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Last active November 25, 2024 14:27
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React Input element with support for customValidity props
* Usage:
* <Input customValidity="your validation message" /> // add constraint
* or
* <Input customValidity="" /> // remove constraint
* or
* <Input defaultCustomValidity="you message" /> // initial validationMessage
export function Input({
}: React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> & {
defaultCustomValidity?: string;
customValidity?: string;
}) {
const ref = useRef<HTMLInputElement | null>(null);
// 1. "Controlled" case
useEffect(() => {
const input = ref.current;
if (customValidity != null && input) {
}, [customValidity]);
// 2. "Uncontrolled" case
const customValidityRef = useRef(defaultCustomValidity);
useEffect(() => {
const input = ref.current;
if (customValidityRef.current && input) {
}, []);
return <input ref={ref} {...props} />;
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