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Last active June 28, 2019 22:52
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CI/CD Development Workflow w/ Spinnaker + Jenkins

Workflow implementation example A

Jenkins as 1ry executor with dev/stg/prod docker image tags prefix


  1. Scm-github / scm-bitbucket: git push / PR to develop branch.
  2. Jenkins webhook automatically/manual triggers job which will build docker image w/ unit tests (optional can be in a separate pre-dependency Jenkins / CircleCI job) adding dev-build# tag -> If OK.
  3. Push docker image to AWS ECR.
  4. New docker image with tag dev-* detected by Spinnaker hook that auto triggers a deployment pipeline with DB migrations + ENV vars secret mgmt (Hashicorp Vault or AWS SSM Parameter Store).
  5. K8s (Dev Env deployed).
  6. Notify success (Slack integration).


  1. Scm-github / scm-bitbucket: git push / PR to master branch.
  2. Jenkins webhook automatically triggers job (or manual trigger) which will re-build docker image w/ unit tests (optional can be in a separate pre-dependency Jenkins / CircleCI job) with stg-build# tag (rebuild only if specifically needed - probably not) just directly promote already existing dev-build# docker image by adding stg-build# tag (more efficient and consistent cross env).
  3. Push docker image to AWS ECR.
  4. New docker image with tag stg-* detected by Spinnaker hook that auto triggers a deployment pipeline with DB migrations + ENV vars secret mgmt (Hashicorp Vault or AWS SSM Parameter Store).
  5. Integration Testing automatic execution.
  6. K8s (Stage Env deployed)
  7. Notify success (Slack integration).


  1. Jenkins manual job trigger to promote docker image tagged as stg-build# by adding prod-build# tag.
  2. Push docker image to AWS ECR.
  3. New docker image with tag prod-* detected by Spinnaker hook that auto triggers a deployment pipeline with DB migrations + ENV vars secret mgmt (Hashicorp Vault or AWS SSM Parameter Store).
  4. K8s (Prod Env deployed)
  5. Notify success (Slack integration).

Workflow implementation example B

Spinnaker as 1ry Executor with dev / release docker image tags prefix and auto git tag release


  1. Scm-github / scm-bitbucket: git push / PR to develop branch.
  2. Spinnaker webhook automatically triggers pipeline job (or manual trigger).
  3. Call Jenkins (integration) which will build the docker image w/ unit test (optional can be in a separate pre-dependency Jenkins / CircleCI job) adding dev-build#-commit# image tag -> If OK.
  4. Push docker image to AWS ECR.
  5. Ongoing Spinnaker deployment pipeline will use docker image tagged with dev-build#-commit# with DB migrations + ENV vars secret mgmt (Hashicorp Vault or AWS SSM Parameter Store).
  6. K8s (Dev Env deployed).
  7. Notify success (Slack integration).


  1. Scm-github / scm-bitbucket: git push / PR to master branch.
  2. Spinnaker webhook automatically triggers pipeline job (or manual trigger).
  3. Call Jenkins (integration) which will build docker image w/ unit test (optional can be in a separate pre-dependency Jenkins / CircleCI job) with release-build#-commit# docker image tag (rebuild only if specifically needed - depends on the development team needs) / or just directly promote dev-build#-commit# adding new docker image tag release-build#-commit# (more efficient and consistent cross env).
  4. Push docker image to AWS ECR.
  5. Ongoing Spinnaker deployment pipeline will use docker image tagged with release-build#-commit# with DB migrations + ENV vars secret mgmt (Hashicorp Vault or AWS SSM Parameter Store).
  6. Integration Testing automatic execution.
  7. K8s (Stage Env deployed).
  8. Notify success (Slack integration).


