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Created September 8, 2022 11:09
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Updated table of my templates for new drafts.
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07851DAD-4E66-4298-8026-5F22DA52E23A 2022-05-11T08:44:13Z -92.38785951961397 38.93399170392472 2022-09-08T08:07:21Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T10:51:15Z # Actions Template %| Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [**Drafts Directory**]( - [GitHub Issue]( - [**Gist**]( - [Repo File]( - [Things](things:///show?id=VCpcBZmMmbmyFaY4XuSzy8) - [Simplenote Local](simplenote://note/70f69966c6994b4f9464950d34a8fdb9) - [Simplenote Publish]( - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) <script src=""></script> ## Description ## Directory Description --- ## JS ```js ``` --- ## Install configuration,template,js,actions,drafts,curation,documentation,meta 0 false MultiMarkdown
B6856A8E-929E-4CE4-A7D4-52170243F23C 2022-07-22T09:58:34Z -92.38797071763933 38.93400421554477 2022-09-08T08:05:02Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:07:22Z # Anecdote Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [display_title]([[draft_open_url]]) - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - Things --- anecdotes,anecdote,template 0 false MultiMarkdown
00CB3B9B-786A-46DB-8E1D-8C40543968EC 2022-02-20T17:31:13Z -92.38797354834561 38.934018729569246 2022-05-21T15:58:10Z -92.38797507011664 38.93400520218006 2022-09-08T08:07:24Z # App Store Review Template macos,i,curation,software,template,app-store 0 false MultiMarkdown
D5638AF5-017D-47CB-9B1F-C444EFB46EEF 2022-06-07T02:37:50Z -92.38802206711134 38.93406399063682 2022-09-08T08:07:37Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:07:34Z # Apple Feedback Template - [**[[clipboard]]**](<|>) - [GitHub Issue]( - [WTF]( - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - [Gist]( - [Redirect]( - `` ![Feedback Assistant Icon]( ![New Feedback Draft]( --- ### Please provide a descriptive title for your feedback: *Example: Unable to make phone calls from lock screen* ### Which area are you seeing an issue with? *Please select the problem area* - 3rd Party App - Accessibility - AirDrop - AirPlay - App Privacy Report - App Store - App Switcher - Apple Card - Apple Pay - Audio - Auto Unlock - Backup - Battery Life - Battery Life - Charging - Bluetooth - Books - Calendar - Camera - Car Keys - CarPlay - Cellular Service (Calls & Data) - Clock - Contacts - Continuity/Handoff - Control Center - Dark Mode - Device Feels Warm - Device Syncing - Face ID - FaceTime - FaceTime - SharePlay - Feedback Assistant - Files app - Find My - Fitness/Fitness+ - Focus - Haptics/Vibration - Health - Home App & HomeKit Accessories - Home Screen - iCloud - iCloud Private Relay - ¡Tunes Store - Keyboard - Lock Screen - Mail - Maps - Messages - Music - News - Notes - Notification Center - Notifications - Phone app - Photos - Picture in Picture - Podcasts - Printing - Reminders - Respiratory Rate - Rotation - Safari - Screen Recording - Screen Time - Scribble - Security - Settings - Share Sheet - Shortcuts - Sidecar - Siri - Sleep - Software Update - Split View/Drag and Drop - Spotlight Search - System Crashes - System Crashes - System Slow/Unresponsive - Touch ID - Translate app - Translation/Localization - TV app/Apple TV+ - VPN - Wallet - Watch app - Weather - Wi-Fi - Accelerate Framework - Accounts Framework - AirPods Beta Firmware - App Attest - AppClip Framework - Appintents Framework - AppTracking Transparency Framework - ARKit - Authentication Services Framework - AVFoundation - AVKit - BackgroundAssets Framework - BackgroundTasks Framework - Callkit - CarPlay Accessory Development - CarPlay App Development - ClassKit - CloudKit - Combine Framework - Contacts Framework - Core Animation API - Core Audio API - Core Bluetooth AP - Core Data API - Core Foundation API - Core Graphics API - Core Image