VirtualToPhysical(string virtualPath)
return HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath(virtualPath).ToLower();
public static string VirtualToAbsolute(string virtualPath)
if (!IsVirtualPath(virtualPath))
throw new Exception("Input path is not a virtual path");
HttpRequest r = HttpContext.Current.Request;
return r.Url.Scheme + "://" + r.Url.Authority + virtualPath;
public static string VirtualToApplication(string virtualPath)
if (!IsVirtualPath(virtualPath))
throw new Exception("Input path is not a virtual path");
if (AppPath.Length > virtualPath.Length)
virtualPath = EnsureTrailingForwardSlash(virtualPath);
if (AppPath.Length > virtualPath.Length)
throw new Exception("Cannot map virtual path to the current application.");
else return virtualPath.Substring(AppPath.Length);
else return virtualPath.Substring(AppPath.Length);
public static string PhysicalToVirtual(string physicalPath)
string pathOfWebRoot = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/").ToLower();
physicalPath = physicalPath.ToLower();
int index = physicalPath.IndexOf(pathOfWebRoot);
if (index == -1) throw new Exception("Physical path can't be mapped to the current application.");
string relUrl = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString();
index += pathOfWebRoot.Length; ;
relUrl += physicalPath.Substring(index);
relUrl = relUrl.Replace("\\", "/");
return relUrl;
public static string PhysicalToAbsolute(string physicalPath)
string virtualPath = PhysicalToVirtual(physicalPath);
return VirtualToAbsolute(virtualPath);
public static string PhysicalToApplication(string physicalPath)
return VirtualToApplication(PhysicalToVirtual(physicalPath));
public static string AbsoluteToVirtual(string absolutePath)
string pathOfWebRoot = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/").ToLower();
pathOfWebRoot = PhysicalToAbsolute(pathOfWebRoot);
absolutePath = absolutePath.ToLower();
int index = absolutePath.IndexOf(pathOfWebRoot);
if (index < 0) throw new Exception("Absolute URL can't be mapped to the current server.");
string virtualUrl = absolutePath.Substring(index + pathOfWebRoot.Length - 1);
return virtualUrl;
public static string AbsoluteToPhysical(string absolutePath)
string virtualUrl = AbsoluteToVirtual(absolutePath);
string webRoot = VirtualToPhysical("/");
webRoot = webRoot.Substring(0, webRoot.Length - 1);
string path = webRoot + virtualUrl.Replace("/", "\\");
return path;
public static string AbsoluteToApplication(string absolutePath)
return VirtualToApplication(AbsoluteToVirtual(absolutePath));
public static string ApplicationToPhysical(string appRelativePath)
return VirtualToPhysical(ApplicationToVirtual(appRelativePath));
public static string ApplicationToVirtual(string appRelativePath)
return AppPath + appRelativePath;
public static string ApplicationToAbsolute(string appRelativePath)
return VirtualToAbsolute(ApplicationToVirtual(appRelativePath));
public static string GetImmediateFolderName(string path)
path = path.Replace("\\", "/");
string[] fields = path.Split(new char[] { '/' });
if (fields.Length < 2) return "";
return fields[fields.Length - 2];
/// <summary>
/// Makes sure the slashes are all going the right direction,.
/// Back for physical, forward for URL
/// </summary>
public static string SyncSlashes(string inputPath)
// of all the types only Physical gets backward slashes
if (IsPhysicalPath(inputPath))
return inputPath.Replace("/", "\\");
// handle query string
int qIndex = inputPath.IndexOf("?");
if (qIndex < 0 || qIndex == inputPath.Length - 1)
return inputPath.Replace("\\", "/");
string p = inputPath.Substring(0, qIndex);
string q = inputPath.Substring(qIndex);
return p.Replace("\\", "/") + q;
public static string EnsureTrailingForwardSlash(string input)
if (input == "")
return "/";
if (input[input.Length - 1] != '/')
return input + "/";
return input;
public static string EnsureTrailingBackSlash(string input)
if (input == "")
return "\\";
if (input[input.Length - 1] != '\\')
return input + "\\";
return input;
/// <summary>
/// Keys:
/// s0 = scheme with colon (http)
/// s1 = scheme with colon (http:)
/// a0 = authority without // (
/// a1 = authority with // (//
/// p0 = path (/folder1/folder/file.htm)
/// q0 = query without ? (id=217&dog=hound)
/// q1 = query with ? (?id=217&dog=hound)
/// f0 = fragment without # (section17)
/// f1 = fragment with # (#section17)
/// </summary>
public static Hashtable GetUriSegments(string absoluteInputUrl)
if (!IsAbsolutePath(absoluteInputUrl))
throw new Exception("Cannot accurately return URI segments if the input url is not an absolute url containing '://'");
string regexPattern = @"^(?<s1>(?<s0>[^:/\?#]+):)?(?<a1>"
+ @"//(?<a0>[^/\?#]*))?(?<p0>[^\?#]*)"
+ @"(?<q1>\?(?<q0>[^#]*))?"
+ @"(?<f1>#(?<f0>.*))?";
Regex re = new Regex(regexPattern, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
Match m = re.Match(absoluteInputUrl);
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ht["s0"] = m.Groups["s0"].Value; // (Scheme without colon)
ht["s1"] = m.Groups["s1"].Value; // (Scheme with colon)
ht["a0"] = m.Groups["a0"].Value; // (Authority without //)
ht["a1"] = m.Groups["a1"].Value; // (Authority with //)
ht["p0"] = m.Groups["p0"].Value; // (Path)
ht["q0"] = m.Groups["q0"].Value; // (Query without ?)
ht["q1"] = m.Groups["q1"].Value; // (Query with ?)
ht["f0"] = m.Groups["f0"].Value; // (Fragment without #)
ht["f1"] = m.Groups["f1"].Value; // (Fragment with #)
return ht;
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