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Created October 6, 2013 23:01
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A Pen by Evelyn Rios.
var Choice = ("yes");
var computerScore = 0;
var userScore = 0;
var playRPS = function (Choice, computerScore, userScore) {
var userChoice = 0;
do {
if (Choice.toLowerCase() == ("yes")) {
userChoice = prompt("This is a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?");
if (userChoice.toLowerCase() == "no") {
alert("Thanks for playing... Goodbye!");
} else {
userChoice = Choice;
} while (userChoice.toLowerCase() !== "rock" && userChoice.toLowerCase() !== "paper" && userChoice.toLowerCase() !== "scissors");
var computerChoice = Math.random();
if (computerChoice < 0.34) {
computerChoice = "rock";
} else if (computerChoice <= 0.67) {
computerChoice = "paper";
} else {
computerChoice = "scissors";
var compare = function (choice1, choice2) {
if (choice1 == choice2) {
return ("tie");
} else if (choice1 == ("rock")) {
if (choice2 == ("scissors")) {
return ("You picked rock. The computer picked scissors. Rock beats scissors, so you win! The score is: YOU - " + (userScore) + ", COMPUTER - " + (computerScore) + " .");
} else {
return ("You picked rock. The computer picked paper. Paper beats rock, so the computer wins! The score is: YOU - " + (userScore) + ", COMPUTER - " + (computerScore) + " .");
} else if (choice1 == ("paper")) {
if (choice2 == ("rock")) {
return ("You picked paper. The computer picked rock. Paper beats rock, so you win! The score is: YOU - " + (userScore) + ", COMPUTER - " + (computerScore) + " .");
} else {
return ("You picked paper. The computer picked scissors. Scissors beats paper, so the computer wins! The score is: YOU - " + (userScore) + ", COMPUTER - " + (computerScore) + " .");
} else if (choice1 == ("scissors")) {
if (choice2 == ("rock")) {
return ("You picked scissors. The computer picked rock. Rock beats scissors, so the computer wins! The score is: YOU - " + (userScore) + ", COMPUTER - " + (computerScore) + " .");
} else {
return ("You picked scissors. The computer picked paper. Scissors beats paper, so you win! The score is: YOU - " + (userScore) + ", COMPUTER - " + (computerScore) + " .");
var result = compare(userChoice.toLowerCase(), computerChoice);
if (result === "tie") {
var playAgain = prompt("You and the computer both picked " + (userChoice.toLowerCase()) + ". The result is a tie. The score is still: YOU - " + (userScore) + ", COMPUTER - " + (computerScore) + " . Try again!");
// playRPS("yes", computerScore, userScore);
} else {
var playAgain = prompt(result + " Do you want to play again?");
var options = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"];
if (playAgain.toLowerCase() == ("yes")) {
playRPS("yes", computerScore, userScore);
} else if (options.indexOf(playAgain.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
playRPS(playAgain, computerScore, userScore);
} else {
alert("Thanks for playing. Goodbye!");
playRPS("yes", 0 , 0);
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