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Last active December 24, 2019 01:12
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  • Save evandrocoan/c101d2a38af470578e2e7aab9323e7b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save evandrocoan/c101d2a38af470578e2e7aab9323e7b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

After creating the file ./ with the snippet contents bellow, change/tweak it as you would like.

Then, you can run/use it like the following, i.e., by importing/sourcing it and calling its convenience functions.

You can see all confience functions by calling the help command. Just see the first usage example sample output.




parse_command_line "${@}";

if [ -z "${branch_or_tag}" ]
    run git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch "${branch_or_tag}" "${git_server}" "${clone_directory}"

run ls -a;
run ls -la;
runalways ls;

runset test1 cho 'cool value';
printf "test1 is = '${test1}'\\n";

# ask_to_run ls -la;
from_installation_path="$(getabsolutepath "$clone_directory")";
printf "Current directory '%s'...\\n" "${from_installation_path}";

Example usage:

  1. Just calling ./

    user@user$ ./
    Usage instructions, you can call this script with the following named arguments:
         -y           to answer all questions as yes
         -n           to answer all questions as no
         -h           to show this help message
         -s number    to skip the first nº instructions
         -v version   to install the selected version from git
    You can call this script with the following positional arguments:
         1. version   to install the selected version from git
         2. number    to skip the first nº instructions
    If you are going to call the 'list_git_tags' function, these the global
    variables must be defined before calling the 'parse_command_line' function
         '${thing_name}', the target directory to save the cloned git repositories
         '${git_server}', the targer git repository to fetch data from
    And these global variables are optional for the 'list_git_tags' function
         '${tags_columns_width}', the minimum length of each git tags column
         '${branches_columns_width}', the minimum length of each git branches column
    These are the available global variables after calling 'parse_command_line'
         '${branch_or_tag}', it has the same value/saves the version command line argument
         '${clone_directory}', the full path to where clone the git repository
    Usage examples:
         ./ v1.8.4
         ./ v1.8.4 20
         ./ -h
         ./ -v v1.8.4
         ./ -v v1.8.4 -s 10
         ./ -y
         ./ -y -s 20
         ./ -y -s 20 -v v1.8.4
    API Documentation
     Function parse_command_line
     Validate and get all named and positional line arguments from $1 to $n.
     Example: parse_command_line "${@}";
     Function run
     Run the given command, only when we are not skipping the first nº commands.
     Example: run ls -la;
     Function runalways
     Always run the given command, even when we are skipping the first nº commands.
     Example: runalways ls -la;
     Function runset
     Set a global variable value as the output of the following shell command.
     This outputs to the console the assigned variable contents.
     Example: runset myglobalvar ls -la;
     Function runsets
     Set a global variable value as the output of the following shell command.
     This does NOT outputs (silent assignment) to the console the assigned variable contents.
     Example: runsets myglobalvar ls -la;
     Function ask_to_run
     Before running a command, ask whether the command should run or skipped.
     Example: ask_to_run ls -la;
     Function list_git_tags
     Fetch a git repository remote tags and list them. This function does not take any parameters.
     Example: list_git_tags;
    Loading 'sshfs' versions from ''...
    This should take about 10 seconds...
    Setting the variable 'git_raw_string' with the command 'git ls-remote '... (/cygdrive/d/User/Downloads)
    Done loading...
    These are the available git remote 'sshfs' versions:
    sshfs-2.10    sshfs-2.7     sshfs-2.9     sshfs-3.0.0   sshfs-3.1.0
    sshfs-3.2.0   sshfs-3.3.0   sshfs-3.3.1   sshfs-3.3.2   sshfs-3.4.0
    sshfs-3.5.0   sshfs-3.5.1   sshfs-3.5.2   sshfs_0_1     sshfs_1_0
    sshfs_1_1     sshfs_1_2     sshfs_1_3     sshfs_1_4     sshfs_1_5
    sshfs_1_6     sshfs_1_7     sshfs_1_8     sshfs_1_9     sshfs_2.8
    sshfs_2_0     sshfs_2_1     sshfs_2_2     sshfs_2_3     sshfs_2_4
    sshfs_2_5     sshfs_2_6     start
    These are the available git remote 'sshfs' branches:
    master           parallel_conns   sshfs_2.x
    Now, choose which 'sshfs' version you would like to install by running:
        ./ version