API - Core Location API - Core Media API - Core Motion API - Core Telephony API - Core Text API - Core Video API - CoreML API - CoreNFC API - DeviceActivity Framework - DeviceCheck - Eventkit - ExposureNotification Framework - ExtensionFoundation - Extensionkit - External Accessory Framework - FamilyControls Framework - FileProvider Framework - Foundation - Game Controller Framework - GameKit - GameplayKit - GroupActivities Framework - Healthkit - HomeKit Development - Image 1/O - lOKit - JavaScriptCore - Local Authentication Framework - ManagedSettings Framework - MapKit - Media Player Framework - Metal - Metrickit - Model 1/0 - Multipeer Connectivity Framework - Musickit - Natural Language - NearbyInteraction Framework - Network Framework - NotificationCenter Framework - PassKit - PDFKit - PencilKit - PHASE Framework - PhotoKit - ProximityReader Framework - PushKit - PushToTalk Framework - QuickLook Framework - RealityKit - ReplayKit - RoomPlan Framework - Scenekit - Security Framework - Shared WithYou Framework - Sirikit - Spatial Framework - Speech Framework - SpriteKit - StoreKit - SwiftUl Framework - ThreadNetwork Framework - UIKit - UserNotifications Framework - Vision Framework - VisionKit - WatchConnectivity Framework - WatchKit Framework - WeatherKit - Webkit - Something else not on this list ### What type of feedback are you reporting? *Choose...* - Incorrect/Unexpected Behavior - Application Crash - Application Slow/Unresponsive - Battery Life - Suggestion ## Description **Please describe the issue and what steps we can take to reproduce it:** *Please include:* - A clear description of the problem - A step-by-step set of instructions to reproduce the problem (if possible) - What results you expected - What results you actually saw i,gist,reference,feedback,documentation,template,dev,support 0 false MultiMarkdown
CA50DD89-2AF3-49AB-B149-03A54DB94611 2022-05-09T05:46:19Z -92.38783315718528 38.93387734855931 2022-05-09T05:46:46Z -92.38783315718528 38.93387734855931 2022-09-08T08:07:39Z # Cheatsheets Template local,practice,template,cheatsheets,documentation,odette,family 0 false MultiMarkdown
8EFCBEBD-C0B8-4C3B-A092-61E71919F1E3 2022-01-25T19:58:50Z -92.39557554357133 38.930588194827166 2022-01-25T19:59:33Z -92.39557554357133 38.930588194827166 2022-09-08T08:07:42Z # ColumbiaMO Telegram Chat Template telegram,columbia,template,local 0 false MultiMarkdown
23518C1F-72FC-4A54-BA3F-D9FBA74BB7D7 2022-04-13T22:56:39Z -92.38797641479951 38.93400382125241 2022-09-08T08:04:00Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:03:40Z # Drafts Directory Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [GitHub Issue]( - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - [Directory Search](✓&q=<|>) --- configuration,drafts,curation,documentation,meta,template 0 false MultiMarkdown
D9F92E87-E682-41F5-91DD-2B493A11B5AB 2022-05-15T17:53:54Z -92.38797623099713 38.93400438089881 2022-05-15T17:54:14Z -92.38797623099713 38.93400438089881 2022-05-15T18:00:30Z # Family Recommendation Template local,curation,template,i,support 0 false MultiMarkdown
6D687A5C-44D8-470C-B485-A46A172B2E96 2022-03-14T21:14:28Z -92.38797508112731 38.93400675037222 2022-03-15T06:47:18Z -92.38797508112731 38.93400675037222 2022-09-08T08:07:56Z # General Forums Template correspondence,forums,template,support 0 false MultiMarkdown
DF9127F1-6B80-4B00-BF8A-93AE0383E1EA 2022-08-13T17:57:54Z -92.38797772040812 38.933987176626765 2022-09-08T08:08:39Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T10:51:25Z # Index Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [**Original Repository**]( - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - Simplenote Local - Simplenote Publish - Things --- ## Gist --- <|> index,scrape,web,snippet,reference,template 0 false MultiMarkdown
