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Forked from omz/
Created April 19, 2023 10:01
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import ui
# Mapping based on
CHARMAP = {'!': '\xc2\xa1', '"': ',,',
"'": ',', '&': '\xe2\x85\x8b',
')': '(', '(': ')', ',': "'",
'.': '\xcb\x99',
'1': '\xc6\x96',
'0': '0', '3': '\xc6\x90',
'2': '\xe1\x84\x85',
'5': '\xcf\x9b',
'4': '\xe3\x84\xa3',
'7': '\xe3\x84\xa5', '6': '9',
'9': '6', '8': '8', '<': '>',
'?': '\xc2\xbf', '>': '<',
'A': '\xe2\x88\x80',
'C': '\xc6\x86', 'B': 'B',
'E': '\xc6\x8e', 'D': 'D',
'G': '\xd7\xa4',
'F': '\xe2\x84\xb2',
'I': 'I', 'H': 'H', 'K': 'K',
'J': '\xc5\xbf', 'M': 'W',
'L': '\xcb\xa5', 'O': 'O',
'N': 'N', 'Q': 'Q',
'P': '\xd4\x80', 'S': 'S',
'R': 'R', 'U': '\xe2\x88\xa9',
'T': '\xe2\x94\xb4', 'W': 'M',
'V': '\xce\x9b',
'Y': '\xe2\x85\x84',
'X': 'X', '[': ']',
'Z': 'Z', ']': '[',
'_': '\xe2\x80\xbe',
'a': '\xc9\x90', '`': ',',
'c': '\xc9\x94', 'b': 'q',
'e': '\xc7\x9d', 'd': 'p',
'g': '\xc6\x83',
'f': '\xc9\x9f',
'i': '\xe1\xb4\x89',
'h': '\xc9\xa5',
'k': '\xca\x9e',
'j': '\xc9\xbe',
'm': '\xc9\xaf',
'l': 'l', 'o': 'o', 'n': 'u',
'q': 'b', 'p': 'd', 's': 's',
'r': '\xc9\xb9', 'u': 'n',
't': '\xca\x87',
'w': '\xca\x8d',
'v': '\xca\x8c',
'y': '\xca\x8e', 'x': 'x',
'{': '}', 'z': 'z', '}': '{',
'-': '-'
class TextViewDelegate (object):
def textview_should_change(self, tv, rng, repl):
if repl == '':
return True
ud = ''.join(reversed([CHARMAP.get(x, x) for x in repl]))
text_len = len(tv.text)
tv.replace_range(rng, ud)
tv.selected_range = rng[0], rng[0]
return False
tv = ui.TextView()
def copy_action(sender):
import clipboard
import console
copy_button = ui.ButtonItem(title='Copy', action=copy_action)
tv.right_button_items = [copy_button]
tv.autocapitalization_type = ui.AUTOCAPITALIZE_NONE
tv.autocorrection_type = False
tv.spellchecking_type = False
tv.font = ('HelveticaNeue', 36)
tv.delegate = TextViewDelegate() = 'Upside-Down Text'
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