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Created January 7, 2018 02:52
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" Make, but with a few improvements: write before we try it, suppress
" the output (it's going to show up in the quickfix buffer) and induce
" a redraw, because some output might leak out anyway
map m :w<CR>:silent make<CR>:redraw!<CR>
" Make the quickfix buffer only three lines high, so we conserve screen estate
au FileType qf call AdjustWindowHeight(3, 6)
function! AdjustWindowHeight(minheight, maxheight)
let l = 1
let n_lines = 0
let w_width = winwidth(0)
while l <= line('$')-3
" number to float for division
let l_len = strlen(getline(l)) + 0.0
let line_width = l_len/w_width
let n_lines += float2nr(ceil(line_width))
let l += 1
exe max([min([n_lines, a:maxheight]), a:minheight]) . "wincmd _"
" Make, but with a few improvements: write before we try it, suppress
" the output (it's going to show up in the quickfix buffer) and induce
" a redraw, because some output might leak out anyway
map m :w<CR>:silent make<CR>:redraw!<CR>
" Make the quickfix buffer only three lines high, so we conserve screen estate
au FileType qf call AdjustWindowHeight(3, 6)
function! AdjustWindowHeight(minheight, maxheight)
let l = 1
let n_lines = 0
let w_width = winwidth(0)
while l <= line('$')-3
" number to float for division
let l_len = strlen(getline(l)) + 0.0
let line_width = l_len/w_width
let n_lines += float2nr(ceil(line_width))
let l += 1
exe max([min([n_lines, a:maxheight]), a:minheight]) . "wincmd _"
" Skip QuickFix window when cycling buffers
nnoremap <silent> <C-w><C-w> <C-w><C-w>:if &buftype ==# 'quickfix'<Bar>wincmd w<Bar>endif<CR>
" From
" Because Vim is dumb and doesn't flush multiline at the top
" I picked the keys based on unimpaired (though I'm not using them.)
map ]q :cwindow<CR>:cn<CR><c-w>bz<CR><CR>
map [q :cwindow<CR>:cp<CR><c-w>bz<CR><CR>
map ]e :lnext<CR><CR>
map [e :lprev<CR><CR>
" Automatically open the QuickFix window after make
function! Mycwindow()
" Cribbed from
for i in range(1, winnr('$'))
let bnum = winbufnr(i)
if getbufvar(bnum, '&buftype') == 'quickfix'
" It would be better to use bnum to jump but
" whatever this works
call feedkeys("\<c-w>bz\<CR>\<CR>")
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* nested call Mycwindow()
autocmd QuickFixCmdPost l* nested lwindow
set errorformat^=%-G%.%#bound\ at%.%#
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