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Created October 13, 2012 00:39
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Ember store.js file to support creating a model with its associations =
revision: 4
adapter: DS.RESTAdapter.create
bulkCommit: true
# Override DS.RESTAdapter#createRecords to send data to the server in the format that we
# need. By default, DS.RESTAdapter will format the data such that it pluralizes the entity
# name. However, our rails controllers (for creating) expect a POST with something like:
# {
# post: {
# title: "some title"
# content: "blah blah"
# categorizations: [
# {
# category_id: 2
# }
# ]
# }
# }
createRecords: (store, type, records) ->
return @_super(store, type, records) if @get('bulkCommit') == false
root = @rootForType(type)
plural = @pluralize(root)
data = {}
if records.get('length') > 1
data[plural] = (record) ->
else if records.get('length') == 1
data[root] = records.get('firstObject').toJSON()
@ajax(@buildURL(root), "POST",
data: data
context: this
success: (json) ->
if records.get('length') > 1
@didCreateRecords(store, type, records, json)
@didCreateRecord(store, type, records.get('firstObject'), json)
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