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Last active September 18, 2018 09:22
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type username = string;
type state = {userName: option(username)};
type action =
| SetUserName(option(username));
/* Webapi: */
let redirectToLogin = () => {
let currentUrl = Webapi.Dom.location |> Webapi.Dom.Location.href |> Js.Global.encodeURIComponent;
let url = "" ++ currentUrl;
Webapi.Dom.location |. Webapi.Dom.Location.setHref(url)
let handleLoadUserName = (_payload, {ReasonReact.send}) =>
Fetch.RequestInit.make(~credentials=Include, ())
|> then_(
(res) => {
let isOK = res |> Fetch.Response.ok;
if (isOK) {
|> Fetch.Response.json
|> Js.Promise.then_((r) => {Some(r |> NameJsonDecoder) |. SetUserName |> send; Js.Promise.resolve() } )
} else {
let status = res |> Fetch.Response.status;
let statusText = res |> Fetch.Response.statusText;
if (status == 401) {
|> catch((err) => Js.log(err))
|> ignore;
let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("KeycloakAppV2");
let make = (_children) => {
initialState: () => {userName: None},
reducer: (action, state) =>
switch action {
| SetUserName(userName) => ReasonReact.Update({...state, userName})
didMount: ({handle}) => handle(handleLoadUserName, ()),
render: ({state}) =>
switch state.userName {
| Some(u) => <MaybeSomeSecuredComponents user=(u) />
| None => <div> ("You're not logged in" |> ReasonReact.str) </div>
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