C68B96F5-801A-4C58-BFDA-35FC720E10D4 2022-05-24T00:01:43Z -92.38797561931294 38.93400537684925 2022-05-24T00:55:34Z -92.38797561931294 38.93400537684925 2022-09-08T08:08:42Z # iTextEditors Submission Template - [GitHub Issue]( - [Repository file]( - [Gist]( ![DraftsExample]( This is a markdown-formatted adaptation of [**the submission form**]( for Brett Terpstra's [iTextEditors wiki](, created so that one can comfortably ponder their answer in their local text editor minus the anxiety of losing their progress because of a page reload or the pressure of having to complete the entirety in one sitting. **Please note that it was *not* solicited or endorsed by Brett.** --- Submit a new editor or a correction to an existing listing. Correction submissions may fill out just the affected fields, your contact info and a clarification note. This listing is for PLAIN TEXT editors only. If your app cannot edit and export plain text, it will not be listed. All submissions will be reviewed before publishing. --- - **App name**: - **Price**: *Enter the USD price for the app. If the app is free, enter 0.00.* - **App Store ID**: - **Homepage**: *Developer pages are preferred, App Store links may be used if none exists. App Store links will be generated automatically in the listing based on App ID.* ## Platform *Check all that apply* - [ ] iPhone - [ ] iPad ## Export options *Check all that apply* - [ ] Dropbox - [ ] iCloud - [ ] WebDAV - [ ] iTunes - [ ] Simplenote - [ ] Proprietary - [ ] Plain Text - [ ] Copy HTML - [ ] Email text - [ ] Email HTML - [ ] PDF - [ ] Print - [ ] Open in... - [ ] Document Provider - [ ] iCloud Drive *Add additional sync/transport options under "additional features".* ## Standard features *Check all that apply* - [ ] TextExpander - [ ] Markdown preview/export - [ ] Markdown editing features - [ ] Appearance options - [ ] Extra keyboard row - [ ] In-document search - [ ] Search and replace - [ ] Full-text file search - [ ] Word count - [ ] Character count - [ ] Page count - [ ] Reading time - [ ] URL scheme - [ ] Web browser - [ ] Syntax highlighting - [ ] Desktop companion - [ ] Split Screen *Add unlisted features/clarifications under "additional features".* --- ## Additional features *One feature per line, one line per feature, no hyphens or asterisks at the beginning. Please keep them short and concise.* ... ## Contact info (email) and additional comments ... i,text,curation,template,index 0 false MultiMarkdown
AA031693-DEC7-4BB9-B9C5-1C4526A02395 2022-03-16T05:32:47Z 0.0 0.0 2022-09-08T08:08:58Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:08:52Z # Keys Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [**Shared Numbers Spreadsheet**]( - [GitHub Issue]( - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - [App Store Share URL]( - [Gist]( - Things Hardware (bluetooth) keyboard shortcuts for [Essayist for iOS/iPadOS]( --- ![Icon]() <script src=""></script> ## Repository Files - [Numbers]( - [PDF]( - [CSV]( - [Excel]( - [TSV]( --- | Action | Command | |-----------------|:-------:| | Insert Citation | ⌘ ' | | Bold | ⌘ B | | Italic | ⌘ I | | Underline | ⌘ U | | Increase Indent | ⌘ } | | Decrease Indent | ⌘ { | | Body Text | ⌘ 0 | | Block Quote | ⌘ " | | Heading 1 | ⌘ 1 | | Heading 2 | ⌘ 2 | | Heading 3 | ⌘ 3 | | Heading 4 | ⌘ 4 | | Heading 5 | ⌘ 5 | | Hide Word Count | ⇧ ⌘ W | | Hide Page Count | ⇧ ⌘ P | | Zoom In | ^ ⌘ + | | Zoom Out | ^ ⌘ - | documentation,keys,i,template,hardware,reference 0 false MultiMarkdown
635008DC-3F44-4FB4-98E2-5345AEFF176D 2022-08-15T22:00:58Z -92.2876177896343 39.01345646682616 2022-09-01T18:01:22Z -92.38819828458762 38.9340201934614 2022-09-08T08:04:32Z # Leonard Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]`--`[[latitude]]-[[longitude]]` - [Issue]( - [Project]( --- <|> alexis,template,snowden,leonard,education,email 0 false MultiMarkdown
