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Last active October 20, 2016 05:51
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Fluentd, Kafka, InfluxDB, Grafanaでメトリクス監視環境を作る ref:
@type dstat
tag raw_dstat
option -cmldrn
delay 10
tmp_file /tmp/dstat_all.csv
@type exec
tag raw_df
command df -TP | sed 1d | sed 's/%//' | sed 's/\s\+/\t/g'
run_interval 10s
format tsv
keys device,type,size,used,available,capacity,mounted_on
<filter raw_df>
@type record_transformer
enable_ruby true
hostname ${hostname}
<match raw_dstat raw_df>
@type kafka_buffered
brokers kafkabroker001:9092,kafkabroker002:9092
default_topic metrics-topic
flush_interval 60
buffer_type file
buffer_path /tmp/td-agent.*.buffer
output_data_type json
output_include_tag true
output_include_time true
@type kafka_group
brokers kafkabroker001:9092,kafkabroker002:9092
consumer_group consumer_group_001
topics metrics-topic
format json
<match metrics-topic>
@type record_reformer
tag ${record['tag']}
enable_ruby true
auto_typecast true
<match raw_dstat>
@type copy
@type record_reformer
tag cpu
enable_ruby true
auto_typecast true
renew_record true
host ${record['hostname']}
usr ${record['dstat']['total_cpu_usage']['usr'].to_f}
sys ${record['dstat']['total_cpu_usage']['sys'].to_f}
idl ${record['dstat']['total_cpu_usage']['idl'].to_f}
wai ${record['dstat']['total_cpu_usage']['wai'].to_f}
hiq ${record['dstat']['total_cpu_usage']['hiq'].to_f}
siq ${record['dstat']['total_cpu_usage']['siq'].to_f}
time ${record['time']}
@type record_reformer
tag mem
enable_ruby true
auto_typecast true
renew_record true
host ${record['hostname']}
used ${record['dstat']['memory_usage']['used'].to_f}
buff ${record['dstat']['memory_usage']['buff'].to_f}
cach ${record['dstat']['memory_usage']['cach'].to_f}
free ${record['dstat']['memory_usage']['free'].to_f}
time ${record['time']}
@type record_reformer
tag load
enable_ruby true
auto_typecast true
renew_record true
host ${record['hostname']}
1m ${record['dstat']['load_avg']['1m'].to_f}
5m ${record['dstat']['load_avg']['5m'].to_f}
15m ${record['dstat']['load_avg']['15m'].to_f}
time ${record['time']}
@type record_reformer
tag disk
enable_ruby true
auto_typecast true
renew_record true
host ${record['hostname']}
read ${record['dstat']['dsk/total']['read'].to_f}
writ ${record['dstat']['dsk/total']['writ'].to_f}
time ${record['time']}
@type record_reformer
tag diskio
enable_ruby true
auto_typecast true
renew_record true
host ${record['hostname']}
read ${record['dstat']['io/total']['read'].to_f}
writ ${record['dstat']['io/total']['writ'].to_f}
time ${record['time']}
@type record_reformer
tag net
enable_ruby true
auto_typecast true
renew_record true
host ${record['hostname']}
recv ${record['dstat']['net/total']['recv'].to_f}
send ${record['dstat']['net/total']['send'].to_f}
time ${record['time']}
<match raw_df>
@type record_reformer
tag df
enable_ruby true
auto_typecast true
renew_record true
host ${record['hostname']}
size ${record['size'].to_f}
used ${record['used'].to_f}
available ${record['available'].to_f}
capacity ${record['capacity'].to_f}
device ${record['device']}
type ${record['type']}
mounted_on ${record['mounted_on']}
time ${record['time']}
<filter df cpu mem load disk diskio net>
@type record_transformer
renew_time_key time
<filter df cpu mem load disk diskio net>
@type record_transformer
remove_keys time
<match df cpu mem load disk diskio net>
@type copy
@type influxdb
host influxdb001
port 8086
dbname metrics_db
user kafka
password kafka
use_ssl false
verify_ssl false
tag_keys ["host", "device"]
time_precision s
flush_interval 10s
@type influxdb
host influxdb002
port 8086
dbname metrics_db
user kafka
password kafka
use_ssl false
verify_ssl false
tag_keys ["host", "device", "type", "mounted_on",]
time_precision s
flush_interval 10s
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