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Last active June 27, 2019 09:09
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AspNetCore.Mvc action filter for ensuring validation of both model state and all action parameters as a precondition to a MVC action
/// <summary>
/// This action filter ensures ModelState.IsValid is true as a precondition to entry into the MVC action
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This class also validates all action parameters unlike the default behavior of ModelState.IsValid
/// </remarks>
/// <see cref="" />
public class EnsureModelStateIsValid : ActionFilterAttribute
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<MethodInfo, ParameterInfo[]> MethodCache
= new ConcurrentDictionary<MethodInfo, ParameterInfo[]>();
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
if (context.ModelState.IsValid) return;
context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(context.ModelState);
private void ValidateParameters(ActionExecutingContext context)
var descriptor = context.ActionDescriptor as ControllerActionDescriptor;
if (descriptor == null) return;
foreach (var param in GetParameters(descriptor.MethodInfo))
object arg;
context.ActionArguments.TryGetValue(param.Name, out arg);
Validate(param, arg, context.ModelState);
private void Validate(ParameterInfo parameter, object argument, ModelStateDictionary modelState)
var paramAttrs = parameter.CustomAttributes.Where(x => typeof(ValidationAttribute).IsAssignableFrom(x.AttributeType));
foreach (var attr in paramAttrs)
var validationAttribute = parameter.GetCustomAttribute(attr.AttributeType) as ValidationAttribute;
if (validationAttribute == null) continue;
if (validationAttribute.IsValid(argument)) continue;
modelState.AddModelError(parameter.Name, validationAttribute.FormatErrorMessage(parameter.Name));
private static IEnumerable<ParameterInfo> GetParameters(MethodInfo method) => MethodCache.GetOrAdd(method, x => x.GetParameters());
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Hi @dotnetchris,
I'm not sure I understand how MethodCache would work.
It's there to speed up getting the list of parameters, right? But when we call GetOrAdd, the expression method.GetParameters() is evaluated every time anyway, so we get no improvement by having the cache, do we?

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@markvincze good catch that should be GetOrAdd(method, x => x.GetParameters())

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