  1. Spinnaker pipeline job manual trigger.
  2. Call Jenkins (integration) to create new git prod stable release tag.
$ git tag -a release_2019-06-19-09-32-29 24b93f5 -m 'User (Sun Jun 16 10:58:11 2019): [JIRA-3531] coming soon mvp (#518) 24b93f5'`
$ git push --tags (to
$* [new tag] release_2019-06-19-09-32-29
  1. Ongoing Spinnaker deployment pipeline will use the Stage env tested docker image tagged as release-build#-commit# with DB migrations + ENV vars secret mgmt (Hashicorp Vault or AWS SSM Parameter Store).
  2. K8s (Prod Env deployed).
  3. Notify success (Slack integration).
"keepWaitingPipelines" : false,
"lastModifiedBy" : "demo-user",
"roles" : [ "devops" ],
"index" : 0,
"serviceAccount" : "dev-|-demo-web-backend-|-deploy@managed-service-account",
"triggers" : [ {
"branch" : "develop",
"enabled" : true,
"project" : "demo-project",
"runAsUser" : "project-svc-account",
"secret" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"slug" : "demo-web-backend",
"source" : "github",
"type" : "git"
} ],
"limitConcurrent" : true,
"application" : "demo-web",
"name" : "DEV | DemoWeb BackEnd | Deploy",
"stages" : [ {
"continuePipeline" : false,
"failPipeline" : true,
"job" : "app-demo-dev-build-image",
"master" : "aws-jenkins",
"name" : "Build Image",
"parameters" : { },
"propertyFile" : "",
"refId" : "1",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ ],
"type" : "jenkins"
}, {
"continuePipeline" : false,
"failPipeline" : true,
"job" : "app-demo-dev-refresh-secrets",
"master" : "aws-jenkins",
"name" : "Refresh Secrets",
"parameters" : {
"envName" : "dev",
"k8sCluster" : ""
"refId" : "2",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "1" ],
"type" : "jenkins"
}, {
"clusters" : [ {
"account" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"application" : "demo-web",
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ ],
"command" : [ ],
"envFrom" : [ {
"prefix" : "",
"secretRef" : {
"name" : "app-demo-dev-config",
"optional" : false
} ],
"envVars" : [ ],
"imageDescription" : {
"imageId" : "${TAG}",
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-web-backend",
"tag" : "${TAG}",
"uri" : "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits" : {
"cpu" : "300m",
"memory" : "400Mi"
"name" : "demo-web-backend",
"ports" : [ {
"containerPort" : 80,
"name" : "http",
"protocol" : "TCP"
} ],
"requests" : {
"cpu" : "150m",
"memory" : "300Mi"
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
} ],
"delayBeforeDisableSec" : 3,
"delayBeforeScaleDownSec" : 3,
"dnsPolicy" : "ClusterFirst",
"events" : [ ],
"freeFormDetails" : "api",
"initContainers" : [ ],
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesContainer", "KubernetesPod" ],
"loadBalancers" : [ "demo-web-dev-api-lb" ],
"maxRemainingAsgs" : 2,
"namespace" : "demo-web",
"nodeSelector" : {
"" : "nodes"
"podAnnotations" : { },
"provider" : "kubernetes",
"region" : "demo-web",
"replicaSetAnnotations" : { },
"scaleDown" : true,
"securityGroups" : [ ],
"stack" : "dev",
"strategy" : "redblack",
"targetSize" : 1,
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 30,
"tolerations" : [ ],
"volumeSources" : [ ]
} ],
"name" : "Deploy API",
"overrideTimeout" : true,
"refId" : "3",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "5" ],
"stageTimeoutMs" : 480000,
"type" : "deploy"
}, {
"clusters" : [ {
"account" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"application" : "demo-web",
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ "-m", "celery", "worker", "-A", "demo-project", "-l", "info" ],
"command" : [ "python" ],
"envFrom" : [ {
"prefix" : "",
"secretRef" : {
"name" : "app-demo-dev-config",
"optional" : false
} ],
"envVars" : [ ],
"imageDescription" : {
"imageId" : "${TAG}",
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-web-backend",
"tag" : "${TAG}",
"uri" : "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits" : {
"cpu" : "150m",
"memory" : "350Mi"
"livenessProbe" : {
"failureThreshold" : 2,
"handler" : {
"execAction" : {
"commands" : [ "python", "kubernetes/scripts/liveness/", "\"-s 300\"" ]
"httpGetAction" : {
"path" : "/",
"port" : 80,
"uriScheme" : "HTTP"
"tcpSocketAction" : {
"port" : 80
"type" : "EXEC"
"initialDelaySeconds" : 120,
"periodSeconds" : 30,
"successThreshold" : 1,
"timeoutSeconds" : 10
"name" : "demo-web-backend",
"ports" : [ ],
"requests" : {
"cpu" : "50m",
"memory" : "250Mi"
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
} ],
"dnsPolicy" : "ClusterFirst",
"events" : [ ],
"freeFormDetails" : "worker",
"initContainers" : [ ],
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesContainer", "KubernetesPod" ],
"loadBalancers" : [ ],
"namespace" : "demo-web",
"nodeSelector" : {
"" : "nodes"
"podAnnotations" : { },
"provider" : "kubernetes",
"region" : "demo-web",
"replicaSetAnnotations" : { },
"securityGroups" : [ ],
"stack" : "dev",
"strategy" : "",
"targetSize" : 1,
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 30,
"tolerations" : [ ],
"volumeSources" : [ ]
} ],
"name" : "Deploy New Worker",
"refId" : "4",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "11" ],
"type" : "deploy"
}, {
"account" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"annotations" : { },
"application" : "demo-web",
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ "", "migrate" ],
"command" : [ "python" ],
"envFrom" : [ {
"prefix" : "",
"secretRef" : {
"name" : "app-demo-dev-config",
"optional" : false
} ],
"envVars" : [ ],
"imageDescription" : {
"account" : "project-sr-ecr",
"imageId" : "${TAG}",
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-web-backend",
"tag" : "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits" : { },
"name" : "demo-web-backend",
"ports" : [ ],
"requests" : { },
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
} ],
"dnsPolicy" : "ClusterFirst",
"labels" : { },
"name" : "Run Migrations",
"namespace" : "demo-web",
"nodeSelector" : {
"" : "nodes"
"refId" : "5",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "7" ],
"type" : "runJob"
}, {
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType" : "kubernetes",
"cluster" : "demo-web-dev-worker",
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail" : false,
"continuePipeline" : true,
"credentials" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"failPipeline" : false,
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesService" ],
"name" : "Destroy Prev Worker",
"namespaces" : [ "demo-web" ],
"refId" : "6",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "5" ],
"target" : "current_asg_dynamic",
"type" : "destroyServerGroup"
}, {
"account" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"annotations" : { },
"application" : "demo-web",
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ "", "collectstatic", "--noinput", "-v", "1" ],
"command" : [ "python" ],
"envFrom" : [ {
"prefix" : "",
"secretRef" : {
"name" : "app-demo-dev-config",
"optional" : false
} ],
"envVars" : [ ],
"imageDescription" : {
"account" : "project-sr-ecr",
"imageId" : "${TAG}",
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-web-backend",
"tag" : "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits" : { },
"name" : "demo-web-backend",
"ports" : [ ],
"requests" : { },
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
