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Last active December 15, 2015 19:48
# get list of notebooks linked to this account
linkedNotebooks = noteStore.listLinkedNotebooks(authToken)
bizLinkedNotebook = None
# grab the first business notebook for use in this example
for lnb in linkedNotebooks:
if hasattr(lnb, 'businessId'):
# this links a business notebook to our user's account
bizLinkedNotebook = lnb
print "Choosing notebook: %s" % bizLinkedNotebook.shareName
if not bizLinkedNotebook:
print "No business notebooks linked with this account"
raise SystemExit
# Authenticate to the SharedNotebook
shareAuthResult = bNoteStore.authenticateToSharedNotebook(bizLinkedNotebook.shareKey, authToken)
# Capture authentication token for use in this instance
shareAuthToken = shareAuthResult.authenticationToken
# Get `Notebook` instance
sharedNotebook = bNoteStore.getSharedNotebookByAuth(shareAuthToken)
# create or modify a `Note`
myNote = Types.Note()
myNote.title = "I'm a test note!"
myNote.notebookGuid = sharedNotebook.notebookGuid
content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
content += '<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "">'
content += "<en-note>I'm the body of a test note!</en-note>"
myNote.content = content
# Create a new note in the business notebook
# if modifying an existing Note, call updateNote here
myNote = bNoteStore.createNote(bAuthToken, myNote)
print "New business note (GUID): %s" % myNote.guid
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