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Last active January 11, 2019 23:20
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Accelerators/ Interaction/ [X] ParallelLIC
[ ] Vtkm [ ] Image [X] Parallel
Charts/ [X] Style [X] PythonContext2D
[X] Core [X] Widgets [ ] Qt
Common/ IO/ [X] SceneGraph
[X] Color [X] ADIOS [X] Tk
[ ] ComputationalGeometry [X] AMR [X] VolumeAMR
[X] Core [X] Asynchronous [X] VolumeOpenGL2
[X] DataModel [ ] CityGML [ ] Volume
[ ] ExecutionModel [X] Core Testing/
[X] Math [ ] EnSight [X] Core
[ ] Misc [X] Exodus [X] GenericBridge
[ ] System [X] ExportGL2PS [X] IOSQL
[X] Transforms [ ] ExportPDF [ ] Rendering
Domains/ [ ] Export ThirdParty/
[ ] ChemistryOpenGL2 [X] FFMPEG [ ] diy2
[ ] Chemistry [ ] GDAL [X] doubleconversion
[X] Microscopy [X] GeoJSON [ ] eigen
[X] ParallelChemistry [ ] Geometry [X] exodusII
Filters/ [ ] Image [X] expat
[X] AMR [X] Import [X] freetype
[X] Core [X] Infovis [ ] gl2ps
[X] Extraction [ ] LAS [X] glew
[ ] FlowPaths [ ] Legacy [ ] hdf5
[X] General [ ] LSDyna [X] jpeg
[ ] Generic [X] MINC [X] jsoncpp
[ ] Geometry [X] MotionFX [X] kissfft
[X] Hybrid [X] Movie [X] libharu
[X] HyperTree [X] MPIImage [ ] libproj
[ ] Imaging [X] MPIParallel [X] libxml2
[ ] Modeling [X] MySQL [ ] lz4
[X] OpenTurns [X] NetCDF [ ] lzma
[X] ParallelDIY2 [ ] ODBC [ ] mpi4py
[X] ParallelFlowPaths [X] OggTheora [X] netcdf
[ ] ParallelGeometry [X] ParallelExodus [ ] ogg
[ ] ParallelImaging [X] ParallelLSDyna [X] pegtl
[ ] ParallelMPI [X] ParallelNetCDF [ ] png
[X] ParallelStatistics [X] Parallel [X] pugixml
[ ] ParallelVerdict [X] ParallelXdmf3 [X] sqlite
[ ] Parallel [X] ParallelXML [X] theora
[X] Points [X] PDAL [X] tiff
[X] Programmable [ ] PLY [X] utf8
[ ] Python [X] PostgreSQL [ ] verdict
[X] ReebGraph [X] SegY [X] vpic
[X] Selection [X] SQL [ ] vtkm
[ ] SMP [ ] TecplotTable [ ] xdmf2
[X] Sources [ ] TRUCHAS [ ] xdmf3
[X] Statistics [X] VeraOut [X] zfp
[ ] Texture [X] Video [X] zlib
[X] Topology [X] VPIC Utilities/
[X] Verdict [ ] Xdmf2 [X] Benchmarks
Geovis/ [X] Xdmf3 [ ] DICOMParser
[X] Core [X] XMLParser [X] Java
GUISupport/ Parallel/ [ ] KWSys
[X] MFC [ ] Core [X] MetaIO
[X] QtOpenGL [ ] MPI4Py [ ] MPI
[X] QtSQL [X] MPI [ ] octree
[ ] Qt Rendering/ [X] OpenGL
Imaging/ [X] Annotation [ ] PythonInterpreter
[X] Color [X] Context2D [ ] Python
[X] Core [X] ContextOpenGL2 Web/
[X] Fourier [X] Core [ ] Core
[ ] General [ ] External [X] Python
[X] Hybrid [X] FreeTypeFontConfig [X] WebGLExporter
[X] Math [ ] FreeType Views/
[X] Morphological [X] GL2PSOpenGL2 [X] Context2D
[X] OpenGL2 [X] Image [X] Core
[X] Sources [ ] Label [X] Geovis
[X] Statistics [X] LICOpenGL2 [ ] Infovis
[X] Stencil [ ] LOD [X] Qt
Infovis/ [ ] Matplotlib Wrapping/
[ ] BoostGraphAlgorithms [X] OpenGL2 [X] PythonCore
[X] Boost [ ] OpenVR [ ] Tools
[X] Core [ ] OptiX
[ ] Layout [ ] OSPRay
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