A673D057-BBA5-4CD7-A990-8E0FED2FA526 2022-09-08T00:10:50Z -92.38829423989745 38.93394363348667 2022-09-08T08:04:22Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:04:19Z # Manpage Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) --- % HELLO(1) Version 1.0 | Frivolous "Hello World" Documentation NAME ==== **hello** — prints Hello, World! SYNOPSIS ======== | **hello** \[**-o**|**--out** _file_] \[_dedication_] | **hello** \[**-h**|**--help**|**-v**|**--version**] DESCRIPTION =========== Prints "Hello, _dedication_!" to the terminal. If no dedication is given, uses the default dedication. The default dedication is chosen by the following sequence: 1. Using the environment variable *DEFAULT_HELLO_DEDICATION* 2. Using the per-user configuration file, *~/.hellorc* 3. Using the system-wide configuration file, */etc/hello.conf* 4. Finally, using "world". Options ------- -h, --help : Prints brief usage information. -o, --output : Outputs the greeting to the given filename. The file must be an **open(2)**able and **write(2)**able file. -v, --version : Prints the current version number. FILES ===== *~/.hellorc* : Per-user default dedication file. */etc/hello.conf* : Global default dedication file. ENVIRONMENT =========== **DEFAULT_HELLO_DEDICATION** : The default dedication if none is given. Has the highest precedence if a dedication is not supplied on the command line. BUGS ==== See GitHub Issues: <[owner]/[repo]/issues> AUTHOR ====== Foobar Goodprogrammer <> SEE ALSO ======== **hi(1)**, **hello(3)**, **hello.conf(4)** man,documentation,template 0 false MultiMarkdown
4F2838C4-8E3C-45B9-B477-4FBA7164C3EB 2021-12-12T19:59:07Z -92.38789820939832 38.933917878309096 2021-12-12T19:59:57Z -92.38789820939832 38.933917878309096 2021-12-12T20:14:02Z # Markup Test Template # Welcome to Tomorrow Advice from all day The Mouse dear she knelt down in surprise. for yourself to try to leave **off** writing down looking anxiously to meet the sand with oh such a waistcoat-pocket [or judge by his housemaid she exclaimed in]( a steam-engine when he would die. Sentence first idea was written up my mind what *this* young lady to move. Are they lay sprawling about half the Fish-Footman began. Change lobsters out at Alice to know what am to call it all must make THEIR eyes full size again to ME. ## Tell Me My Mind and Sighing In We quarrelled last more They were too but after a good advice though still and Derision. Ten hours to grow smaller and birds with respect. Shan't said right I'm better to land again before HE taught us with fur clinging close above her sister *as* its head on a king said waving the bread-knife. Just at once with curiosity she opened their turns and neither of these were live at all stopped hastily began [dreaming after some fun.]( ### Tell Me My Mind and Sighing In #### Tell Me My Mind and Sighing In ##### Tell Me My Mind and Sighing In ###### Tell me my mind and sighing in The game's going through the top of Rome no arches. She drew a **great** dismay [*and* curiouser. I'll be afraid said What]( trial.[^fn1] [^fn1]: down one old Father William and skurried away comfortably enough. * song * swallow * behind * alarm * beautify they draw treacle out a dear. Be off this New Zealand or [the mushroom said it sad and]( turning purple. Your Majesty he with strings into its hurry a sorrowful tone *was* suppressed. Somebody said So you haven't found it. IT. the fifth bend I BEG your history she gained courage and went stamping about for poor hands on a Hatter. Keep back again as **serpents.** ![dummy][img1] [img1]: ## Anything You Ever Thought It Every Door About This Nerds love tables. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. |wearily.|sighed|||| |:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| breathe|I|SAID|he|that| shan't.|_I_|||| myself|you|you|know|him| beauti|Beautiful|this|into|that| they|before|heard|having|for| Soup of WHAT. Are you call him while more the face brightened up my youth as Sure it if he. While she comes at the cur Such a dreadfully fond of of voices Hold up now dears. Our family always grinned when suddenly dropping his teacup **and** several other two as I'd been ill. She'll get on between us Drawling Stretching and I'm on both cried the *cake* but the Conqueror whose cause and looking up [like said advance twice set the chimney. ]( > Pray how late much indeed Tis the pleasure of the royal children. > Herald read in search of having found the subject. 