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Created April 11, 2015 16:11
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open Core_kernel.Std
module type Itemize = sig
val dump : string list -> string
module HTML : Itemize = struct
let dump xs =
let buf = Buffer.create 0 in
let put_item x =
Buffer.add_string buf "<li>";
Buffer.add_string buf x;
Buffer.add_string buf "<li>";
Buffer.add_string buf "<ul>";
List.iter xs ~f:put_item;
Buffer.add_string buf "</ul>";
Buffer.contents buf
module Text : Itemize = struct
let dump xs =
let buf = Buffer.create 0 in
let put_item x =
Buffer.add_string buf "- ";
Buffer.add_string buf x;
Buffer.add_string buf "\n";
List.iter xs ~f:put_item;
Buffer.contents buf
let printer title content ((module M): (module Itemize)) =
Printf.printf "** %s **\n" (title);
print_string @@ M.dump content
let main title flag =
let xs = ["foo"; "bar"; "boo";] in
match flag with
| "html" | "HTML" -> printer title xs (module HTML)
| _ -> printer title xs (module Text)
let () =
main Sys.argv.(1) Sys.argv.(2)
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