- (void)createReminder { NSString *noteContent = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"" "" "" "Hello reminder!" ""]; // Include NSDate+EDAMAdditions.h NSDate* now = [NSDate date]; NSDate* then = [now dateByAddingTimeInterval:3600]; // Set the reminder EDAMNoteAttributes* noteAttributes = [[EDAMNoteAttributes alloc] initWithSubjectDate:0 latitude:0 longitude:0 altitude:0 author:nil source:nil sourceURL:nil sourceApplication:nil shareDate:0 reminderOrder:[now enedamTimestamp] reminderDoneTime:nil reminderTime:[then enedamTimestamp] placeName:nil contentClass:nil applicationData:nil lastEditedBy:nil classifications:nil]; // Create note object EDAMNote *ourNote = [[EDAMNote alloc] initWithGuid:nil title:@"Testing Reminders" content:noteContent contentHash:nil contentLength:noteContent.length created:0 updated:0 deleted:0 active:YES updateSequenceNum:0 notebookGuid:nil tagGuids:nil resources:nil attributes:noteAttributes tagNames:nil]; // Attempt to create note in Evernote account with Reminder [[EvernoteNoteStore noteStore] createNote:ourNote success:^(EDAMNote *note) { // Log the created note object NSLog(@"Note created : %@",note); } failure:^(NSError *error) { // Something was wrong with the note data // See EDAMErrorCode enumeration for error code explanation // http://dev.evernote.com/documentation/reference/Errors.html#Enum_EDAMErrorCode NSLog(@"Error : %@",error); }]; }