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Last active August 14, 2019 20:30
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace App\Services\Opcache;
use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use RecursiveRegexIterator;
use RegexIterator;
class Generate
* @param string $dir
* @return array
public static function compile(string $dir): array
$dir = realpath($dir);
$stats = [];
foreach (static::files($dir) as $file) {
$stats[str_replace($dir, '', $file)] = @opcache_compile_file($file);
return $stats;
* @param string $dir
* @return array
protected static function files(string $dir): array
$directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
$files = new RegexIterator($iterator, '/^.+\.php$/', RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
$files = array_unique(array_filter(array_keys(iterator_to_array($files)), static function ($file) {
return stripos($file, '/tests/') === false;
usort($files, [__CLASS__, 'sort']);
return $files;
* @param string $a
* @param string $b
* @return int
protected static function sort(string $a, string $b): int
$a = file_get_contents($a);
if (preg_match('/^\s*class .+ (extends|implements) /i', $a)) {
return 1;
if (preg_match('/^\s*class .+ (extends|implements) /i', file_get_contents($b))) {
return -1;
return preg_match('/^\s*use .+[,;]$/', $a) ? 1 : -1;
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace App\Services\Opcache;
class Stats
* @param bool $files = false
* @return array
public static function status(bool $files = false): array
return opcache_get_status($files);
* @return array
public static function stats(): array
$mega = 1024 * 1024;
$values = static::status();
$stats = $values['opcache_statistics'];
$values['uptime'] = static::date($stats['start_time']);
$values['last_restart'] = static::date($stats['last_restart_time']);
$mem = $values['memory_usage'];
$values['limit_maxbytes'] = $mem['used_memory'] + $mem['free_memory'] + $mem['wasted_memory'];
$values['bytes_percent'] = round(($mem['used_memory'] / $values['limit_maxbytes']) * 100);
$values['bytes_free_percent'] = round(100 - $values['bytes_percent'], 2);
$values['megas'] = round($mem['used_memory'] / $mega, 2);
$values['limit_maxmegas'] = round($values['limit_maxbytes'] / $mega, 2);
$values['megas_free'] = $values['limit_maxmegas'] - $values['megas'];
$values['megas_wasted_memory'] = round($mem['wasted_memory'] / $mega, 2);
$values['hits_percent'] = round($stats['opcache_hit_rate'], 2);
$values['misses_percent'] = round(100 - $values['hits_percent'], 2);
return $values;
* @param int $time
* @return string
protected static function date(int $time): string
if ($time === 0) {
return '-';
$date = time() - $time;
if (($date / (3600 * 24)) > 1) {
$date = round($date / (3600 * 24), 2).' days';
} elseif (($date / 3600) > 1) {
$date = round($date / 3600, 2).' hours';
} elseif (($date / 60) > 1) {
$date = round($date / 60, 2).' minutes';
} else {
$date = $date.' seconds';
return $date;
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