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Created May 14, 2016 13:07
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DVar - dependent/dynamic variables
open System
open System.Threading
/// A dependant variable.
type DVar<'a> = private { cell : 'a ref ; event : Event<'a> }
/// Operations on dependant variables.
module DVar =
/// Creates a DVar and initializes it with the specified value.
let create (a:'a) : DVar<'a> =
let e = new Event<'a>()
let cell = ref (Unchecked.defaultof<'a>)
e.Publish.Add <| fun a -> cell := a
e.Trigger a
{ cell = cell ; event = e }
/// Gets the current value of a DVar.
let get (d:DVar<'a>) : 'a =
/// Puts a value into a DVar.
let put (a:'a) (d:DVar<'a>) : unit =
d.cell := a
d.event.Trigger a
/// Publishes DVar changes as an event.
let changes (d:DVar<'a>) : IEvent<'a> =
/// Subscribes a callback to changes to the DVar.
let subs (d:DVar<'a>) (f:'a -> unit) : unit =
d |> changes |> Event.add f
/// Creates DVar derived from the argument DVar through a pure mapping function.
/// When the argument changes, the dependant variable changes.
let map (f:'a -> 'b) (v:DVar<'a>) : DVar<'b> =
let b = f (get v)
let dv = create b
subs v <| fun a -> let b = f a in put b dv
/// Creates a DVar based on two argument DVars, one storing a function value
/// and the other a value to apply the function to. The resulting DVar contains
/// the resulting value and changes based on the two DVars.
let private ap (f:DVar<'a -> 'b>) (v:DVar<'a>) : DVar<'b> =
let b = (get f) (get v)
let db = create b
subs f <| fun f -> let b = f (get v) in put b db
subs v <| fun a -> let f = get f in let b = f a in put b db
/// Combine values of two DVars using the specified function.
let combineLatestWith (f:'a -> 'b -> 'c) (a:DVar<'a>) (b:DVar<'b>) : DVar<'c> =
ap (ap (create f) a) b
/// Combining two DVars into a single DVar containg tuples.
let combineLatest (a:DVar<'a>) (b:DVar<'b>) : DVar<'a * 'b> =
combineLatestWith (fun a b -> a,b) a b
/// Represents a DVar containing a function value as a function value which selects
/// the implementation from the DVar on each invocation.
let toFun (v:DVar<'a -> 'b>) : 'a -> 'b =
fun a -> (get v) a
let mapFun (f:'a -> ('b -> 'c)) (d:DVar<'a>) : 'b -> 'c =
d |> map f |> toFun
/// Creates a DVar given an initial value and binds it to an event.
let ofEvent (initial:'a) (e:IEvent<'a>) : DVar<'a> =
let dv = create initial
e |> Event.add (fun a -> put a dv)
/// Creates a DVar given an initial value and binds it to an observable.
let ofObservable (initial:'a) (e:IObservable<'a>) : DVar<'a> =
let dv = create initial
e |> Observable.add (fun a -> put a dv)
/// Binds a DVar to a ref such that its current value is assigned to the ref
/// and the ref is bound to all subsequent updates of the DVar.
let bindToRef (r:'a ref) (a:DVar<'a>) =
r := (get a)
subs a <| fun a -> r := a
let toThunk (d:DVar<'a>) : unit -> 'a =
fun () -> get d
/// Splits a DVar of a pair into two DVars one for each element.
let unzip (d:DVar<'a * 'b>) : DVar<'a> * DVar<'b> =
let a,b = get d
let da = create a
let db = create b
subs d <| fun (a,b) ->
put a da
put b db
let withPrevious (d:DVar<'a>) : DVar<'a * 'a option> =
let prev = ref (get d)
let d' = create (!prev, None)
subs d <| fun a ->
let prev = Interlocked.Exchange(prev, a)
d' |> put (a, Some prev)
let distinctBy (key:'a -> 'k) (d:DVar<'a>) : DVar<'a> =
let a = get d
let mutable prevKey = key a
let d' = create a
subs d <| fun a ->
let key = key a
if key <> Interlocked.Exchange (&prevKey, key) then
put a d'
let distinct (d:DVar<'a>) : DVar<'a> =
distinctBy id d
/// Creates a DVar<'b> using the value extracted from the argument DVar<'a>.
/// Then, subscribes to the argument DVar and for every change, applies the same
/// function and updates the resulting DVar.
/// Each invocation of the function receives a reference to the argument DVar<'a>
/// as it is at the time of change. As such, the function may subscribe the remainder
/// of the change stream.
/// Example: Suppose a DVar is a configuration value and you wish to create a function
/// which depends on this configuration value. This constructor can be modeled as a function
/// DVar<'a> -> ('i -> 'o). DVar.extend applies this function to a DVar (e.g. from a configuration source)
/// and returns a DVar<'i -> 'o> which contains the desired function. We therefore get a
/// transformation DVar<'a> -> DVar<'i -> 'o>. The contructor will usually bind certain dependencies
/// to the DVar. What the laws require is that each time this constructor is called:
/// - the argument DVar will contain the current value of the DVar at change time
/// - it will publish the remainder of the changes to the DVar.
/// The "context" in this instance of a Comonad is the state of the DVar immediately after
/// the change which caused invocation.
/// Law 1: extend extract = id
/// - Interpretation: extracting is revered by extending. If you simply extract the value from every DVar and
/// return it, you get back the argument DVar.
/// Law 2: extract << extend f = f : (DVar<'a> -> 'a)
/// - Interpretation: extending is reversed by extracting. In other words, this operation
/// is such that applying the function to an argument DVar and extracting a value from the resulting
/// DVar returns the same value as simply applying the function to the argument DVar. This essentially
/// ensures that the resulting DVar<'a> is initialized with the result of applying the function to
/// the current value of the arguement DVar.
/// Law 3: extend f << extend g = extend (f << extend g) where g:DVar<'a> -> 'b ; f:DVar<'a> -> 'b
/// - Interpretation: extension is associative with respect to function composition.
/// In other words, extending a DVar with a function which applies an argument function f
/// to the result of extending its argument DVar with a function g, is the same as extending
/// a DVar. This essentially means that when invoked from within a DVar context, one does not
/// get any special composition privileges.
let extend (f:DVar<'a> -> 'b) (da:DVar<'a>) : DVar<'b> =
let b = f da
let db = create b
subs da (fun _ -> let b = f da in put b db)
/// Invokes the callback with the current value of the DVar
/// as well as all subsequent values.
let iter (f:'a -> unit) (d:DVar<'a>) =
f (get d)
subs d f
let myService (config:string) : unit -> string =
fun () -> sprintf "config=%s" config
let myConfig : DVar<string> =
DVar.create "A"
let myService' =
|> myService
|> DVar.toFun
myService' () // config=A
DVar.put "B" myConfig
myService' () // config=B
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