} ],
"dnsPolicy" : "ClusterFirst",
"labels" : { },
"name" : "Upload Static Assets",
"namespace" : "demo-web",
"nodeSelector" : {
"" : "nodes"
"refId" : "7",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "2" ],
"type" : "runJob"
}, {
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType" : "kubernetes",
"cluster" : "demo-web-dev-beat",
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail" : false,
"continuePipeline" : true,
"credentials" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"failPipeline" : false,
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesService" ],
"name" : "Destroy Prev Beat",
"namespaces" : [ "demo-web" ],
"refId" : "8",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "5" ],
"target" : "current_asg_dynamic",
"type" : "destroyServerGroup"
}, {
"clusters" : [ {
"account" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"application" : "demo-web",
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ "-m", "celery", "beat", "-A", "demo-project", "-l", "info" ],
"command" : [ "python" ],
"envFrom" : [ {
"prefix" : "",
"secretRef" : {
"name" : "app-demo-dev-config",
"optional" : false
} ],
"envVars" : [ ],
"imageDescription" : {
"imageId" : "${TAG}",
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-web-backend",
"tag" : "${TAG}",
"uri" : "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits" : {
"cpu" : "100m",
"memory" : "300Mi"
"livenessProbe" : {
"failureThreshold" : 2,
"handler" : {
"execAction" : {
"commands" : [ "python", "kubernetes/scripts/liveness/", "\"-s 600\"" ]
"httpGetAction" : {
"path" : "/",
"port" : 80,
"uriScheme" : "HTTP"
"tcpSocketAction" : {
"port" : 80
"type" : "EXEC"
"initialDelaySeconds" : 120,
"periodSeconds" : 30,
"successThreshold" : 1,
"timeoutSeconds" : 10
"name" : "demo-web-backend",
"ports" : [ ],
"requests" : {
"cpu" : "50m",
"memory" : "200Mi"
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
} ],
"dnsPolicy" : "ClusterFirst",
"events" : [ ],
"freeFormDetails" : "beat",
"initContainers" : [ ],
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesContainer", "KubernetesPod" ],
"loadBalancers" : [ ],
"namespace" : "demo-web",
"nodeSelector" : {
"" : "nodes"
"podAnnotations" : { },
"provider" : "kubernetes",
"region" : "demo-web",
"replicaSetAnnotations" : { },
"securityGroups" : [ ],
"stack" : "dev",
"strategy" : "",
"targetSize" : 1,
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 30,
"tolerations" : [ ],
"volumeSources" : [ ]
} ],
"name" : "Deploy New Beat",
"refId" : "9",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "10" ],
"type" : "deploy"
}, {
"name" : "Wait",
"refId" : "10",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "8" ],
"type" : "wait",
"waitTime" : 15
}, {
"name" : "Wait",
"refId" : "11",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "6" ],
"type" : "wait",
"waitTime" : 15
}, {
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail" : false,
"continuePipeline" : true,
"failPipeline" : false,
"job" : "app-demo-dev-send-notifications",
"markUnstableAsSuccessful" : false,
"master" : "aws-jenkins",
"name" : "Notify",
"parameters" : {
"appEnv" : "dev",
"appName" : "app-demo",
"appRepo" : "",
"branchName" : "develop",
"currentCommitId" : "${CURRENT_COMMIT_ID}",
"notificationsChannel" : "product-release-be",
"previousCommitId" : "${PREVIOUS_COMMIT_ID}"
"refId" : "12",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "3" ],
"type" : "jenkins"
} ],
"id" : "48b94a82-07be-4ee8-b0b7-1111111111111",
"updateTs" : "1559156385000",
"notifications" : [ {
"address" : "engineering-alerts",
"level" : "pipeline",
"type" : "slack",
"when" : [ "pipeline.starting", "pipeline.complete", "pipeline.failed" ]
} ]
"keepWaitingPipelines": false,
"lastModifiedBy" : "demo-user",
"roles" : [ "devops" ],
"limitConcurrent": true,
"notifications": [
"address": "engineering-alerts",
"level": "pipeline",
"type": "slack",
"when": [
"parameterConfig": [
"description": "Image tag to use for this release",
"label": "Image Tag",
"name": "imageTag",
"required": true
"default": "Yes",
"description": "Whether to deploy the worker or not",
"hasOptions": true,
"label": "Deploy Worker",
"name": "deployWorker",
"options": [
"value": "Yes"
"value": "No"
"required": true
"stages": [
"continuePipeline": false,
"failPipeline": true,
"job": "demo-app-rel-tag-release",
"master": "aws-jenkins",
"name": "Tag Release",
"parameters": {
"imageTag": "${parameters.imageTag}"
"propertyFile": "",
"refId": "1",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [],
"type": "jenkins"
"continuePipeline": false,
"failPipeline": true,
"job": "demo-app-prd-refresh-secrets",
"master": "aws-jenkins",
"name": "Update Secrets",
"parameters": {
"envName": "prd",
"k8sCluster": ""
"refId": "6",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"type": "jenkins"
"account": "demo-project-k8s-prd",
"annotations": {},
"application": "demo-app",
"cloudProvider": "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType": "kubernetes",
"containers": [
"args": [
"command": [
"envFrom": [
"prefix": "",
"secretRef": {
"name": "demo-app-prd-config",
"optional": false
"envVars": [],
"imageDescription": {
"account": "demo-project-sr-ecr",
"imageId": "${TAG}",
"registry": "",
"repository": "demo-app-backend",
"tag": "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy": "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits": {},
"name": "demo-app-backend",
"ports": [],
"requests": {},
"volumeMounts": []
"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
"labels": {},
"name": "Run Migrations",
"namespace": "demo-app",
"nodeSelector": {
"": "nodes"
"refId": "7",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"type": "runJob"
"clusters": [
"account": "demo-project-k8s-prd",
"application": "demo-app",
"cloudProvider": "kubernetes",
"containers": [
"args": [],
"command": [],
"envFrom": [
"prefix": "",
"secretRef": {
"name": "demo-app-prd-config",
"optional": false
"envVars": [],
"imageDescription": {
"account": "demo-project-sr-ecr",
"imageId": "${TAG}",
"registry": "",
"repository": "demo-app-backend",
"tag": "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy": "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits": {
"cpu": "750m",
"memory": "750Mi"
"name": "demo-app-backend",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 80,
"name": "http",
"protocol": "TCP"
"requests": {
"cpu": "150m",
"memory": "300Mi"
"volumeMounts": []
"delayBeforeDisableSec": 3,
"delayBeforeScaleDownSec": 3,
"deployment": {
"deploymentStrategy": {
"rollingUpdate": {
"maxSurge": 1,
"maxUnavailable": 1
"type": "RollingUpdate"
"enabled": false,
"minReadySeconds": 0
"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
"freeFormDetails": "api",
"initContainers": [],
"interestingHealthProviderNames": [
"loadBalancers": [
"maxRemainingAsgs": 2,
"namespace": "demo-app",
"nodeSelector": {
"": "nodes"
"podAnnotations": {},
"provider": "kubernetes",
"region": "demo-app",
"replicaSetAnnotations": {},
"scaleDown": true,
"stack": "prd",
"strategy": "redblack",
"targetSize": 3,
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
"useSourceCapacity": false,
"volumeSources": []
"name": "Deploy API",
"overrideTimeout": true,
