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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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F# random value combinators based on state monad and computation workflows
type Event = {
name : string
date : DateTime
code : int
let randEvent : Rand<Event> =
let name = Rand.String (Rand.IntRange 10 15)
let date = Rand.DateTime (DateTime(2014, 3, 26)) (DateTime(2015, 3, 26))
let code = Rand.IntRange 1000 9999
rand {
let! name = name
let! date = date
let! code = code
return {
name = name
date = date
code = code
let events : Rand<Event list> = Rand.listOf 100 randEvent
type Monoid<'a> = {
unit : 'a
op : 'a -> 'a -> 'a
module Monoid =
let product (MA:Monoid<'a>) (MB:Monoid<'b>) : Monoid<'a * 'b> =
{ unit = MA.unit,MB.unit
op = fun (a1,b1) (a2,b2) -> (MA.op a1 a2),(MB.op b1 b2) }
let min unit = { unit = unit ; op = min }
let max unit = { unit = unit ; op = max }
let minInt = min (System.Int32.MaxValue)
let maxInt = max (System.Int32.MinValue)
let boolAnd =
{ unit = true
op = (&&) }
let boolOr =
{ unit = false
op = (||) }
let stringConcat =
{ unit = System.String.Empty
op = (+) }
/// The state monad - a transition from a state, to a value and a new state.
type State<'s, 'a> = State of ('s -> 'a * 's)
/// The state monad.
module State =
let run s (state:State<'s, 'a>) = let (State(run)) = state in run s
let eval (state:State<'s, 'a>) s = run s state |> fst
let exec (state:State<'s, 'a>) s = run s state |> snd
let unit a : State<'s, 'a> = State <| fun s -> (a,s)
let get : State<'s, 's> = State(fun s -> (s,s))
let set s : State<'s, unit> = State <| fun _ -> ((),s)
let map f (state:State<'s, 'a>) : State<'s, 'b> =
State <| fun s ->
let (a,s1) = run s state
(f a, s1)
let bind f (state:State<'s, 'a>) : State<'s, 'b> =
State <| fun s ->
let (a,s1) = run s state
run s1 (f a)
let map2 (s1:State<'s, 'a>) (s2:State<'s, 'b>) (f:'a -> 'b -> 'c) : State<'s, 'c> =
bind (fun a -> map (fun b -> f a b) s2) s1
let sequenceList (ss:State<'s, 'a> list) : State<'s, 'a list> =
List.foldBack (fun s acc -> map2 s acc (fun x xs -> x::xs)) ss (unit (List.empty))
let sequenceSeq (ss:State<'s, 'a> seq) : State<'s, 'a seq> =
State <| fun s ->
let s = ref s
let ss =
|> (fun x ->
let (a,s') = x |> run !s
s := s'
|> Seq.toArray
(ss |> Seq.ofArray,!s)
let concatSeq (ss:seq<State<'s, 'a>>) (M:Monoid<'a>) : State<'s, 'a> = ss |> sequenceSeq |> map (Seq.fold M.op M.unit)
type StateBuilder() =
member x.Bind(s, f) = bind f s
member x.Return(value) = unit value
member x.Yield(value) = unit value
member x.ReturnFrom(value) = value
member x.Zero() = unit()
member x.Combine(s1:State<'S,unit>, s2:State<'S,'a>) = map2 s1 s2 (fun _ s -> s)
member x.For(xs:seq<'a>, f:'a -> State<'S, 'a>) = xs |> f
module StateBuilder =
/// State monad workflow builder.
let state = new State.StateBuilder()
/// A random value represented as a transition from an RNG to a random value and the next state of the RNG.
type Rand<'A> = State<System.Random, 'A>
/// RNG combinators.