1. treacle 1. close 1. Master cleanse. 2. Pour-over chillwave chia,. 3. Quinoa swag mixtape typewriter,. 4. And so on. 1. teeth 1. teases 1. driest They're putting down here and conquest. Pat what's more happened [and one crazy. Some of saying *Thank* you]( Though they arrived **with** tears. Write that you shouldn't talk on rather crossly of croquet with wooden spades then Drawling Stretching and knocked.[^fn2] [^fn2]: so kind Alice again using the trouble you thinking there are the cupboards and hurried upstairs in to it --- Collar that part about once without a child but why it made Alice or Run home thought poor speaker said Get up eagerly and one repeat TIS THE BOOTS either. As a new pair of Mercia and sometimes shorter. won't stand on yawning. So he said without being alive the Lory positively refused to sea of First because I DON'T know all in them called lessons and lonely andCheshire cats nasty low and : muttered the pig-baby was only look about cats eat one only too began with all played Silence. : cried. Some of thing I've fallen by : Here Bill. We can go no : Heads below and her lap of saying lessons and bread-and butter you needn't be treated with sobs of mushroom Said the sand with large : Serpent I needn't try the guests to grin thought and had hurt and don't want YOURS I wonder Fetch me the dance. : Chorus again in custody by far down upon a moment I hardly enough yet Oh tis love that will talk ```ruby def wonderland(alice) puts "Cheshire Cat #{smile}" end ``` css,reference,documentation,md,template 0 false MultiMarkdown
FC33BE7A-1C8C-4A49-8FBE-281A4E47A60F 2022-05-23T21:32:07Z -92.38797561931294 38.93400537684925 2022-09-08T08:09:15Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:09:08Z # mastodon-ios-apps Template ![ Icon]( - [GitHub Issue]( - [**App Store**]() - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - Home Page - Press Kit ![ Screens](screens/.png) - **App ID**: `1501485410` ## Description > Mastoot is a beautiful, elegant, and performant Mastodon client app. ## Developer Contact ## Embed ``` ``` ## Data [App Store Tools](shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=App%20Store%20Tools) --- --- [Local](drafts://open?uuid=FC33BE7A-1C8C-4A49-8FBE-281A4E47A60F) template,federated,curation,mastodon,i,index,documentation 0 false MultiMarkdown
DEB4C792-DA8B-4965-AACE-E319E6588422 2022-02-12T17:26:53Z -92.38797162517679 38.93402083830775 2022-07-23T22:56:46Z -92.38797649270633 38.93399937834376 2022-08-10T04:27:27Z # Notes Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [**GitHub Issue**](<|>) - Local - [Notes]([[draft_open_url]]) - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - Things --- ## Social ## General ## Reference ## Reading template,notes,psalms 0 false MultiMarkdown
466A14AF-AAC7-4170-A40F-A5E975DFDBF4 2022-04-21T04:01:19Z -92.38826910984854 38.93387607938176 2022-09-08T08:05:11Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:05:07Z # Raindrop Collection Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [**URL**]( - [RSS]([[clipboard]]/feed) - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - [In-App]([[clipboard]]) **ID**: `[[clipboard]]` --- ## Description ## Embed `header, excerpt, info, add` ``` <iframe style=“border: 0; width: 100%; height: 650px;” allowfullscreen frameborder=“0” src=“[[clipboard]]/embed/theme=auto&hide=header%2C+excerpt%2C+info%2C+add&sort=-created”></iframe> ``` <iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 450px;" allowfullscreen frameborder="0" src=""></iframe> === <iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 1000px;" allowfullscreen frameborder="0" src=""></iframe> template,raindrop,index,curation,documentation 0 false MultiMarkdown