"refId": "8",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"stageTimeoutMs": 480000,
"type": "deploy"
"cloudProvider": "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType": "kubernetes",
"cluster": "demo-app-prd-worker",
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
"continuePipeline": true,
"credentials": "demo-project-k8s-prd",
"failPipeline": false,
"interestingHealthProviderNames": [
"name": "Destroy Prev Worker",
"namespaces": [
"refId": "9",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"stageEnabled": {
"expression": "${parameters.deployWorker == 'Yes'}",
"type": "expression"
"target": "current_asg_dynamic",
"type": "destroyServerGroup"
"clusters": [
"account": "demo-project-k8s-prd",
"application": "demo-app",
"cloudProvider": "kubernetes",
"containers": [
"args": [
"command": [
"envFrom": [
"prefix": "",
"secretRef": {
"name": "demo-app-prd-config",
"optional": false
"envVars": [],
"imageDescription": {
"account": "demo-project-sr-ecr",
"imageId": "${TAG}",
"registry": "",
"repository": "demo-app-backend",
"tag": "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy": "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits": {
"cpu": "500m",
"memory": "700Mi"
"name": "demo-app-backend",
"ports": [],
"requests": {
"cpu": "100m",
"memory": "300Mi"
"volumeMounts": []
"deployment": {
"deploymentStrategy": {
"rollingUpdate": {
"maxSurge": 1,
"maxUnavailable": 1
"type": "RollingUpdate"
"enabled": false,
"minReadySeconds": 0
"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
"freeFormDetails": "worker",
"initContainers": [],
"interestingHealthProviderNames": [
"namespace": "demo-app",
"nodeSelector": {
"": "nodes"
"podAnnotations": {},
"provider": "kubernetes",
"region": "demo-app",
"replicaSetAnnotations": {},
"stack": "prd",
"strategy": "",
"targetSize": 1,
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30,
"useSourceCapacity": false,
"volumeSources": []
"name": "Deploy New Worker",
"refId": "10",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"stageEnabled": {
"expression": "${parameters.deployWorker == 'Yes'}",
"type": "expression"
"type": "deploy"
"account": "demo-project-k8s-prd",
"annotations": {},
"application": "demo-app",
"cloudProvider": "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType": "kubernetes",
"containers": [
"args": [
"command": [
"envFrom": [
"prefix": "",
"secretRef": {
"name": "demo-app-prd-config",
"optional": false
"envVars": [],
"imageDescription": {
"account": "demo-project-sr-ecr",
"imageId": "${TAG}",
"registry": "",
"repository": "demo-app-backend",
"tag": "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy": "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits": {},
"name": "demo-app-backend",
"ports": [],
"requests": {},
"volumeMounts": []
"dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
"labels": {},
"name": "Upload Static Assets",
"namespace": "demo-app",
"nodeSelector": {
"": "nodes"
"refId": "12",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"type": "runJob"
"cloudProvider": "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType": "kubernetes",
"cluster": "demo-app-prd-beat",
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
"continuePipeline": true,
"credentials": "demo-project-k8s-prd",
"failPipeline": false,
"interestingHealthProviderNames": [
"name": "Destroy Prev Beat",
"namespaces": [
"refId": "13",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"target": "current_asg_dynamic",
"type": "destroyServerGroup"
"clusters": [
"account": "demo-project-k8s-prd",
"application": "demo-app",
"cloudProvider": "kubernetes",
"containers": [
"args": [
"command": [
"envFrom": [
"prefix": "",
"secretRef": {
"name": "demo-app-prd-config",
"optional": false
"envVars": [],
"imageDescription": {
"account": "demo-project-sr-ecr",
"imageId": "${TAG}",
"registry": "",
"repository": "demo-app-backend",
"tag": "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy": "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits": {
"cpu": "500m",
"memory": "700Mi"
"name": "demo-app-backend",
"ports": [],
"requests": {
"cpu": "100m",
"memory": "300Mi"
"volumeMounts": []
"deployment": {
"deploymentStrategy": {
"rollingUpdate": {
"maxSurge": 1,
"maxUnavailable": 1
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"enabled": false,
"minReadySeconds": 0
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"": "nodes"
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"region": "demo-app",
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"strategy": "",
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"useSourceCapacity": false,
"volumeSources": []
"name": "Deploy New Beat",
"refId": "14",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"stageEnabled": {
"expression": "${parameters.deployWorker == 'Yes'}",
"type": "expression"
"type": "deploy"
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
"continuePipeline": true,
"failPipeline": false,
"job": "demo-app-prd-send-notifications",
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"name": "Notify",
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"appEnv": "prd",
"appName": "demo-app",
"appRepo": "",
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"currentCommitId": "${CURRENT_COMMIT_ID}",
"notificationsChannel": "product-release-be",
"previousCommitId": "${PREVIOUS_COMMIT_ID}"
"refId": "15",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"type": "jenkins"
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"lastModifiedBy" : "demo-user",
"roles" : [ "devops" ],
"index" : 2,
"serviceAccount" : "stg-|-demo-web-backend-|-deploy@managed-service-account",
"triggers" : [ {
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"enabled" : true,
"project" : "demo-project",
"runAsUser" : "project-svc-account",
"secret" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"slug" : "demo-web-backend",
"source" : "github",
"type" : "git"
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"application" : "demo-web",
"name" : "STG | DemoWeb BackEnd | Deploy",
"stages" : [ {
"continuePipeline" : false,
"failPipeline" : true,
"job" : "nwbe-rel-build-image",
"master" : "aws-jenkins",
"name" : "Build Image",
"parameters" : { },
"propertyFile" : "",
"refId" : "1",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ ],
"type" : "jenkins"
}, {
"continuePipeline" : false,
"failPipeline" : true,
"job" : "nwbe-stg-refresh-secrets",
"master" : "aws-jenkins",
"name" : "Refresh Secrets",
"parameters" : {
"envName" : "stg",
"k8sCluster" : ""
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"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "1" ],
"type" : "jenkins"
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"clusters" : [ {
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"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ ],
"command" : [ ],
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"name" : "app-demo-stg-config",
"optional" : false
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"envVars" : [ ],
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"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-web-backend",
"tag" : "${TAG}",
"uri" : "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits" : {
"cpu" : "300m",
"memory" : "400Mi"
