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Created June 10, 2016 09:51
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Productive coprogramming in the Par monad
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module Productive where
-- | Productive coprogramming in the Par monad. Based off of
-- "Productive Coprogramming with Guarded Recursion" by Robert
-- Atkey and Conor McBride.
import Prelude hiding (fix, take)
import Unsafe.Coerce
-- Your favorite implementation of monad-par
import MiniPar (Par, IVar, fork, get, put, new, newFull)
-- | Clock-variable @k@ annotated guardedness type constructor;
-- this says that a value of type @a@ was constructed on time stream
-- @k@.
data Clock
newtype D (k :: Clock) a = D { unD :: IVar a }
-- D is a functor, but not in Hask: it is a functor in the
-- Kleisli category for some monad. (BTW, FunctorM used to exist in
-- base, but it was replaced by Foldable and Traversable. But those
-- classes are not right for this case.)
-- | Functor in the Kleisli category @m@.
class Monad m => FunctorM m f where
fmapM :: (a -> m b) -> f a -> m (f b)
-- | Applicative functor in the Kleisli category @m@.
class Monad m => ApplicativeM m f where
pureM :: a -> m (f a)
apM :: f (a -> m b) -> f a -> m (f b)
instance FunctorM Par (D k) where
fmapM :: (a -> Par b) -> D k a -> Par (D k b)
fmapM f (D va) = do
vb <- new
fork $ do
a <- get va
put vb =<< f a
return (D vb)
instance ApplicativeM Par (D k) where
pureM :: a -> Par (D k a)
pureM = fmap D . newFull
apM :: D k (a -> Par b) -> D k a -> Par (D k b)
apM (D vf) (D va) = do
vb <- new
fork $ do
f <- get vf
a <- get va
put vb =<< f a
return (D vb)
-- | Helper function. Technically you can build this with pureM and apM
-- but it is a pain.
apM2 :: D k (a -> b -> Par c) -> D k a -> D k b -> Par (D k c)
apM2 (D vf) (D va) (D vb) = do
vc <- new
fork $ do
f <- get vf
a <- get va
b <- get vb
put vc =<< f a b
return (D vc)
-- | Fixpoint operator lets you refer to the result of your computation,
-- but the knot tying variable may only be used in a guarded way.
fix :: (D k a -> Par a) -> Par a
fix f = do
v <- new
a <- f (D v)
put v a
return a
-- | A guarded value can be observed today, if it was constructed from
-- a universally quantified time stream (allowing us to make any finite
-- observation.)
force0 :: (forall (k :: Clock). D k a) -> Par a
force0 (D v) = get v
-- Some helpers to deal with Haskell's lack of type-level lambda.
newtype ForAll f = ForAll { unForAll :: forall (k :: Clock). f k }
newtype ForAll1 f a = ForAll1 { unForAll1 :: forall (k :: Clock). f k a }
newtype ForAll2 f a b = ForAll2 { unForAll2 :: forall (k :: Clock). f k a b }
-- When the clock variable can occur in the type (i.e., f is
-- parametrized by k), we must ensure that once we force it, the
-- universal quantifier is *inside* the monad; otherwise, when we
-- bind the value, the quantifier will get skolemized. I don't
-- know if there is a way to implement these functions without
-- unsafeCoerce. Since Clock is an uninhabited kind, it's easy
-- to see that these types are representationally equal.
force :: (forall (k :: Clock). D k (f k) ) -> Par (ForAll f)
force1 :: (forall (k :: Clock). D k (f k a) ) -> Par (ForAll1 f a)
force2 :: (forall (k :: Clock). D k (f k a b)) -> Par (ForAll2 f a b)
force d = get (unsafeCoerce d)
force1 d = get (unsafeCoerce d)
force2 d = get (unsafeCoerce d)
-- Similarly, if we have a universally quantified monadic computation
-- of some type, we also have a monadic computation of a universally
-- quantified type.
commute :: (forall (k :: Clock). Par (f k)) -> Par (ForAll f)
commute1 :: (forall (k :: Clock). Par (f k a)) -> Par (ForAll1 f a)
commute2 :: (forall (k :: Clock). Par (f k a b)) -> Par (ForAll2 f a b)
commute m = unsafeCoerce m
commute1 m = unsafeCoerce m
commute2 m = unsafeCoerce m
-- Here are stream examples from the paper.
data Stream k a = Cons { scar :: a, scdr :: D k (Stream k a) }
ones :: Par (Stream k Int)
ones = fix $ \d -> return (Cons 1 d)
mergef :: (a -> a -> D k (Stream k a) -> Par (Stream k a))
-> Stream k a -> Stream k a -> Par (Stream k a)
mergef f xs ys = do
go <- fix $ \g -> return $ \(Cons x xs) (Cons y ys) ->
f x y =<< apM2 g xs ys
go xs ys
deStreamCons :: forall a. (forall (k :: Clock). Stream k a) -> Par (a, ForAll1 Stream a)
deStreamCons s = do
ds <- force1 (scdr s)
return (scar s, ds)
take :: Int -> (forall (k :: Clock). Stream k a) -> Par [a]
take 0 _ = return []
take n s = do
(x, s') <- deStreamCons s
xs <- take (n - 1) (unForAll1 s')
return (x : xs)
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