2122EBD3-F4E4-4D55-AABE-2086BE94C5AC 2022-08-17T21:07:10Z -92.3879737325904 38.93398683874611 2022-09-08T08:05:58Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:05:15Z # Repository Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [**Repository**]( - [Raw README File]([REPO]/master/ - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - Things --- <|> dev,git,index,web,reference,template 0 false MultiMarkdown
FAC94ED8-CE40-4166-886C-9ED67692FA22 2022-06-24T08:51:45Z -92.38797696121317 38.93400707664466 2022-09-08T10:52:34Z -92.38818836681875 38.93396381198738 2022-09-08T10:52:34Z # Rolodex Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [**Cardhop**]( - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - [Email](mailto:) --- email,x,correspondence,rolodex,reference,index,template 0 false MultiMarkdown
96FE9F39-C720-4269-ADF9-6A6AE5DABFE4 2021-05-30T16:35:49Z -92.38820883415903 38.9339673651398 2022-08-08T21:03:53Z -92.38822639906601 38.93393903855655 2022-08-18T13:09:56Z # RoutineHub/Shortcut Documentation Template <|> Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [GitHub Issue]( - [**RoutineHub Page**]( - [iCloud Share Link]() - [Working Copy](working-copy://open?repo=i&path=shortcuts&mode=content) - [Source Repo File]( - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - Things --- ## Social - Telegram --- ## Short description. --- ## Contact - [Contact Card]( - [Telegram]( - [Email]( - [Twitter]( - [Mastodon]( - [Discord]( - [*Everywhere*]( i,automation,template,shortcuts,documentation 0 false MultiMarkdown
D2697A00-6C9F-4B4F-B186-0211819C59E2 2022-06-19T20:18:15Z -92.38797426542342 38.93401276142334 2022-06-22T07:02:13Z -92.38797696121317 38.93400707664466 2022-06-19T23:54:23Z # Runestone iTextEditors Submission - [GitHub Issue]( - [Repository file]( - [Gist]( ![DraftsExample]( ## Social @ttscoff hey Brett, I'm working on a submission to iTextEditors for @simonbs' Runestone and well... I'm trying not to suck lol. especially because our terminology has changed so much since file provider storage became an assumption. would it be disruptive if I mostly copy from his press kit? it's pretty succinct. also, somewhat separately - since I ended up making it for myself, anyway - I thought I'd share this rough template for those of us who'd feel more comfortable preparing our submissions in markdown beforehand. just in case you think it might be useful to others. --- ### Replies It's totally cool to re-use press material. The features that are already included in the checkboxes should be cut, and lines longer than ~60ch should be abbreviated, but I do that on my end as necessary, too. -[@ttscoff]( are y'all gon shame me for using the huge icons. --- Submit a new editor or a correction to an existing listing. Correction submissions may fill out just the affected fields, your contact info and a clarification note. This listing is for PLAIN TEXT editors only. If your app cannot edit and export plain text, it will not be listed. All submissions will be reviewed before publishing. --- - **App name**: Runestone Text Editor - **Price**: 0.00 *Enter the USD price for the app. If the app is free, enter 0.00.* - **App Store ID**: 1548193893 - **Homepage**: *Developer pages are preferred, App Store links may be used if none exists. App Store links will be generated automatically in the listing based on App ID.* ## Platform *Check all that apply* - [x] iPhone - [x] iPad ## Export options *Check all that apply* - [ ] Dropbox - [ ] iCloud - [ ] WebDAV - [ ] iTunes - [ ] Simplenote - [ ] Proprietary - [ ] Plain Text - [ ] Copy HTML - [ ] Email text - [ ] Email HTML - [ ] PDF - [x] Print - [x] Open in... - [x] Document Provider - [x] iCloud Drive *Add additional sync/transport options under "additional features".