"name" : "demo-web-backend",
"ports" : [ {
"containerPort" : 80,
"name" : "http",
"protocol" : "TCP"
} ],
"requests" : {
"cpu" : "150m",
"memory" : "300Mi"
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
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"delayBeforeScaleDownSec" : 3,
"dnsPolicy" : "ClusterFirst",
"events" : [ ],
"freeFormDetails" : "api",
"initContainers" : [ ],
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesContainer", "KubernetesPod" ],
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"securityGroups" : [ ],
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"tolerations" : [ ],
"volumeSources" : [ ]
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"name" : "Deploy API",
"overrideTimeout" : true,
"refId" : "3",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "5" ],
"stageTimeoutMs" : 480000,
"type" : "deploy"
}, {
"clusters" : [ {
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"application" : "demo-web",
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ "-m", "celery", "worker", "-A", "demo-project", "-l", "info" ],
"command" : [ "python" ],
"envFrom" : [ {
"prefix" : "",
"secretRef" : {
"name" : "app-demo-stg-config",
"optional" : false
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"envVars" : [ ],
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"registry" : "",
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"tag" : "${TAG}",
"uri" : "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits" : {
"cpu" : "150m",
"memory" : "350Mi"
"livenessProbe" : {
"failureThreshold" : 2,
"handler" : {
"execAction" : {
"commands" : [ "python", "kubernetes/scripts/liveness/", "\"-s 300\"" ]
"httpGetAction" : {
"path" : "/",
"port" : 80,
"uriScheme" : "HTTP"
"tcpSocketAction" : {
"port" : 80
"type" : "EXEC"
"initialDelaySeconds" : 120,
"periodSeconds" : 30,
"successThreshold" : 1,
"timeoutSeconds" : 10
"name" : "demo-web-backend",
"ports" : [ ],
"requests" : {
"cpu" : "50m",
"memory" : "250Mi"
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
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"events" : [ ],
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"initContainers" : [ ],
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesContainer", "KubernetesPod" ],
"loadBalancers" : [ ],
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"nodeSelector" : {
"" : "nodes"
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"region" : "demo-web",
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"securityGroups" : [ ],
"stack" : "stg",
"strategy" : "",
"targetSize" : 1,
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 30,
"tolerations" : [ ],
"volumeSources" : [ ]
} ],
"name" : "Deploy New Worker",
"refId" : "4",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "6" ],
"type" : "deploy"
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"account" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"annotations" : { },
"application" : "demo-web",
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ "", "migrate" ],
"command" : [ "python" ],
"envFrom" : [ {
"prefix" : "",
"secretRef" : {
"name" : "app-demo-stg-config",
"optional" : false
} ],
"envVars" : [ ],
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"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-web-backend",
"tag" : "${TAG}"
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"limits" : { },
"name" : "demo-web-backend",
"ports" : [ ],
"requests" : { },
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
} ],
"dnsPolicy" : "ClusterFirst",
"labels" : { },
"name" : "Run Migrations",
"namespace" : "demo-web",
"nodeSelector" : {
"" : "nodes"
"refId" : "5",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "7" ],
"type" : "runJob"
}, {
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType" : "kubernetes",
"cluster" : "demo-web-stg-worker",
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail" : false,
"continuePipeline" : true,
"credentials" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"failPipeline" : false,
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesService" ],
"name" : "Destroy Prev Worker",
"namespaces" : [ "demo-web" ],
"refId" : "6",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "5" ],
"target" : "current_asg_dynamic",
"type" : "destroyServerGroup"
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"account" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"annotations" : { },
"application" : "demo-web",
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ "", "collectstatic", "--noinput", "-v", "0" ],
"command" : [ "python" ],
"envFrom" : [ {
"prefix" : "",
"secretRef" : {
"name" : "app-demo-stg-config",
"optional" : false
} ],
"envVars" : [ ],
"imageDescription" : {
"account" : "project-sr-ecr",
"imageId" : "${TAG}",
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-web-backend",
"tag" : "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits" : { },
"name" : "demo-web-backend",
"ports" : [ ],
"requests" : { },
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
} ],
"dnsPolicy" : "ClusterFirst",
"labels" : { },
"name" : "Upload Static Assets",
"namespace" : "demo-web",
"nodeSelector" : {
"" : "nodes"
"refId" : "7",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "2" ],
"type" : "runJob"
}, {
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType" : "kubernetes",
"cluster" : "demo-web-stg-beat",
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail" : false,
"continuePipeline" : true,
"credentials" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"failPipeline" : false,
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesService" ],
"name" : "Destroy Prev Beat",
"namespaces" : [ "demo-web" ],
"refId" : "8",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "5" ],
"target" : "current_asg_dynamic",
"type" : "destroyServerGroup"
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"clusters" : [ {
"account" : "project-k8s-devstg",
"application" : "demo-web",
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ "-m", "celery", "beat", "-A", "demo-project", "-l", "info" ],
"command" : [ "python" ],
"envFrom" : [ {
"prefix" : "",
"secretRef" : {
"name" : "app-demo-stg-config",
"optional" : false
} ],
"envVars" : [ ],
"imageDescription" : {
"imageId" : "${TAG}",
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-web-backend",
"tag" : "${TAG}",
"uri" : "${TAG}"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits" : {
"cpu" : "100m",
"memory" : "300Mi"
"livenessProbe" : {
"failureThreshold" : 2,
"handler" : {
"execAction" : {
"commands" : [ "python", "kubernetes/scripts/liveness/", "\"-s 600\"" ]
"httpGetAction" : {
"path" : "/",
"port" : 80,
"uriScheme" : "HTTP"
"tcpSocketAction" : {
"port" : 80
"type" : "EXEC"
"initialDelaySeconds" : 120,
"periodSeconds" : 30,
"successThreshold" : 1,
"timeoutSeconds" : 10
"name" : "demo-web-backend",
"ports" : [ ],
"requests" : {
"cpu" : "50m",
"memory" : "200Mi"
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
} ],
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"events" : [ ],
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"initContainers" : [ ],
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesContainer", "KubernetesPod" ],
