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5 things I wished someone told me before building a Swagger-Express and PostgreSQL application

4/18/2017 -- Kevin Lam

Hello there, my friend.

If you're looking for an in-depth Hello World tutorial, this is the wrong place. However if you're looking to laugh at, sympathize, or empathize with the struggles of an average web developer, then you've come to the right place. Ok actually I take that back, this is going to be somewhat of a Hello World tutorial and a slight I-wish-someone-told-me-this-before-I-wasted-all-this-time rant combined.

Before we go any further, here is a list of tools and their versions I used:

In this read, I will not go in depth as to why I chose a specific tool over another based on my lack of experience with other tools in the community. I started with these tools based on recommendations I was given and so here was my first attempt.

Note: I am developing on a Mac Operating System. I do not account for Windows or Linux development.

#0: Set up

Let's check if you have Node.js and npm installed. If not, you can download it here. I am currently using Node 7.6.0, but it's ok to download and install the latest version.

npm -v & node -v to check whether you already have node or npm.

Now to install our dependencies:

  • npm install --save express pg

  • npm install -g swagger knex

  • swagger project create INSERT_NAME (Use the arrow keys and choose Express with the enter key)

#1: Plan, map out, and finalize your data architecture.

Please. Please. Please for the love of all that is good in this world. Please have an idea of what you're data architecture is going to look like. Throughout building this project, I was ambiguous with my data models and a bit messy with data exchange from one function to another. As a result, I was forced to backtrack and fix my migration schema(more on that below) time and time again. From being forced to fix my migration schema, I was then led to configure my swagger.yaml file accordingly. Whether your response returns a primitive or reference data type, it would be incredibly convenient to a developer if they knew exactly what to build first to be effective vs. being efficient. So plan your data architecture accordingly and accrue the least amount of technical debt.

#2: Create the database and start the server

First off, our migrations use a knexfile.js that specifies various configuration settings.

Run the following command in the terminal:

knex init which creates our knexfile.js with some pre-set configuration

Feel free to delete everything and start fresh or simply delete the development, test, and production key values.

For some simple configuration, please resemble this following format in your knexfile.js:


Here, we are directing all three keys to be using PostgreSQL as the client with a connection pointing towards its respective databases. You might have already noticed that the production key is pointing to a connection of process.env.DATABASE_URL. When deploying to Heroku, we will have to set some environment variables for the production environment in which case the connection will point to Heroku's environment variable of DATABASE_URL. Do NOT put your own database URL in. Leave it as is. Only change the DATABASE_NAME in the development and test keys.

ALRIGHT. Now that we're hopefully on the same page, let's create our database first by running the following command on the terminal:

createdb DATABASE_NAME_dev to create our development environment database

createdb DATABASE_NAME_test to create our test environment database

psql -l to check if our database has been made or not. You should be able to see a list of your databases here.

I've made the mistake of creating my migrations before even creating the database itself. D'oh.

Once we have our knexfile.js, run this command on the terminal:

  • knex migrate:make INSERT_SCHEMA_NAME

Here is an example migration schema:

example schema

So there's several things going on here. We are returning a Promise within the exports.up and exports.down functions. Within the function itself, we are using the table parameter passed in through the arrow function to invoke knex schema building such as the table.increments(), table.string(), and table.integer().

Once you've configured your knex schema, it's time to make our migrations. If you do not already have PostgreSQL, an easy way to install it is with Homebrew by running brew install postgres

If you want to understand more about what's happening under the hood or if you're having trouble, here's PostgreSQL's in depth installation guide(good luck, my friend).

Now that we have our migration schemas. Let's actually make the migration. Run the following command in the terminal:

knex migrate:latest

Onto creating the seeds now!

Run the following command in the terminal:

knex seed:make 00_SEED_NAME to create a seed.

knex seed:make 01_NEXT_SEED_NAME to create the next seed and so on...

Here I give it a file name of 00_SEED_NAME to run my seeds in an order I specify. Otherwise, we have no control over what order knex runs our seeds in.