  2. Calling ./ sshfs_2.8

    user@user$ ./ sshfs_2.8
    Setting the 1 positional command line argument 'branch_or_tag=sshfs_2.8'...
    Running '1º' required command 'git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch sshfs_2.8 ./sshfs/sshfs_2.8 ' (/home/user/Downloads)
    fatal: destination path './sshfs/sshfs_2.8' already exists and is not an empty directory.
    The last '1º' command 'git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch sshfs_2.8 ./sshfs/sshfs_2.8 ' returned with the error code '128'...
    Type 'q' and press 'Enter' to continue the main script execution...
    Type 'r' and press 'Enter' to repeat the last '1º' command...
    Type 'e' to edit in memory the '1º' command...
    If you would like, press 'Ctrl+C' to abort this and the main script...
    Beyond these options, you can also run any command you would like as 'cd dir', 'ls -la', etc...
    Command: r
    Repeating the last '1º' command 'git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch sshfs_2.8 ./sshfs/sshfs_2.8 '... (/home/user/Downloads)
    fatal: destination path './sshfs/sshfs_2.8' already exists and is not an empty directory.
    The last '1º' command 'git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch sshfs_2.8 ./sshfs/sshfs_2.8 ' returned with the error code '128'...
    Type 'q' and press 'Enter' to continue the main script execution...
    Type 'r' and press 'Enter' to repeat the last '1º' command...
    Type 'e' to edit in memory the '1º' command...
    If you would like, press 'Ctrl+C' to abort this and the main script...
    Beyond these options, you can also run any command you would like as 'cd dir', 'ls -la', etc...
    Command: e
    Changing the last '1' command 'git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch sshfs_2.8 ./sshfs/sshfs_2.8 ' to... (/home/user/Downloads)
    Edit command: git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch sshfs_1_1 ./sshfs/sshfs_1_1
    Cloning into './sshfs/sshfs_1_1'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 14, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (14/14), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
    remote: Total 14 (delta 0), reused 2 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    Unpacking objects: 100% (14/14), done.
    Note: checking out 'b3aac4e035e572e4fc01ad32e2fe936e40ab5b09'.
    You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
    changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
    state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
    If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
    do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
      git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
    Running '2º' required command 'ls -a ' (/home/user/Downloads)
    .   A_short_survey_on_quantum_computers.pdf  fastfilepackage        SaveLater    TODO.txt  ToViewNext
    ..  desktop.ini                      sshfs      Thumbs.db  Torrents
    Running '3º' required command 'ls -la ' (/home/user/Downloads)
    total 1481
    drwx---r-x+ 1 user Unknown+Group      0 Jun 29 17:09 .
    drwxrwxr-x+ 1 user Unknown+Group      0 Jun 19 21:58 ..
    -rwx---r-x+ 1 user None          729178 Jun 28 23:16 A_short_survey_on_quantum_computers.pdf
    -rwx---r-x+ 1 user Unknown+Group    374 Aug 15  2018 desktop.ini
    drwx---r-x+ 1 user None               0 Jun 29 16:11 fastfilepackage
    -rwx---r-x+ 1 user None           20234 Jun 29 23:12
    drwx---r-x+ 1 user None               0 Jun 21 23:44 SaveLater
    drwx---r-x+ 1 user None               0 Jun 29 23:19 sshfs
    -rwx---r-x+ 1 user None             537 Jun 29 23:18
    -rwx---r-x+ 1 user Unknown+Group 643072 Jun  1  2017 Thumbs.db
    -rwx---r-x+ 1 user None            4655 May 15 21:25 TODO.txt
    drwx---r-x+ 1 user None               0 Jun 29 02:24 Torrents
    drwx---r-x+ 1 user None               0 Jun 22 16:24 ToViewNext
    Running the '4º' always command 'ls ' (/home/user/Downloads)
    A_short_survey_on_quantum_computers.pdf  fastfilepackage        SaveLater    TODO.txt  ToViewNext
    desktop.ini                      sshfs      Thumbs.db  Torrents
    Setting the variable 'test1' with the command 'cho cool value '... (/home/user/Downloads)
    ./ line 348: cho: command not found
    The last set command 'test1=cho cool value ' on step '4º' returned with the error code '127'...
    Type 'q' and press 'Enter' to continue the main script execution...
    Type 'r' to run again the last set command...
    Type 's' to manually set the 'test1' variable value.
    Type 'e' to edit in memory the 'test1' variable set command...
    If you would like, press 'Ctrl+C' to abort this and the main script...
    Beyond these options, you can also run any command you would like as 'cd dir', 'ls -la', etc...
    Command: r
    Repeating the last set command 'cho cool value ' on step '4º'... (/home/user/Downloads)
    Setting the variable 'test1' with the command 'cho cool value'... (/home/user/Downloads)
    ./ line 386: cho: command not found
    The last set command 'test1=cho cool value' on step '4º' returned with the error code '127'...
    Type 'q' and press 'Enter' to continue the main script execution...
    Type 'r' to run again the last set command...
    Type 's' to manually set the 'test1' variable value.
    Type 'e' to edit in memory the 'test1' variable set command...
    If you would like, press 'Ctrl+C' to abort this and the main script...
    Beyond these options, you can also run any command you would like as 'cd dir', 'ls -la', etc...
    Command: e
    Changing the last set command 'cho cool value' on step '4º' to... (/home/user/Downloads)
    test1=echo cool value now!!!!
    Setting the variable 'test1' with the command 'echo cool value now!!!!'... (/home/user/Downloads)
    The new variable value set on step '4º' is 'test1=cool value now!!!!'...
    test1 is = 'cool value now'!!!!
    Current directory '/home/user/Downloads/sshfs/sshfs_2.8'...

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