"loadBalancers" : [ ],
"namespace" : "demo-web",
"nodeSelector" : {
"" : "nodes"
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"region" : "demo-web",
"replicaSetAnnotations" : { },
"securityGroups" : [ ],
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"strategy" : "",
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"terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 30,
"tolerations" : [ ],
"volumeSources" : [ ]
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"name" : "Deploy New Beat",
"refId" : "9",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "8" ],
"type" : "deploy"
}, {
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail" : false,
"continuePipeline" : true,
"failPipeline" : false,
"job" : "demo-app-stg-send-notifications",
"markUnstableAsSuccessful" : false,
"master" : "aws-jenkins",
"name" : "Notify",
"parameters" : {
"appEnv" : "stg",
"appName" : "demo-app",
"appRepo" : "",
"branchName" : "master",
"currentCommitId" : "${CURRENT_COMMIT_ID}",
"notificationsChannel" : "product-release-be",
"previousCommitId" : "${PREVIOUS_COMMIT_ID}"
"refId" : "10",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "3" ],
"type" : "jenkins"
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"id" : "d9135563-2de5-4dde-9b60-1111111111111",
"updateTs" : "1559156396000",
"notifications" : [ {
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"level" : "pipeline",
"type" : "slack",
"when" : [ "pipeline.starting", "pipeline.complete", "pipeline.failed" ]
} ]
"keepWaitingPipelines" : false,
"appConfig" : { },
"limitConcurrent" : true,
"application" : "demo-app",
"lastModifiedBy" : "demo-user",
"name" : "PROD - Deploy Project API",
"stages" : [ {
"clusters" : [ {
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"application" : "demo-app",
"capacity" : {
"desired" : 2,
"max" : 3,
"min" : 1
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ ],
"command" : [ ],
"envFrom" : [ ],
"envVars" : [ {
"name" : "S3_ENDPOINT_URL",
"value" : ""
}, {
"name" : "BACKUP_BUCKET",
"value" : "project-demo-project-prod-backup"
}, {
"name" : "EXTERNAL_API_URL",
"value" : ""
}, {
"name" : "ENVIRONMENT",
"value" : "prod"
}, {
"name" : "Project_FTP_SERVER",
"value" : ""
}, {
"name" : "CELERY_BROKER",
"value" : "pyamqp://guest@demo-app-prd-rmq"
"name" : "TIMEZONE",
"value" : "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"
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"name" : "DEBUG",
"value" : "false"
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"name" : "REGION_NAME",
"value" : "us-east-1"
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"key" : "DB_CONN_STRING",
"optional" : false,
"secretName" : "demo-app-api-prod"
"name" : "DB_CONN_STRING"
"envSource" : {
"secretSource" : {
"optional" : false,
"secretName" : "demo-app-api-prod"
}, {
"envSource" : {
"secretSource" : {
"optional" : false,
"secretName" : "demo-app-api-prod"
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"envSource" : {
"secretSource" : {
"optional" : false,
"secretName" : "demo-app-api-prod"
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"fromTrigger" : true,
"imageId" : "*",
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-project-uwsgi-nginx-flask",
"tag" : "prod-.*"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"name" : "demo-project-uwsgi-nginx-flask",
"ports" : [ {
"containerPort" : 80,
"name" : "http",
"protocol" : "TCP"
} ],
"readinessProbe" : {
"failureThreshold" : 3,
"handler" : {
"execAction" : {
"commands" : [ ]
"httpGetAction" : {
"path" : "/admin/login",
"port" : 80,
"uriScheme" : "HTTP"
"tcpSocketAction" : {
"port" : 80
"type" : "HTTP"
"initialDelaySeconds" : 0,
"periodSeconds" : 10,
"successThreshold" : 1,
"timeoutSeconds" : 1
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
} ],
"delayBeforeDisableSec" : 10,
"deployment" : {
"enabled" : false
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"events" : [ ],
"freeFormDetails" : "api",
"initContainers" : [ ],
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesContainer", "KubernetesPod" ],
"loadBalancers" : [ "demo-app-prd-elb" ],
"maxRemainingAsgs" : 5,
"namespace" : "demo-app-ns",
"nodeSelector" : { },
"podAnnotations" : { },
"provider" : "kubernetes",
"region" : "default",
"replicaSetAnnotations" : { },
"scaleDown" : true,
"scalingPolicy" : {
"cpuUtilization" : {
"target" : 40
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"stack" : "prd",
"strategy" : "redblack",
"targetSize" : 2,
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 30,
"volumeSources" : [ ]
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"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ ],
"type" : "deploy"
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"clusters" : [ {
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"application" : "demo-app",
"capacity" : {
"max" : 6,
"min" : 2
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ "celery", "-A", "project.demo-project.tasks", "worker", "--loglevel=INFO" ],
"command" : [ ],
"envFrom" : [ ],
"envVars" : [ {
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"value" : ""
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"name" : "EXTERNAL_API_URL",
"value" : ""
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"name" : "ENVIRONMENT",
"value" : "prod"
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"name" : "Project_FTP_SERVER",
"value" : ""
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"value" : "pyamqp://guest@demo-app-prd-rmq"
"name" : "TIMEZONE",
"value" : "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"
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"name" : "DEBUG",
"value" : "false"
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"name" : "REGION_NAME",
"value" : "us-east-1"
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"secretName" : "demo-app-api-prod"
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"envSource" : {
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"imageId" : "*",
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"tag" : "prod-.*"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
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"ports" : [ {
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"name" : "http",
"protocol" : "TCP"
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"events" : [ ],
"freeFormDetails" : "worker",
"initContainers" : [ ],
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"nodeSelector" : { },
"podAnnotations" : { },
"provider" : "kubernetes",
"region" : "default",
"replicaSetAnnotations" : { },
"scalingPolicy" : {
"cpuUtilization" : {
"target" : 40
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"strategy" : "",
"targetSize" : 2,
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 30,
"volumeSources" : [ ]
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"refId" : "2",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ ],
"type" : "deploy"
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"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType" : "kubernetes",
"cluster" : "demo-app-prd-worker",
"credentials" : "demo-app-prod",
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesService" ],
"name" : "Disable Server Group",