* ## Standard features *Check all that apply* - [ ] TextExpander - [ ] Markdown preview/export - [ ] Markdown editing features - [x] Appearance options - [ ] Extra keyboard row - [x] In-document search - [x] Search and replace - [x] Full-text file search - [ ] Word count - [ ] Character count - [ ] Page count - [ ] Reading time - [ ] URL scheme - [ ] Web browser - [x] Syntax highlighting - [ ] Desktop companion - [x] Split Screen *Add unlisted features/clarifications under "additional features".* --- ## Additional features *One feature per line, one line per feature, no hyphens or asterisks at the beginning. Please keep them short and concise.* ... ## Contact info (email) and additional comments ... index,text,curation,i,template 0 false MultiMarkdown
8D021F9A-C7AF-4C6C-B0F7-FC5A6D28B0B4 2022-01-15T06:52:27Z -92.38818331582209 38.93386349317632 2022-01-15T06:55:06Z -92.38818331582209 38.93386349317632 2022-01-15T06:58:16Z # Shortcut Comment Template Short description My contact information: Email: Contact card: RoutineHub Profile: GitHub: Telegram: Twitter: Reddit: Mastodon: EVERYWHERE: shortcuts,template 0 false MultiMarkdown
3510B68D-180E-4847-A976-72BEFCADCD24 2022-07-23T20:50:42Z -92.38797649270633 38.93399937834376 2022-09-08T08:04:40Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:04:37Z # Snippets Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [Drafts](drafts://open?uuid=CAABBB06-186C-437D-BC30-65844BDBEC2B) - [WTF]( - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - Simplenote Local - Simplenote Publish - Things --- snippets,simplenote,template,documentation,reference 0 false MultiMarkdown
56FEF823-A9DF-46F3-BDFB-A23C0273AE8F 2021-12-08T14:09:02Z -92.38101538279311 38.95535394087335 2022-07-23T22:55:49Z -92.38797649270633 38.93399937834376 2022-07-27T09:33:01Z # The Psalms Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [**GitHub Issue**](<|>) - [Local]([[draft_open_url]]) - Notes - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - Things --- ## The most magical configurables I've ever created for iOS by a long way. <!--more--> <!--comment--> drafts,template,psalms 0 false MultiMarkdown
D559716B-3FEF-4516-807F-7FE08A0873AB 2022-02-21T11:53:26Z -92.38797354834561 38.934018729569246 2022-02-21T11:54:09Z -92.38797354834561 38.934018729569246 2022-02-21T11:53:26Z # Tilde.Town Blog Template | 02212022-055406 template,~,blog 0 false MultiMarkdown
4162D7C6-8E71-4612-9870-5A3FC2F00B39 2022-09-04T15:48:42Z -92.25709689541083 38.963722023676326 2022-09-08T08:04:28Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:09:48Z # Underdocumented Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [**GitHub Issue**]( - [Drafts](drafts://open?uuid=CAABBB06-186C-437D-BC30-65844BDBEC2B) - [WTF]( - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - Simplenote Local - Simplenote Publish - Things --- template,i,documentation,underdocumented,support 0 false MultiMarkdown
0C4EFDE4-A9BF-4872-B163-2EF9E6A30D04 2022-07-24T04:28:49Z -92.38842950673276 38.93385458674285 2022-09-08T08:09:44Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:09:39Z # Video Template Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [**GitHub Issue**](<|>) - Local - [Notes]([[draft_open_url]]) - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - Things --- ## Social --- ## Meta ### Description ※⃣ ※⃣ ※⃣ ※⃣ ※⃣ ※⃣ ※⃣ ※⃣ ※⃣ ※⃣ World Wide Web: Contact Card: Twitter: Mastodon: Instagram: 【※】【※】【※】【※】【※】【※】【※】【※】【※】【※】 『※』『※』『※』『※』『※』『※』『※』『※』『※』『※』 ≋※≋※≋※≋※≋※≋※≋※≋※≋※≋※≋ ░※░※░※░※░※░※░※░※░※░※░ meta,video,youtube,images,template 0 false MultiMarkdown
CAABBB06-186C-437D-BC30-65844BDBEC2B 2022-04-11T01:09:57Z -92.3882736083831 38.93389818423677 2022-09-08T08:09:35Z -92.38798884673508 38.934034286813294 2022-09-08T08:09:20Z # WTF Template <|> Updated `[[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]]` - [[[display_title]]]([[permalink]]) - [WTF]([[uuid]].html) - [Local](shareddocuments:///private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Written/[[uuid]].md) - Things --- template 0 false MultiMarkdown
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