module Rand =
open System
let eval (rand:Rand<'a>) (rng:Random) = State.eval rand rng
let run (rand:Rand<'a>) : 'a = State.eval rand (new System.Random())
let runSeed (seed:int) (rand:Rand<'a>) : 'a = State.eval rand (new System.Random(seed))
let unit a : Rand<'a> = State.unit a
let product (r1:Rand<'a>) (r2:Rand<'b>) : Rand<'a * 'b> = State.map2 r1 r2 (fun a b -> (a,b))
let product3 (r1:Rand<'a>) (r2:Rand<'b>) : Rand<'a * 'b> =
r1 |> State.bind (fun r1 -> r2 |> (fun r2 -> (r1,r2)))
let Int : Rand<int> = State(fun (rng:Random) -> (rng.Next(),rng))
let IntRange min max : Rand<int> = State(fun (rng:Random) -> (rng.Next(min,max + 1),rng))
let Bool : Rand<bool> = IntRange 0 1 |> (function 0 -> false | _ -> true)
let Float : Rand<float> = State(fun (rng:Random) -> (rng.NextDouble(),rng))
let Long : Rand<int64> = Float |> int64
let seqOfi count (rand:int -> Rand<'a>) : Rand<seq<'a>> =
Seq.init count rand |> State.sequenceSeq
let listOf count (rand:Rand<'a>) : Rand<'a list> =
List.init count (fun _ -> rand) |> State.sequenceList
let listOfRand (count:Rand<int>) (rand:Rand<'a>) : Rand<'a list> =
count |> State.bind (fun count -> List.init count (fun _ -> rand) |> State.sequenceList)
let ofList (list:list<'a>) : Rand<'a> =
IntRange 0 ((list |> List.length) - 1) |> (List.nth list)
let ofArray (array:'a[]) : Rand<'a> =
IntRange 0 (array |> Array.length) |> (Array.get array)
let choice (r1:Rand<'a>) (r2:Rand<'a>) : Rand<'a> =
Bool |> State.bind (fun b -> if b then r1 else r2)
let choice3 (r1:Rand<'a>) (r2:Rand<'a>) (r3:Rand<'a>) : Rand<'a> =
IntRange 1 3 |> State.bind (function 1 -> r1 | 2 -> r2 | _ -> r3)
let FloatRange min max : Rand<float> =
if (min >= max) then invalidArg "min" "min must be less than max"
let range =
if min >= 0.0 && max <= 1.0 then id
let delta = max - min
fun dbl -> (dbl * delta) + min
Float |> range
let LongRange (min:int64) (max:int64) : Rand<int64> =
FloatRange (float min) (float max) |> int64
let DecimalRange (min:decimal) (max:decimal) : Rand<decimal> =
FloatRange (float min) (float max) |> decimal
let DecimalRangeRound min max (decimals:int) : Rand<decimal> =
DecimalRange min max |> (fun d -> Decimal.Round(d, decimals))
let Ints count : Rand<list<int>> =
Int |> listOf count
let CharRange (min:char) (max:char) : Rand<char> =
IntRange (int min) (int max) |> char
let CharAsciiNonControl : Rand<char> =
CharRange (char 32) (char 126)
let CharAsciiNumeric : Rand<char> = CharRange (char 48) (char 57)
let CharAsciiAlphaUpper : Rand<char> = CharRange (char 65) (char 90)
let CharAsciiAlphaLower : Rand<char> = CharRange (char 97) (char 122)
let CharAsciiAlpha : Rand<char> = choice CharAsciiAlphaUpper CharAsciiAlphaLower
let CharAsciiAlphanumeric : Rand<char> = choice CharAsciiAlpha CharAsciiNumeric
let CharAsciiSpace : Rand<char> = unit (char 20)
let StringOfChar (length:Rand<int>) (c:Rand<char>) : Rand<string> =
length |> State.bind (fun length -> c |> listOf length |> (fun cs -> new String(cs |> List.toArray)))
let String (length:Rand<int>) : Rand<string> = StringOfChar length CharAsciiAlphanumeric
let StringList count min max : Rand<string list> =
(String (IntRange min max)) |> listOf count
let StringConcat (strs:seq<Rand<string>>) : Rand<string> = State.concatSeq strs Monoid.stringConcat
let DateTime (min:DateTime) (max:DateTime) : Rand<DateTime> =
LongRange (min.Ticks) (max.Ticks) |> (fun ticks -> DateTime(ticks,DateTimeKind.Utc))
module RandBuilder =
/// RNG workflow builder.
let rand = new State.StateBuilder()
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