"namespaces" : [ "default" ],
"refId" : "3",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "2" ],
"target" : "ancestor_asg_dynamic",
"type" : "disableServerGroup"
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"action" : "scale_exact",
"capacity" : {
"desired" : 0
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"cloudProviderType" : "kubernetes",
"cluster" : "demo-app-prd-worker",
"credentials" : "demo-app-prod",
"name" : "Resize Server Group",
"namespaces" : [ "default" ],
"refId" : "4",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "3" ],
"resizeType" : "exact",
"target" : "ancestor_asg_dynamic",
"type" : "resizeServerGroup"
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"cloudProviderType" : "kubernetes",
"cluster" : "demo-app-prd-worker",
"credentials" : "demo-app-prod",
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesService" ],
"name" : "Destroy Server Group",
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"refId" : "5",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ "4" ],
"target" : "ancestor_asg_dynamic",
"type" : "destroyServerGroup"
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"clusters" : [ {
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"containers" : [ {
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"command" : [ ],
"envFrom" : [ ],
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"value" : ""
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"name" : "EXTERNAL_API_URL",
"value" : ""
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"name" : "ENVIRONMENT",
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"name" : "Project_FTP_SERVER",
"value" : ""
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"name" : "TIMEZONE",
"value" : "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"
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"name" : "DEBUG",
"value" : "false"
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"name" : "REGION_NAME",
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"secretSource" : {
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"secretName" : "demo-app-api-prod"
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"envSource" : {
"secretSource" : {
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"secretName" : "demo-app-api-prod"
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"envSource" : {
"secretSource" : {
"optional" : false,
"secretName" : "demo-app-api-prod"
"imageDescription" : {
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"fromTrigger" : true,
"imageId" : "*",
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-project-uwsgi-nginx-flask",
"tag" : "prod-.*"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"name" : "demo-project-uwsgi-nginx-flask",
"ports" : [ {
"containerPort" : 80,
"name" : "http",
"protocol" : "TCP"
} ],
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
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"dnsPolicy" : "ClusterFirst",
"events" : [ ],
"freeFormDetails" : "flower",
"initContainers" : [ ],
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesContainer", "KubernetesPod" ],
"loadBalancers" : [ "demo-app-prd-flower" ],
"namespace" : "demo-app-ns",
"nodeSelector" : { },
"podAnnotations" : { },
"provider" : "kubernetes",
"region" : "default",
"replicaSetAnnotations" : { },
"securityGroups" : [ ],
"stack" : "prd",
"strategy" : "highlander",
"targetSize" : 1,
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 30,
"volumeSources" : [ ]
} ],
"name" : "Deploy flower",
"refId" : "6",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ ],
"type" : "deploy"
} ],
"index" : 1,
"id" : "bbcbab42-b67e-4201-90f5-889aebaefdb5",
"triggers" : [ {
"account" : "project-shared-registry-1",
"enabled" : true,
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-project-uwsgi-nginx-flask",
"tag" : "prod-.*",
"type" : "docker"
} ],
"updateTs" : "1540816686000",
"notifications" : [ {
"address" : "tech-spinnaker",
"level" : "pipeline",
"type" : "slack",
"when" : [ "pipeline.starting", "pipeline.complete", "pipeline.failed" ]
} ]
"keepWaitingPipelines" : false,
"limitConcurrent" : true,
"application" : "demo_app",
"lastModifiedBy" : "demo_user",
"name" : "DEV - Deploy DEMO APP API",
"stages" : [ {
"name" : "Deploy API",
"refId" : "1",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ ],
"type" : "deploy"
}, {
"clusters" : [ {
"account" : "demo-project-dev",
"application" : "demo_app",
"capacity" : {
"desired" : 2,
"max" : 3,
"min" : 1
"cloudProvider" : "kubernetes",
"containers" : [ {
"args" : [ ],
"command" : [ ],
"envFrom" : [ ],
"envVars" : [ {
"name" : "PYTHONPATH",
"value" : "/app"
}, {
"name" : "TIMEZONE",
"value" : "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"
}, {
"name" : "DEBUG",
"value" : "true"
}, {
"name" : "ENVIRONMENT",
"value" : "dev"
}, {
"value" : "us-east-1_xxxxxxxxx"
}, {
"name" : "COGNITO_REGION",
"value" : "us-east-1"
}, {
"envSource" : {
"secretSource" : {
"key" : "DB_CONN_STRING",
"optional" : false,
"secretName" : "demo-app-api-dev"
"name" : "DB_CONN_STRING"
"envSource" : {
"secretSource" : {
"optional" : false,
"secretName" : "demo-app-api-dev"
}, {
"envSource" : {
"secretSource" : {
"optional" : false,
"secretName" : "demo-app-api-dev"
"imageDescription" : {
"account" : "demo-shared-ecr-registry-1",
"fromTrigger" : true,
"imageId" : "*",
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-project-app-uwsgi-nginx-flask",
"tag" : "dev-.*"
"imagePullPolicy" : "IFNOTPRESENT",
"limits" : { },
"name" : "demo-project-app-uwsgi-nginx-flask",
"ports" : [ {
"containerPort" : 80,
"name" : "http",
"protocol" : "TCP"
} ],
"readinessProbe" : {
"failureThreshold" : 3,
"handler" : {
"execAction" : {
"commands" : [ ]
"httpGetAction" : {
"path" : "/status",
"port" : 80,
"uriScheme" : "HTTP"
"tcpSocketAction" : {
"port" : 80
"type" : "HTTP"
"initialDelaySeconds" : 0,
"periodSeconds" : 10,
"successThreshold" : 1,
"timeoutSeconds" : 1
"requests" : { },
"volumeMounts" : [ ]
} ],
"delayBeforeDisableSec" : 10,
"dnsPolicy" : "ClusterFirst",
"events" : [ ],
"freeFormDetails" : "api",
"initContainers" : [ ],
"interestingHealthProviderNames" : [ "KubernetesContainer", "KubernetesPod" ],
"loadBalancers" : [ "demo-app-dev-api-cip" ],
"maxRemainingAsgs" : 3,
"namespace" : "demo-project-app-api-dev",
"nodeSelector" : { },
"podAnnotations" : { },
"provider" : "kubernetes",
"region" : "demo-project-app-api-dev",
"replicaSetAnnotations" : { },
"rollback" : {
"onFailure" : true
"scaleDown" : true,
"securityGroups" : [ ],
"stack" : "dev",
"strategy" : "redblack",
"targetSize" : 1,
"terminationGracePeriodSeconds" : 30,
"tolerations" : [ ],
"volumeSources" : [ ]
} ],
"name" : "Deploy API",
"refId" : "1",
"requisiteStageRefIds" : [ ],
"type" : "deploy"
} ],
"index" : 0,
"id" : "1d3f9c7e-d213-40eb-bf54-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"triggers" : [ {
"account" : "demo-shared-registry-1",
"enabled" : true,
"registry" : "",
"repository" : "demo-project-app-uwsgi-nginx-flask",
"tag" : "dev-.*",
"type" : "docker"
} ],
"updateTs" : "1539968277000",
"notifications" : [ {
"address" : "tech-spinnaker",
"level" : "pipeline",
"type" : "slack",
"when" : [ "pipeline.starting", "pipeline.complete", "pipeline.failed" ]
} ]