Here's an example:

knex seeds

If you haven't noticed yet, I have a .then() after knex.insert() on line 25 - 27. Something I wish I would have known when building out my database is this incredibly clutch piece of code. To be frank, I am still trying to understand what is exactly going on here. To keep it short and I may very well be wrong so take it with a grain of salt, I believe this knex statement appropriately increments my database table primary ID's whenever deleting a row followed up with an insert statement(Please correct me in the comments if I am wrong. I'd like to know what is happening here also and for the sake of everyone else too).

Now that we've made our seeds, it's time to run them.

Run the following command in the terminal:

knex seed:run

Great! We have our seeds now along with our migrations. No one ever congratulated me at this point, but let's give a round of applause for creating our first(perhaps my third or fourth, but still a reason to celebrate) database with successful migrations and seeds.

To start the swagger project, run the following command in the terminal:

swagger project start (Make sure we're in the project directory)

To make sure your server is running correctly, you should see something like this:

Swagger Project Start

We can run either command to test our first route that Swagger provides for us.

In a browser: httpL://localhost:10010/hello?name=INSERT_NAME


In the terminal: curl

Now, I'm hoping you've been using your own name already or some sort of generic name whenever I've been writing INSERT_NAME or TABLE_NAME. If not, then worry not. You'll just have strange database and table names. I won't judge.

#3: Configure the Swagger.yaml

  • Create our first GET route

Now that we have our server running. We can either use Swagger's own provided editor or configure the swagger.yaml ourselves.

To use swagger's provided route editor:

(Assuming we have our server already running)

Run the following command in the terminal:

swagger project edit


To configure the swagger.yaml with our own text editor:

The swagger.yaml path is /PROJECT_DIRECTORY/api/swagger

The only downside to using our own text editor is that we are not able to pick up small syntax and indentation errors that Swagger is particularly picky about. When using the swagger project editor, it will automatically write and save any changes into our own local swagger.yaml file.

Now that we've opened up the swagger.yaml file, we can see that Swagger has written a /hello path for us.

Here's an example path that I wrote up to give us an idea of how convenient it is to create a path using Swagger's API framework:

Example Swagger path

If you're feeling overwhelmed at this point, take deep breaths. This is perfectly normal and I also felt a bit overwhelmed. Let's take it one at a time.

  • On line 46, the x-swagger-router-controller is searching for the specific file located in /PROJECT_DIRECTORY/api/controllers. So this is where we'll create our new controller file mySpecifiedFile.js later
  • On line 49, within our controller file mySpecifiedFile.js, this GET request is searching for the function that will provide the server response. We'll touch on this more in #4.
  • Notice on line 69 and 75, I am using $ref to reference a definition that I specified below. This is where I can set the appropriate data types according to the data model.
    • PLAN YOUR DATA MODEL RIGHT THE FIRST TIME or at least spend an appropriate amount of time to finalize this. I cannot stress how important this is. I've experienced countless times where I've had to rollback my migrations (knex migrate:rollback), fix the seeds, reconfigure the swagger.yaml path and definition, and lastly writing out an appropriate response with Knex. Try to limit these changes since it will cause a lot of backtracking and unnecessary stress.

#4: Write the function logic using Knex

  • create the mySpecifiedFile.js and create the mySpecifiedFunction

Now that we have our Swagger path specified for us. Let's actually hook it up to give some sort of response. For the sake of brevity, I will not be writing out a full response. I will merely show what configuration is needed to get our first path up and running.

Here's the example of our function that's handling the path:

Example Swagger Function

Be sure to check that you have properly exported the mySpecifiedFunction on line 12.

#5: Run the server and check to see if it is working

Alright if you've made it this far, I would like to personally congratulate you that we have made our first Swagger route. Go ahead and test it out by going to the /PATH_NAME. Note that Swagger's validation system requires you to send the exact data model you specified in the swagger.yaml. If you specified in the responses that you will send a string, send a string in your response. Same goes with integers, arrays, and objects.

If you have any suggestions, improvements, or corrections above, please let me know. It'll be better for all of us to be as formally correct as possible. Please leave any questions or comments below and I will get to you as soon as possible.

Happy Coding!

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