  • Spinnaker will allow to easily manage from the UI
  • Deployment Strategy (eg: Blue/Gren, Canary, Highlander and more ),
  • Deploy Multiple services in parallel (eg: API, Worker, Cache, etc),
  • Deployment type (Deployment or Replica Set),
  • K8s Service config & integration (ClusterIP, Load Balancer, NodePort, and more),
  • Autoscaling (K8s HPA -> Replicas#),
  • Maximum number of server groups (K8s RS / deployments) to leave,
  • Pod annotations,
  • Node Selector (Pod to Instance Group affinity),
  • Docker container cmds & arguments,
  • Docker container ENV Vars and Secrets,
  • Resource request and limits both CPU and Memory,
  • Ports,
  • Volumes,
  • Readiness Check and Probes
  • User and SELinux containers security context.
  • K8s Multi-cluster support


Spinnaker natively supports replica sets / deployments (server groups) rollbacks from the UI -> but DB migration changes should have also rollback migrations, or probably simpler to be retrocompatible with at least 2 or 3 previous deployed releases to avoid rollback DB inconsistencies.


The tags can be improved attaching the latest short git commit hash id if needed as show in workflow example B.

Tags eg for Flow A (Jenkins -> build docker image -> push to AWS ECR)

  • parsedImage: [, tag:dev-149]
  • parsedImage: [, tag:stg-91]
  • parsedImage: [, tag:prod-50]

Tags eg for Flow B (Spinnaker -> Jenkins -> git tag-> build docker image -> ush to AWS ECR)

  • parsedImage: [, tag:dev-550-b2cdc01]
  • parsedImage: [, tag:release-150-24b93f5]-
  • parsedImage: [, tag:release-150-24b93f5]
$ git tag -a release_2019-06-19-09-32-29 24b93f5 -m 'User (Sun Jun 16 10:58:11 2019): [JIRA-3531] coming soon mvp (#518) 24b93f5'`
$ git push --tags #to 
$* [new tag] release_2019-06-19-09-32-29 -> release_2019-06-19-09-32-29


Performance testing it's not included in the automated workflow, can probably be executed from a stand alone job or tool, as a result App / Cluster parameters can be fine tuned in real time based on the current live results.

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